Hogrefe Open Access

Hogrefe's Open Access article collection on psychology, psychiatry, medicine, and nursing.

These metrics are updated across the whole ScienceOpen platform every 24 hours.

Collection details

In this collection you will find articles, which have been published Open Access in the Hogrefe portfolio.

Information for authors

Hogrefe OpenMind: Hogrefe provides an optional open access publication model for authors whose institutions or funding bodies mandate or who desire immediate gold open access publication.

Open access funding for authors in Germany and Switzerland: More than 100 German institutions participate in a Read-and-Publish agreement (Transformative Agreement). In Switzerland, such an agreement has been signed with the PH consortium ("IG Hochschulbibliotheken PH"), which currently includes eight universities of teacher education. Both agreements enable authors from participating institutions to publish open access free of charge in Hogrefe's journals in the fields of psychology, psychotherapy, and psychiatry (PsyJOURNALS).

Hogrefe's Open Access Journals:

Since these journals are already full open access journals, papers in them are not covered by the Transformative Agreement. Hogrefe grants participating institutions a 25% reduction on regular APCs (article publication charge) for these journals – a further helping hand on our journey towards open access.


Platform for journals of the Hogrefe Publishing Group: Hogrefe eContent

Hogrefe Publishing Group: www.hogrefe.com


Collection Information