Pan African Medical Journal: COVID-19

A Collection of research on COVID-19 and the SARS-CoV-2 virus published open access in the Pan African Medical Journal

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Collection details

Pan African Medical Journal
We believe that scientific work done in Africa should be rapidly and freely made available to all researchers worldwide. Aim: To create, stimulate and perpetuate a culture of information sharing and publishing amongst researchers and other health actors of the African health scene in ways that will contribute to availability of health information, better understanding of Africa specificities and overall, to improve health outcomes of the people on the continent. Scope: We publish original scientific research on clinical, public health, social, political, economic and all other factors affecting the health of populations in Africa.

PAMJ Special issue on COVID - 19 in Africa

The current COVID-19 pandemic has challenged even health systems that have traditionally been considered has resilient. From China through Europe, the Americas and Africa, the COVID-19 in progressing, unabated despite important efforts in place. Although Africa has been hit late compared to other continents, the World Health Organization, through its Director-General, and other global health experts warned African countries to prepare for the worst. Some experts have voiced their concerns about the effectiveness of these measures in curbing the expanding pandemic and their likely medium to long terms impact on African population. This special issue scans the early COVID-19 response landscape in Africa and invites work and reflections regarding: the overall preparedness and response in African countries; COVID-19 Epidemiology in Africa; local experiences in case management including challenges, ongoing clinical trials and innovations and coping strategies; Health system, health economics and socio-anthropological drivers of the disease and overall impact of the pandemic on all aspects of life in Africa

Guest editors:

  • Dr Scott JN McNabb, Research Professor Emory University, RSPH, Atlanta, USA
  • Dr Emmanuel Nsutebu, MD, Chief of Infectious Disease Division, Sheikh Shakbout Medical City, Abu Dhabi
  • Prof Chris Dickey, PHD, Director of Global Health and Environmental Health Sciences, New York University, University of Pennsylvania - The Wharton School
  • Dr Luchuo E. Bain PhD Fellow, Research Physician, Bioethicist, Innovation in Global Health Consultant. Scientific editor – the Pan African Medical Journal
  • Prof Eugene Sobngwi, MD, PhD, Professor of Endocrinology and Metabolism, University of Yaoundé, Consultant Endocrinologist at Yaounde Central Hospital
  • Prof Charles Shey Umaru Wiysonge, Epidemiologist & Vaccinologist, Director, Cochrane South Africa
  • Prof Joseph C Okeibunor, Regional Social Scientist, The World Health Organization Regional Office for Africa
  • Dr Raoul Kamadjeu, Managing Editor, Pan African Medical Journal, Kenya
  • Mr Bob Davis, Public Health Specialist, American Red Cross, Kenya
  • Dr Robin Biellik, Infectious Diseases Epidemiologist, AFR RITAG member, Geneva, Switzerland


Contact: The Pan African Medical Journal

Collection Information

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