Conventional Peer Review: Rights and Wrongs
Peer review is broken. We have all heard that phrase many times in recent years. It’s
become a truism, a shorthand complaint about the status quo that rarely extends into
a proposal for change. And even those who do not believe standard peer review is beyond
repair acknowledge that there are problems; everyone can see the cracks.
So what’s wrong? From an author’s point of view, a lot. Peer review is slow; it delays
publication. It’s almost always secret; authors do not know who is reviewing their
work – perhaps an ally but, equally, perhaps a competitor. It can block ingenuity;
think of the classic case of Lynn Margulis and the 15 or so journals that rejected
her ground-breaking article “On the origin of mitosing cells” (Sagan, 1967) before
it was finally accepted by The Journal of Theoretical Biology. And there’s a lot wrong
for reviewers too: what proportion of referee reports are second, third, or even fourth
round reviews? A referee’s hard work may be contributing nothing new to an author
who would rather take his or her chances with another journal than do the extra work
suggested by reviewers for journals one to three.
Does conventional peer review work for publishers? Well, yes and no. Yes, at top-flight
journals like Nature or NEJM peer review is a gate keeper that helps guarantee publication
of only the most interesting articles, and yes, in theory, it helps guard against
the publication of flawed work, but it’s expensive – even though reviewers work for
free – and it’s time-consuming. Nature or NEJM review thousands of papers each year
that would not make it into their journals; for third-, fourth-, or fifth-tier journals,
somewhere further down the inevitable cascade, referees will often be doing work that
has been done already on an article that was written months ago.
If standard peer review is intended to help ensure that an article is good enough
to be published, is it working? And in this context, what does “good enough” even
mean? Since most papers will eventually be published, cascading until they find a
journal, that means that most papers are good enough for someone and peer review’s
supposed qualitative gatekeeper role is not supportable. The impact of peer review
on the publication of an article is not so much a question of yes or no, it’s more
likely to be a question of when and where.
Yet even acknowledging the flaws, redundancies, and costs of the conventional peer
review system, it is clear that we need peer review. The more specialized science
becomes the more we must rely on experts to help us navigate the multiplicity of subject
areas we are not expert in ourselves. Peer reviewers are those experts and we depend
on the refereeing process to protect us from sloppy work and invalid conclusions.
So peer review is important but the way it happens is problematic
At F1000, we believe that most of the weaknesses of standard peer review can be linked
to two core issues, first that it is conducted pre-publication and second that it
is secret. Pre-publication peer review allows journals and reviewers to delay, filter,
and interrupt the essential conversation of science, and secrecy makes these problems
impossible to resolve.
Post-Publication Peer Review: Two Models from Faculty Of 1000
A little background: faculty of 1000 began in 2002 with a post-publication review
service called F1000 Biology. Its remit was (and still is) to work with named experts
to identify and recommend the most interesting papers published across 24 different
subject areas in biology. In 2006 F1000 Medicine joined it – with the same aim, more
experts and coverage of 20 medical specialties. We merged the two services in 2010,
and biology and medicine are now both covered at
Since then, we have launched F1000 Posters, an open access repository for posters
and presentations – again in biology and medicine – and we are now in the early stages
of launching our new open access, post-publication peer review journal, F1000 Research.
Faculty of 1000 practices two forms of post-publication peer review: primary, open
refereeing of articles after they are published in F1000 Research, and secondary peer
review of the best already-refereed articles, published in any biology or medicine
journal, at Both are illustrations of Clay Shirky’s “publish then filter”
model (Shirky, 2008) and each adds value to scientific discourse in its own way.
I will describe our secondary post-publication review process first.
Secondary Post-Publication Peer Review
The F1000 article recommendation service applies a layer of positive filtering on
top of traditionally peer reviewed literature; we review already-published biology
and medicine in order to identify and promote the best work. Our 10,000 named Faculty
Members and their Associates select articles that impress them, regardless of source,
and write brief recommendations explaining what makes the work significant and putting
the science in perspective. These recommendations and comments, along with links to
the original articles, are published on
Why is this a useful thing to do? It’s useful because the vast volume of material
published each year (or each day) makes it difficult for researchers to stay up to
date with their own specialized fields, let alone with peripheral fields – all those
other subject areas they should be keeping an eye on. Sure, you can search for articles
and find, more or less, what you are looking for, but it’s helpful to have access
to expert opinion for timely guidance on what’s especially significant and why. The
fact that F1000’s reviewers are named puts their opinions in perspective. No one has
ever suggested that our F1000 Faculty Members should conduct this form of post-publication
review anonymously.
