There are different descriptions of allometric relationships between important components of the mammalian skull. Craniofacial evolutionary allometry describes a pattern of increasing facial cranium in larger skulls. Another body of literature describes disproportionately larger teeth in smaller species or specimens, matching anecdotal observations with dental problems in dwarf breeds whose teeth appear “too large for their skulls.” We test the scaling of tooth row length with body size and skull length in a data set comprising 114 domestic horses (representing 40 breeds) and in another data set of 316 domestic cattle (of >60 breeds). We demonstrate that smaller skulls have a relatively longer tooth row in both horses and cattle; larger specimens have relatively shorter tooth rows. Whereas in horses, larger skulls have a relatively longer diastema, the distance of the mesial maxillary premolar to the premaxilla was proportional to cranium length in cattle. While the reasons for these patterns remain to be detected, they support the hypothesis that tooth size might be less “evolvable,” in terms of time required for changes, than body size. The pattern may affect (i) the selective breeding for dwarf breeds by setting minimum constraints for skull size, as described previously for domestic horses with the same data set; (ii) the susceptibility of small breeds for dental problems; and (iii) differences in chewing efficiency between breeds of different sizes. The findings support the existing concept that scaling of tooth to body size across taxa becomes more isometric the longer these taxa are separated in evolutionary time.