Mild therapeutic hypothermia after cardiac arrest has become standard in post-resuscitation
care in many hospitals as it is recommended by current guidelines. The last update
of guidelines by the European Resuscitation Council on post-cardiac arrest treatment
in 2010 recommends hypothermia for every patient after cardiac arrest who remains
unconscious after cardiac arrest [1]. In addition to milestone trials [2-4], current
published retrospective data from the large Finnish registry showed in a large group
of patients a significant reduction of hospital mortality of survivors of out-of-hospital
cardiac arrest after implementation of hypothermia [5].
The mild therapeutic hypothermia procedure after cardiac arrest can be divided into
three phases: introduction, maintenance and rewarming. The cooling techniques and
devices to induce cooling of the cardiac arrest survivor can be separated into three
main groups: conventional cooling (no device), non-invasive (surface) systems, and
invasive (intravascular) systems (Table 1).
Table 1
Type of cooling
Cooling rate (°C/hour)
Auto feedback
InnerCool RTx
4.0 to 5.0
Thermogard XP
2.0 to 3.0
C.R. Bard
ArcticSun 5000
Surface adhesive pads
1.2 to 2.0
Blanketrol III
Surface blanket
Surface adhesive pads
Surface blanket
The table gives the most common cooling devices with no claim to be complete. Cooling
rates provided either by the company or at the company's Internet homepage. CSZ, Cincinnati
Sub-Zero; MTRE, Medical ThermoRegulation Expertise.
Cooling techniques
Conventional cooling methods
The easiest way to induce hypothermia after cardiac arrest is by using cold saline
(for example, 0.9% NaCl solution), crushed ice or ice bags. Kim and colleagues reported
the safety and efficacy of the administration of up to 2 litres of 4°C cold saline
to the patient after hospital admission [6]. Others published data using 30 ml/kg
body weight of saline 0.9% NaCl or Ringer's lactate combined sometimes with ice bags,
which led to an acceptable reduction of the temperature [7-10]. Furthermore cold saline
as well as other methods like cooling caps and helmets have been evaluated for induction
mainly in the preclinical setting [4,11,12]. Kliegel and colleagues pointed out that
cold infusion alone is effective for induction but not for tight maintenance of the
target temperature [13]. However, in at least one trial the combination of cold saline
and ice packs was proven to be effective even to maintain temperature [7]. Focusing
on the induction in the in-hospital setting, most authors rank cold saline and crushed
ice more as effective adjuvant methods to be combined with a computer-controlled cooling
device [10]. The big advantage of cold saline is its availability at almost every
place in the hospital if provided and the low costs. Following the data available
concerning different amounts of saline administered to the patient, a median amount
of 1 to 2 litres of saline seems safe after cardiac arrest. To maintain target temperature
with cold saline and ice bags seems to require a high binding of personnel method
without a very precise influence on the central body temperature.
Surface cooling methods
Surface, non-invasive devices have to be distinguished from intravascular, invasive
devices. The range of available computer-controlled surface devices with automatic
temperature feedback stretches from cooling blankets to be placed around the patient
(Blanketrol III, Cincinnati Sub-Zero; CritiCool, Medical ThermoRegulation Expertise)
to adhesive cooling pads (Arctic Sun, Bard). Heard and colleagues compared the adhesive
Arctic Sun surface-cooling system with normal cooling blankets combined with ice bags.
Although the reached target temperature within 4 hours was not significantly different
between the groups, the Arctic Sun system cooled more rapidly down to the target temperature
[14]. A current investigation from Norway compared the Arctic Sun surface (C.R. Bard)
system (n = 92) with the invasive intravascular Coolgard (Alsius) system (n = 75)
in cardiac arrest survivors. The authors concluded no significant differences concerning
neurological outcome and survival at discharge. A limitation for interpretation of
the device efficacy (cooling rate/hour) is the additional induction of cooling with
cold saline and ice bags already in the emergency room [15]. A published case report
described a severe skin peeling during hypothermia with the Arctic Sun system without
a known history of skin problems or steroid therapy but with end-stage renal disease
and coronary artery disease. This is the first severe adverse skin event towards the
hydrogel pads known and the authors conclude that these skin lesions are very unusual
as to be caused by the adhesive pads because exfoliative dermatitis is a rare syndrome
and is often drug induced [16]. Thus adverse skin reactions should not normally be
expected using this method of cooling.
