Let’s consider two seemingly unrelated protective behaviors: using a condom to interrupt
the transmission of HIV and wearing a mask to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2. At
first blush, these two activities would seem to have very little in common. Not only
do they involve distinctly different features of the human anatomy but the latter
(i.e., mask wearing) is a practice typically adopted in public venues, while the former
takes place in the most private of settings. Yet, on closer consideration, there are
discernable similarities between these two practices. Both actions are often perceived
as inconvenient or troublesome, fettering as they do, natural biologic activities.
Furthermore, despite documented efficacy, the prevention effectiveness of both requires
ready access to the needed gear along with the knowledge and skills of how to properly
and consistently use said gear. Just as there are incorrect ways to don and doff a
condom, masks, too, can be worn in a fashion that defeats their intended purpose.
And finally, the uptake of both of these prevention practices can be significantly
influenced by our own attitudes as well as the attitudes and practices of our peers
and other, so-called, opinion leaders.
This rather metaphorical comparison is offered not as an exercise in intellectual
calisthenics, but to assert that efforts to promote the consistent and proper use
of face masks to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2 will require the same breadth of
scientific underpinning that went into our national efforts to promote condom use
during the first decades of the AIDS epidemic. Currently, much of the discussion surrounding
mask wearing as a strategy to prevent the further spread of SARS-CoV-2 has focused
on the need for mandatory regulations to enforce consistent use [1]. While we agree
that structural interventions, such as policies requiring that masks be worn when
entering stores or other public places, play an important role in promoting consistent
mask wearing, we assert that encouraging the proper and consistent use of face masks
will require a broader effort—an effort that employs a variety of science-based interventions
to promote this protective behavior. Using examples from the published HIV/AIDS literature
on condom use, we highlight the importance of the following steps in developing a
family of strategies to promote the consistent and correct use of face masks to help
prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2:
collecting data to understand the frequency of the prevention behavior and the variables
and attitudes that influence its use;
using multiple channels of communication to promote accurate information about the
prevention behavior;
crafting targeted interventions to promote the uptake of the prevention behavior;
and, monitoring the uptake of the prevention behavior among specific populations and
within geographic areas to assess intervention effectiveness.
Collecting Data to Understand Frequency and Use
In the earliest years of the AIDS epidemic, when effective treatments were non-existent,
public health leaders focused on the importance of consistent and correct condom use
as one of the primary strategies to prevent the sexual transmission of the virus.
A critical component of those efforts entailed surveys and studies among key target
populations to assess the frequency of using condoms and to better understand the
variables and circumstances associated with their use. Collecting information from
sexually active gay men [2], heterosexual men and women presenting for STD clinic
services [3], women seeking contraceptive care [4], and women living in inner-city
public housing developments [5] helped to identify potential avenues for intervention,
including: improving ready access to condoms, addressing negative attitudes about
condoms and their use, developing condom negotiation skills, and creating strategies
to enhance partners’ acceptance of condoms.
Given the age of the COVID-19 pandemic (i.e., less than 1 year old at the time of
this writing), the lack of a robust literature on the variables associated with face
mask usage is not altogether surprising. Gallup, an American analytics and advisory
company, has been measuring US adults’ use of face masks since April 2020; their July
2020 assessment indicates than less than half (44%) of US adults report “always” wearing
a mask outside their home [6]. This same assessment revealed that women, persons identifying
as Democrats and those living in the Northeastern U.S. were most likely to always
use a mask in public. Variables influencing the use of face masks are likely to change
over time—indeed, the U.S. President’s recent endorsement of face masks was associated
with a significant increase in their support among members of his political party
[7]. Therefore, it will be necessary to continually assess the frequency of this protective
behavior among key target populations and in areas prone to community spread of SARS-CoV-2.
Furthermore, ongoing assessments will need to become more finely tuned in order to
unravel the demographic, attitudinal and situational factors associated with face
mask usage. As is evident when one reviews the formative literature on condom use
to prevent HIV, such nuanced information will be necessary in order to inform intervention
Promoting Accurate Information Through Multiple Channels
As acknowledged in print [8] and broadcast media [9], many Americans are confused
about current recommendations for mask wearing to prevent the spread of SARS-CoV-2.
