Nanopublications (single, attributable and machine-readable assertions in scientific literature) by Johannes Velterop

A selection of articles on Nanopublications

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Work in progress

ScienceOpen Research


Main article text

This collection of articles on the topic of nanopublications (single, attributable and machine-readable assertions in scientific literature) is very much the beginning of a collection that will eventually be one consisting of peer-reviewed articles, working papers, preprints, blogposts, posters, and perhaps more types of relevant information. It is meant to be a collection of open access resources only; articles on the topic of nanopublication of which the full text is not openly accessible (somewhat incredibly, they do exist!), are not included. 

For some of the articles and blogposts that will be included, but are not yet, I am already able to give the titles and links here (eventually I hope they will all be moved to the main collection):

ScienceOpen Research
7 November 2015


Collection Information