Another surface feedback system using blankets is the CritiCool Pro system by Medical
ThermoRegulation Expertise (MTRE, Israel). The patient is wrapped into the body-shaped
heat exchange garment resulting in a median cooling rate of 0.7 ± 0.37°C/hour in a
study by Laish-Farkash and colleagues [17]. The Cincinnati Sub-Zero system has been
compared with the ArcticSun2000 (C.R. Bard) system by Mayer and colleagues for fever
control in neurocritical care patients. The authors conclude the ArcticSun system
to be superior to the Cincinnati Sub-Zero system due to the maintenance of normothermia,
a higher cooling rate and better fever reduction, although shivering occurred more
frequently in the ArcticSun group [18]. A surface cooling system without computer
control and automatic temperature feedback is the EMCOOLS cooling system. The adhesive
pads use a novel carbon cooling gel that has a high thermal conductivity resulting
in a cooling rate of more than 3.5°C/hour. The Flex Pad needs to be adapted to the
body size and shape. The feasibility trial of out-of-hospital surface cooling after
return of spontaneous circulation (ROSC) in 15 survivors using the EMCOOLS system
revealed a high median cooling rate of 3.3°C/hour, the target temperature of 33°C
was reached approximately within 70 minutes (55 to 106 minutes) after the start of
cooling and no skin lesions were observed [19]. A further novel system is the Life
Recovery ThermoSuit system, which was developed mainly for fast induction of hypothermia
by cold water (2°C) immersion due to a lack of a temperature feedback mechanism. The
water circulates continuously directly on the patient's skin with a median cooling
rate of 3°C/hour [20]. Published data by Howes and colleagues report the safe use
of the ThermoSuit system in 24 cardiac arrest survivors reaching the target temperature(<34°C)
within 37 minutes (range 14 to 81 minutes) [21]. After the patients have reached the
target temperature, they have to be removed from the suit and cooling maintained with
other methods.
Endovascular cooling
Intravascular closed-loop cooling systems are also computer controlled with a temperature
feedback. The Thermogard XP Temperature Management System (Zoll) provides both a central
venous catheter with an additional closed loop balloon system with circulating water
for cooling. The InnerCool RTx device (Philips) using the Accutrol catheter has a
special feature with an integrated temperature sensor but no additional central intravascular
access. A possible advantage of taking the temperature directly in the bloodstream
is the avoidance of lag in core temperature measurement inherent in rectal and bladder
sensors. The very precise temperature control is needed, taking the high average cooling
rates of 4.0 to 5.0°C/hour into consideration. This cooling system will be under evaluation
in the Rapid Endovascular Catheter Core Cooling combined with cold saline as an Adjunct
to Percutaneous Coronary Intervention for the Treatment of Acute Myocardial Infarction
(CHILL-MI) study. This study was started in 2012 to further investigate the safety
and effectiveness of the endovascular cooling system in patients suffering from ST-elevation
myocardial infarction (STEMI) and to confirm the data from the Rapid-MI-ICE trial
[22]. In a subanalysis of the European Hypothermia After Cardiac Arrest trial (HACA),
Holzer and colleagues retrospectively reviewed the efficacy and safety of the intravascular
catheter system (Cool Gard 3000, Alsius) in 56 patients, revealing a cooling rate
of 1.2°C/hour (IQR 0.7 to 1.5) without significant differences to other techniques
concerning adverse events [23]. A study by Gillies and colleagues reported a good
temperature control with endovascular cooling compared with conventional ice surface
cooling [24]. After induction of cooling with cold saline, one group was continued
to be cooled with ice (n = 41) whereas the other group was cooled with the Coolgard
device (n = 42; Alsius). In summary, catheter cooling provided a more precise temperature
control, better control during rewarming, less overcooling and failure to reach target
temperature. Despite these advantages there was no difference concerning outcome between
both relatively small groups [24]. The duration of time an intravascular catheter
can be used as central intravenous access after rewarming is not well investigated
so far. Al-Senani and colleagues evaluated the safety of the Icy catheter during a
cooling procedure [25]. However, intravascular catheters can cause bloodstream infections
and raise the question about the risk of venous thrombosis. Few cases with thrombosis
or thrombophlebitis due to a cooling catheter after a using time of respectively 7
and 10 days have been published [26]. Simosa and colleagues reported in a group of
10 patients with traumatic brain injury that five patients developing a depth venous
thrombosis after an average of 5.4 days but concluded that the group under examination
already had a high risk for development of thrombosis due to lack of prophylactic
anticoagulation [27]. However, the approach towards anticoagulation will be different
in survivors after cardiac arrest. The recommendation for the duration of use of the
Icy catheter is 4 days (Icy Quattro) but a novel surface coating of the catheter material
will soon be approved by authorities to enhance time of use and decrease risk of thrombosis.