In part, this confusion derives from changing recommendations about mask use, both
in the U.S. and elsewhere [10, 11]. Initially, facial coverings were not recommended
for the general public. Now, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
recommends that “people wear cloth face coverings in public settings and when around
people who don’t live in your household, especially when other social distancing measures
are difficult to maintain” [12]. In large part, these temporal variations in recommended
mask guidance stem from the expanding knowledge base related to both SARS-CoV-2 transmission
as well as the efficacy of face masks in preventing viral transmission. Although legitimate
questions remain about the overall prevention effectiveness of mask wearing at a population
level—especially when considering its impact on other prevention strategies such as
social distancing [13]—emerging evidence provides support for policies calling for
masking in public as a means of preventing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 [14–16].
In a scenario like the COVID-19 pandemic, where epidemiologic trends are emerging
at a rapid pace and new scientific findings are reported daily, accurate, unambiguous
and timely information, delivered through multiple channels, is critical. Here, too,
our nation’s response to the AIDS epidemic provides an exemplar. Granted, the absence
of both the world wide web and our now nearly ubiquitous social media made for a very
different communication landscape in the first decade of the U.S. AIDS epidemic. However,
responding to our, then, novel epidemic, the federal government invested in a variety
of strategies to spread accurate information about AIDS. A National AIDS Hotline was
established in February 1983 and provided toll-free, live information specialists
to answer questions about AIDS twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week [17]. In
1987, CDC implemented “America Responds to AIDS”—described as both a public information
and social marketing campaign, designed to disseminate “accurate and timely information
via multiple communication channels and vehicles” [18]. And in 1988, CDC mailed a
seven page informational booklet, “Understanding AIDS,” to every household in the
United States; special mailings were made to reach the military, Americans assigned
abroad, prisoners, persons in juvenile detention facilities and those living in homeless
shelters [19]. Among the topics addressed in the booklet were: “How Do you Get AIDS?”;
“What Behavior Puts You at Risk?”; and “What is All the Talk about Condoms?”. The
section on condoms stated unambiguously that “condoms are the best preventive measure
against AIDS besides not having sex” and provided basic information about proper condom
use [20].
None of the vehicles developed to disseminate accurate information about AIDS and
the practices needed to prevent its transmission-like consistent and correct condom
use—emerged overnight. But it is worth noting that in the absence of a vaccine or
a curative treatment for HIV infection, the federal government made substantial, sustained
investments into the development of long-term strategies to ensure that both the general
public as well as high-risk populations could access up-to-date information about
the epidemic, and steps to prevent viral transmission, in a timely and user-friendly
manner. We have not yet seen similar investments at the federal level as pertains
to information dissemination about SARS-CoV-2 and the COVID-19 pandemic.
Crafting Targeted Interventions to Promote the Prevention Behavior
When it comes to condom use, facial masking or any other prevention practice, accurate
information is important to dispel myths and to promote awareness. But by itself,
knowledge doesn’t necessarily translate into the desired behavior change. In addition
to other individual-level factors such as attitudes about the practice and one’s perceived
ability to adopt the behavior, external factors, including peer norms and the various
“costs” of adopting the desired prevention behavior, can strongly influence our actions.
As such, it is understandable that CDC recently noted that public health messages
targeting audiences not wearing cloth face coverings should “reinforce positive attitudes,
perceived norms, personal agency, and the physical health benefits of obtaining and
wearing cloth face coverings” [21]. Therefore, in addition to providing accurate information
about face masks for SARS-CoV-2 prevention, it will also be necessary to develop and
test specific interventions promoting their consistent and correct use.
Again, we can draw comparisons to related public health efforts to prevent HIV through
the promotion of consistent condom use. To achieve this desired outcome, the federal
government supported a variety of research studies to inform the scientific bases
for sound condom promotion programs. These efforts documented a number of key factors
that are important influencers of condom use, including: sexual communication skills
[22, 23]; condom use skills [24]; endorsement by popular opinion leaders [25]; community-wide
norms and practices [26]; and the availability of or accessibility to condoms [27].
Although these examples represent only a fraction of the research that has been and
continues to be published in this domain, they serve to underscore the critical role
that behavioral science plays in understanding and promoting the adoption of any prevention
practice. Public health interventions to promote the use of face masks as a strategy
to prevent SARS-CoV-2 will, likewise, require a sound science base.