Primary Post-Publication Peer Review
F1000 Research, F1000’s new primary open access publishing program in biology and
medicine, publishes immediately, and offers fully open, post-publication peer review.
We published our first articles in mid-July and are planning for a full launch at
the end of this year.
Articles submitted to F1000 Research are first processed through an in-house sanity
check and then, assuming they pass, published immediately. Post-publication they are
subjected to formal peer review. Referees’ reports are published on the site and all
referees are named.
The most important task for our referees is to tell us immediately whether or not
an article is good science. We do not need to know if it’s exciting, or novel, or
ground-breaking, we simply want to know that it’s valid; that it’s sensible work,
carefully done. We expect the vast majority of submissions to be approved as good
science. If it is good science, an article will be marked as such. If it’s not, or
if it’s good science but the referee has reservations, we require that the referee
add a report describing the problems and – if applicable – suggesting improvements.
We encourage, but do not require, referees to add reports to articles they have approved
as good science.
Authors have the opportunity to respond to a referee’s comments and are encouraged
to update their articles and publish revised versions on the site. All versions are
separately citable. All articles and all versions are clearly marked with their referee
status and articles that have not yet been refereed are labeled as “Awaiting Review.”
The strengths of this model are that it’s fast, all good science can be published
immediately and become part of the record to the benefit of scientists and others
worldwide; it’s fair, publication cannot be blocked or slowed by the refereeing process;
and it’s open, and openness discourages bias.
We do not see many weaknesses or risks with this model ourselves – standard peer review
has few fans and is overdue for change – but then you might expect us to say that.
We do understand though that there are concerns. These include:
–Is there a risk that F1000 Research will publish junk?: No, there is not. It will
publish good science and let the community decide what the ultimate value of a specific
piece of work is. As an aside, we expect that less junk – however one might define
that term in science – will be submitted to F1000 Research than to conventional journals
because few people will want to see a severely negative review of their work become
part of the public record. Because F1000 Research will publish immediately then review
openly, sloppy work will be publicly described as such.
–OK, if not junk then uninteresting science: Maybe, maybe not. Uninteresting science
is still science, and we believe it should be published. There is a reason for top-line
journals to sharply restrict what they publish, that’s how they create and maintain
their identities and Impact Factors, but it’s hard to argue that such restrictions
on scientific discourse are, overall, a good thing. We believe they are not. Valid
science should be published.
–No reviewer will want to be openly negative about another scientist’s work: Having
now published our first articles we are seeing in real time that this is not the case.
Referees are happy to criticize and authors are happy to be able to respond, to present
their case. And because everything is happening in the open, interested scientists
can, for the first time, read the back-and-forth and make up their own minds.
F1000 Research’s version of “publish then filter” is an innovation in life-science
publishing and no doubt additional concerns will arise as we fine-tune our model.
However, it’s clear to us that the research community as a whole is more than ready
to contemplate and, we believe, support real change. Complaints about conventional,
pre-publication, closed peer review systems are mounting and the risks associated
with our “publish first/referee openly later” system seem relatively trivial when
compared with the increasing expense and frustration associated with the status quo.
We were the inventors of and original advocates for open access. We created Biomed
Central, helped set up PubMed Central, and fought the publishing establishment for
years to prove that open access can work, that it can be a profitable alternative
to standard subscription models. F1000 Research and its novel publishing model take
openness to the next level. Open access removes barriers for readers. Open, post-publication
refereeing removes barriers for readers and authors alike, and it refocuses the role
of peer review from, at its worst, a behind-the-scenes variety of censorship to, at
its best, the process of expert criticism and advice that has always been its core
and upon which the progress of science depends.