In addition there might be a higher risk of developing catheter-related bloodstream
infections but currently no data are published studying temperature management catheters
and infection rates.
Other cooling methods
The novel RhinoChill intranasal cooling device was able to demonstrate effective reduction
of body temperature within the Pre-ROSC Intranasal Cooling Effectiveness trial (PRINCE
trial) [28]. The portable system vaporises perfluorchlorcarbon gas with a catheter
system into the nasal cavity leading to a fast induction of hypothermia first to the
brain as main target organ and second to the body with a slight delay. The intra-arrest
cooling approach of the study, starting induction of hypothermia already during CPR,
by Castrén and colleagues was conducted as a safety and feasibility study [28]. However,
benefit towards survival and neurological outcome was observed in the cooling subgroup,
having received CPR within 10 minutes after collapse, although the design of the study
was not conceived for outcome analysis. The randomised trial compared in detail prehospital
trans-nasal cooling (n = 83) with advanced cardiac live support (n = 99) and both
groups received mild hypothermia on admission to the hospital regardless of the initial
rhythm. This method was able to show a significant decrease of tympanic temperature
on arrival (34.2°C vs. 35.5°C). Due to the convincing data from the PRINCE trial,
the Prehospital Resuscitation Intra Nasal Cooling Effectiveness Survival Study (PRINCESS)
started in June 2010 with patient recruitment and is designed to evaluate for good
or poor neurological outcome and survival as well as to evaluate the proportion of
those achieving ROSC and time to target temperature of 32 to 34°C. First data will
be available in June 2013 ( identifier: NCT01400373). The system
has no temperature feedback and the major application area is the induction of hypothermia.
Another novel approach is under investigation in the CAMARO trial (
identifier: NCT01016236).
Following the idea of early and fast induction of hypothermia to improve outcome and
decrease side effects after cardiac arrest and incorporate novel data that hypothermia
applied before a coronary intervention may reduce the infarct size in STEMI patients,
a new automated peritoneal lavage system (Velomedix Inc., Palo Alto, USA) has been
developed [22]. The CAMARO trial includes cardiac arrest patients as well as STEMI
patients who will be cooled to a target temperature of 34°C without prior resuscitation.
The preliminary data of this pilot study, presented as an abstract at the American
Heart Association Meeting in Orlando, USA, in November 2011, showed a decrease of
temperature to 34°C within 9 minutes, the maintenance phase of 32.5°C was 24 hours
in cardiac arrest patients (rewarming 16 hours) and 3 hours maintenance in myocardial
infarction patients (rewarming 5 hours). At the moment no device-related complication
has occurred with this extremely rapid cooling method [29].
Different cooling methods with varying technical approaches and efficacy are available
to deliver mild therapeutic hypothermia to our patients. During cooling the three
phases of induction, maintenance and rewarming can be defined. Are different methods
necessary to fulfil the requirements in each of these three cooling phases? Taking
all mentioned methods together, a combined approach seems to be the optimal way. Particularly
with regard to the induction phase a combination of different methods should be suggested
to increase the effectiveness of cooling, for example the combination of cold saline
and a feedback cooling device, although the optimal overall timing (time to target
temperature and cooling rate) is still under debate. In addition to timing, the most
important question concerns shivering and its prophylactic successful treatment.
The optimal and most beneficial time point to start hypothermia after cardiac arrest
is still not known. The current European resuscitation guidelines recommend starting
hypothermia as soon as possible after ROSC. A recently published article by Sendelbach
and colleagues revealed the importance of avoiding any time delay of cooling to reach
good neurological outcome [30]. This 'earlier is better' strategy can be confirmed
by animal data [31-34]. Following the 'earlier is better' strategy, some trials explored
the possibility of inducing cooling during resuscitation or directly after ROSC, but
data are controversial [35]. Induction of therapeutic hypothermia during prehospital
CPR using ice-cold intravenous fluid or intranasal cooling showed that it is feasible
and is partially a benefit [28,36]. A major problem in predicting outcome and association
with timing and early cooling after cardiac arrest or even during resuscitation with
these data is the small sample size and the fact that prehospital hypothermia was
discontinued after admission to the hospital in many of these trials [37]. However,
the analysis of data from the Scandinavian Hypothermia Network including 986 patients
after cardiac arrest by Nielsen and colleagues showed no association of timing towards
neurological outcome [38].