Drawing the analogy to HIV prevention research even further, interventions cannot
be “one size fits all.” Interventions and messages promoting face mask use among young
adults who underestimate their risk of SARS-CoV-2 acquisition and the subsequent consequences
of COVID-19 disease will likely differ from efforts aimed at populations that are
at disproportionate risk for SARS-CoV-2 infection because of underlying disease conditions
and/or ambient social factors. As we learned during the HIV/AIDS epidemic, prevention
interventions must be tailored to the circumstances and needs of their specific audiences.
Therefore, even as we continue to invest in vaccine development and other biomedical
solutions to the pandemic, responding to the current threat of SARS-CoV-2 and preparing
for future pandemics of respiratory pathogens, requires that we support behavioral
science research to inform the development of other prevention interventions, including
consistent face mask use.
Monitoring the Uptake of the Prevention Behavior
Like all human behaviors, the frequency of a particular prevention practice can change
over time, increasing in some population segments while decreasing in others. These
variations may result from a host of influences ranging from alterations in individual
risk perception to shifts in the socio-economic milieu. Consequently, it becomes necessary
to monitor trends in prevention behaviors so as to determine the continued relevance
and effectiveness of prevention strategies. In the HIV realm, data from the National
HIV Behavioral Surveillance System [28] and other population-based longitudinal surveys
[29, 30] have been used to monitor trends in condom use and other prevention practices,
so as to inform the development of prevention policy and to identify needed modifications
to existing prevention messages and strategies.
Similar longitudinal surveys will be necessary to understand changes in face mask
use and other practices to prevent the transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Nor can we rely
solely on public opinion polls to provide this information. Instead, we need investment
at the federal level to provide states and localities with the resources they require
to develop sound behavioral surveillance systems, allowing them to collect complete
and valid data in a timely manner [31]. Evaluating changes in face mask use across
time and within various population segments will allow for rapid adjustments to SARS-CoV-2
messaging and, if called for, the development of new and enhanced interventions to
promote mask use.
As some readers may be aware, this is not the first instance of our suggesting that
America’s decades-long experience with the HIV/AIDS pandemic can provide valuable
insights into how best to respond to the epidemic spread of SARS-COV-2 [32]. Despite
substantial differences between the two viruses and the diseases that they cause,
reviewing the national response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic makes a strong case for the
importance of developing comprehensive, well-funded and long-term strategies when
faced with the threat of an expanding epidemic. As demonstrated by the select examples
provided in this commentary, the federal government’s efforts to promote condom use
to prevent the sexual transmission of HIV required sustained investments into the
development of surveillance systems to monitor the behavior, behavioral research studies
to identify targets for intervention, communication channels to disseminate accurate
information and community-based programs to promote “safer sex” and to provide ready
access to condoms and other prevention services. These systems did not develop immediately
nor were they solely the province of federal planners; leaders from academia, state
and local government and advocates from affected communities had a substantial role
in creating and shaping these efforts [33]. Nonetheless, without the necessary resources
and support at the federal level, it is unlikely that they would have developed in
a consistent and comprehensive manner across the United States.
Likewise, any serious effort to promote the use of face masks as a strategy to prevent
the transmission of SARS-CoV-2 must extend beyond issuing mandates and will require
strong federal backing as outlined above. Making state and local governments solely
responsible for addressing this need—especially at a time of looming budget shortfalls
[34]—is sure to result in an inadequate and uneven prevention response. Certainly,
the immediate and immense economic [35] and social issues (when and how best to re-open
schools, for example) engendered by this pandemic can often overshadow concerns that
are seemingly less consequential, such as how to promote prevention practices like
consistent face mask use. And at a time when so much of the national focus is, understandably,
centered on the development of a safe and effective SARS-CoV-2 vaccine, this concern
may appear to be of secondary importance. To that point, the National Institutes of
Health’s recent “NIH-Wide Strategic Plan for COVID-19 Research” states that “NIH will
support studies on preventive treatments, behavioral and community prevention practices,”
but makes no specific mention of funding behavioral research studies to help us better
understand the variables that influence the consistent use of face masks in community
settings [36].
Let’s be clear; face masks are no panacea for ending the COVID-19 pandemic. But in
the same way that condoms played a significant role in HIV prevention—especially in
the days before the availability of pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV and effective
treatments that can effectively interrupt sexual transmission of the virus—consistent
and correct face mask use can contribute to interrupting the spread of SARS-CoV-2.
But this is unlikely to happen without a national commitment to the development and
support of comprehensive, scientifically based prevention strategies that address
all relevant avenues for interrupting the spread of SARS-CoV-2.