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Environment and Society Collection of The Rachel Carson Center and The White Horse Press

Curated by the Rachel Carson Center in Germany and The White Horse Press in the United Kingdom, the “Environment and Society Collection” is a collaborative, international project intent on foregrounding and rethinking the interactions of environments and societies from multidisciplinary and global perspectives.

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Welcome to the Environment and Society Collection of the Rachel Carson Center and The White Horse Press.


This collaborative collection showcases publications by The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (RCC), an international center dedicated to the study of environment and society from a wealth of different disciplines and international perspectives; and The White Horse Press, a small family-run scholarly press specialising in the environment and society, particularly environmental history and environmental ethics. You can find out more about us both via the tabs above.



Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society




The Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society (RCC) is an international center dedicated to the study of environment and society from a wealth of different disciplines and international perspectives.

A nonprofit institution, the RCC was founded in 2009 as a joint initiative of Munich’s Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität and the Deutsches Museum, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research as a Center for Advanced Study (Käte Hamburger Kolleg). The RCC has since evolved into a permanent center directed by LMU Munich’s Chair in American Cultural History.

The RCC features graduate programs: a structured doctoral program “Environment and Society” (ProEnviron), an international doctoral program “Rethinking Environment” (IDK) in cooperation with the University of Augsburg, an MA certificate in environmental studies, and a newly introduced MA in Environment and Society, seen to begin in 2022. The center hosts numerous research projects, funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG), the European Research Council (ERC), the Volkswagen Foundation, the Federal Ministry for Research and Education (BMBF), and others. It also hosts visiting scholars, international Landhaus Fellows, and visiting doctoral students. The center’s over 300 postdoctoral and professorial alumni have formed the Society of Fellows.

Our namesake is the American biologist, nature writer, and environmentalist Rachel Carson, whose writing raised awareness worldwide about threats to the environment and human health. Learn more about the life and work of Rachel Carson here.

While we are based in Munich, Germany, our staff and fellows come from all over the world and our working language is English.





The RCC’s mission is to advance education, research, and international cooperation in the field of the environmental humanities and social sciences. It contributes to public and scholarly debates about future ecological and social challenges. The RCC aims to strengthen the environmental humanities and to raise its profile as a globally significant and growing field.

By bringing together scholars who work in various disciplines and national contexts, and communicating the results of their research, the RCC aims to internationalize the environmental humanities and to raise its profile as a globally significant and growing field.



The White Horse Press


The White Horse Press is a very small family-run scholarly press specialising in the environment and society, particularly environmental history and environmental ethics.  We’ve been operating for more than 30 years and currently publish five journals and five or six books a year.  

Our journals include:

- Climates and Cultures in History (launching in 2024).
- Environment and History.
- Environmental Values (published by SAGE from 2024).
- Global Environment.
- The Journal of Population and Sustainability.
- Nomadic Peoples.
- Plant Perspectives (launching in 2024)
- Worldwide Waste (joining WHP in 2024)

The White Horse Press is committed to reducing and removing barriers to access for the material we publish. After all, the best, latest thought on environment and society is relevant to, literally, everyone. We are therefore pushing hard to become a fully open access publisher. You can find out more about our work by following these links:

Our website.
Our video.
Our books
Our journals.
Open Access – Subscribe to Open.
Open Access – The Open Book Collective.
Open Access – Opening Our Backlist.


Collection Information