Certainly every ICU should provide 4°C cold saline to increase the cooling rate and
to reach the target temperature as soon as possible. The administration of cold saline
seems a feasible method in the preclinical setting as well as in addition to other
preclinical devices available and after admission cold saline can be combined with
a feedback device to speed up the cooling. Furthermore, shivering is one of the most
important side effects that can occur during hypothermia leading to an increased metabolic
rate, high oxygen consumption and heat generation, and therefore needs to be kept
in mind to be avoided and treated aggressively. The threshold for this defence mechanism
of the thermoregulatory system is around ±35.5°C (1°C below the vasoconstriction threshold)
[39,40]. Therefore a fast induction to cross this threshold as quickly as possible
seems indicated; additional treatment can include a sufficient analgosedation, magnesium
and paralysation, but even the simple method of keeping the hands and feet warm by
wearing socks and gloves directly from the beginning of induction of hypothermia can
avoid shivering very reliably [41]. In patients with traumatic brain injury undergoing
temperature management, the benefit of surface counter warming concerning less shivering
and improvement of metabolic profile was reported [42]. However, a high cooling rate
during induction with a combination of a feedback-cooling device and several additional
conventional cooling methods in combination with hand and feet counter warming as
described and a sufficient sedation level seems to be the best way to avoid shivering.
In addition, every temperature management procedure requires a reliable core temperature.
The gold standard is still the temperature taken directly in the bloodstream (for
example, pulmonary catheter) or directly by the cooling device itself as possible
with the Philips Accutrol endovascular catheter. Other common places for temperature
measurement are the bladder by Foley catheters, oeosophageal probes, tympanic and
rectal temperature [43]. Modern temperature management systems with high cooling rates
lead to a fast induction of hypothermia that can only be detected by most temperature
sensors with a time delay. The closed approach towards the gold standard might be
the oesophageal measurement with an approximately average time delay of 5 minutes
(range 5 to 10 minutes) [40].
A wide range of conventional and technical methods exists to apply mild therapeutic
hypothermia after cardiac arrest. Hoedemaekers and colleagues compared all described
different methods (conventional cold infusion/ice, water blankets, gel-coated pads,
intravascular) in ICU patients regarding the speed of cooling (°C/hour) and the reliability
to maintain a stable target temperature. The authors conclude that water-circulating
blankets, gel-coated pads and intravascular cooling are almost equally efficient for
induction but intravascular methods were superior for maintaining the target temperature
[44]. Some performance data might have changed over the last years due to the industry
having developed the next generation of cooling devices. However, every method has
its own partly limited, indication and a combination of an automatic computer-processed
feedback device with conventional methods seems a good and safe solution. The type
of feedback device used in a hospital (invasive vs. non-invasive) depends on several
factors but mainly on the personal preference of the treating doctors, type of patients
and the local standard as well. In addition, the way of thinking is changing and it
is no longer a question of making the patient cool as good as possible but rather
has evolved into a complex temperature management procedure with its own risks and
pitfalls as well as benefits for the patient. It is a precondition to ensure a precise
and tight temperature control during all three treatment phases. Especially during
rewarming, which is a very critical phase of temperature management, close temperature
monitoring is necessary and can be easily achieved with a computer-feedback cooling
system. A passive, uncontrolled increase of temperature should be avoided in the modern
temperature management approach. However, the adoption rate and implementation of
hypothermia as part of standard post-arrest care is still not high enough. Reasons
are manifold but the latest version of available cooling devices may be able to help
to increase the application rate by making the treatment safe and easy. If the hospital
team feels confident with the topic of temperature management, numbers of operators
might increase, even if the number of cardiac arrest patients treated in a hospital
is low.
The presentation of different temperature-management methods and interpretation of
their efficiency in the age of daily breaking news about mild hypothermia treatment
and widening of the indication can only be a momentary snap-shot and cannot aspire
to completeness.
Competing interests
The author received financial support and material resources from Medivance, Zoll,
Philips, EMCOOL and C.R. Bard within different projects and honorarium from Medivance,
Zoll and Philips for lectures. This abstract has not been influenced by anyone in
collection of data, analysis, interpretation and writing.