Dear Editor in Chief,
With great interest we have read the Letter to the Editor from Grisanti et al. regarding
the LIGHTSITE II (LTII) clinical publication on the use of photobiomodulation (PBM)
in subjects with intermediate dry age-related macular degeneration (AMD). Some comments
allude to poor clinical trial design or execution, and we believe these comments are
misstated. The study was carefully planned as a companion study to the independent
United States (US) LIGHTSITE III (LTIII) trial and was started in advance as the US
trial was being planned and in formal discussions with the US Food & Drug Administration
(FDA). The study was unique in evaluating patients with dry AMD and absence of geographic
atrophy (GA) involving the fovea and best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) ranging from
20/32 to 20/100. The inclusion criteria were very strict and maintained with anatomical
evidence of dry AMD with vision loss and presence of drusen, and/or non-foveal GA.
Fulfillment of anatomical inclusion criteria were verified by the reading center before
each subject was included. The study was powered for the primary endpoint of BCVA.
All anatomical assessments, such as GA lesion area, were secondary or exploratory
endpoints. The European Union (EU) study mirrored the US dry AMD trial design aspects
that were approved by the FDA and was to be conducted similarly to create potential
synergy between studies. Global key opinion leaders and top research institutes in
the field of AMD were engaged in both the LTII and LTIII trials. Their collaborative
involvement was paramount from the early stages of the trial design discussions and
implementation. A multifunctional relationship between trials was established.
The LTII study employed a prospective randomized controlled trial (RCT) design including
double masking with the Valeda® Light Delivery System (Valeda)—unheard of in PBM clinical
trials. Randomization of subjects to either the PBM or sham treatment groups was conducted
with a third-party vendor IWR (interactive web response) system. The study included
an independent, leading global imaging reading center well experienced in clinical
trials of AMD. The imaging center was also masked to treatment and qualified each
subject prior to enrollment. Trial monitoring, database management, and statistical
analyses were conducted with an outside top-tier contract research organization (CRO)
with the most experience in AMD trial conduct in the EU. The trial centers were trained
on all clinical endpoints by a third-party ophthalmology certification company to
reduce site-to-site variability, including BCVA measurements. Equipment was standardized
across centers for all clinical and imaging outcome measures. The study was composed
of three retinal centers from Germany, two from the UK, one from Spain, one from France,
and one from Italy, providing a multinational EU cohort.
The single most important aspect of the LTII trial was the impact of the global pandemic.
Trial design and patient balances were impacted by extraordinary circumstances during
this time. The trial was enrolling and in the middle of required in-clinic treatments
when the global COVID-19 pandemic emerged and paralyzed Europe, requiring citizens
to isolate. The disruption to the trial was immense and the sponsor, in discussion
with all centers, unanimously agreed to halt the study for 3 months. No treatments
were conducted as the world came to grips with COVID-19. Upon trial restart, with
pending risk of further pandemic spikes, the study allowed the enrolled subjects to
complete their treatments where possible, but no further subjects were enrolled. The
LTII study was compromised in terms of size, treatment interval, and incomplete dosing
but the underlying results were considered still reflective of clinical safety and
efficacy of PBM, which is now confirmed in the LTIII results. The investigators took
the approach that all data was worth analyzing but the focus was spent on the subjects
that completed the trial with all three cycles of treatment.
The first criticisms of the authors include their disappointment of the size of the
trial and unequal distribution in AREDS categories as a flaw, not mentioning the pandemic
circumstances surrounding the trial and the subsequent termination of the study which
prematurely ended enrollment. They point out group imbalances by selectively combining
eyes grouped into AREDS 3 and 4. Overall, a total of 64.7% versus 68.4% of eyes in
the PBM and sham groups were categorized to AREDS category 3, respectively. A numeric
imbalance in AREDS category 4 eyes (PBM, n = 1; sham, n = 5) was observed, which was
the minority of patients. When stratified to the full protocol analysis, the number
of eyes in AREDS category 4 was reduced to one PBM and two sham-treated eyes. This
numerical difference in distribution did not impact the primary analysis, which was
performed using only the PBM-treated group. As there were no sham subjects in this
analysis, any imbalance in AREDS between PBM and sham treatment groups would not have
any effect on this analysis. The BCVA secondary analyses that included both PBM and
sham subjects were numerically in favor of PBM, the hypothesis tests were not significant.
Inclusion of AREDS as a covariate, if favorable towards sham as a result of imbalance,
would not improve these results. The conclusion and interpretation of these data would
not change.
Further Grisanti et al. were concerned about the similar amount of drusen volume in
both groups despite the supposedly higher number of more advanced eyes in the sham
group. This concern is confusing to understand and seemingly unjustified. There were
a similar number of eyes in the AREDS 3 group, which consists of eyes categorized
with either non-center-involving GA or multiple intermediate and/or large drusen.
There were only a higher number of eyes with AREDS 4 category, defined by GA involving
the central 1 mm ETDRS grid but sparing the central 500 µm diameter. It is well known
in patients with dry AMD that with disease progression drusen area usually increases
overtime, but in some cases drusen volume can also decrease, which is often followed
by GA development. Given the fact that AREDS 3 eyes can present with either many medium
and large size drusen (and therefore a large drusen volume) or GA (and therefore a
lower drusen volume), it is not surprising that we see a similar and balanced amount
of drusen volume in both groups. Thus, a higher AREDS category does not necessarily
translate to a higher drusen volume. Grisanti et al. also mention and criticized the
variable response in terms of drusen volume in the PBM group of the earlier LIGHTSITE I
(LTI) and LTII trial. It is noteworthy here that in all three LT studies, the included
patient population was different: LTI included patients with the most severe dry AMD,
with the majority of eyes having dry AMD AREDS category 4; the LTII trial with the
majority of eyes belonging to AREDS category 3 with presence of non-center-involving
GA; the LTIII trial, which also included mainly eyes with AREDS category 3, but only
3% had any GA at baseline. Therefore, the effect of PBM on quantitative drusen volume
change may have differed. What is most noteworthy is that we see a consistent beneficial
effect of PBM compared to the sham treatment in all three trials and that the drusen
volume of the PBM group over the course of the trials increased less than in the sham
group. Drusen can regress over the course of AMD, and this can be a sign for disease
progression as Grisanti et al. pointed out very nicely. Usually, an increase of drusen
volume is associated with disease progression. In our LT trials we consistently observed
a lower increase of drusen volume in the PBM group compared to the sham group. Even
more importantly, we detected a lower incidence of iRORA and cRORA development over
the course of 12 and 24 months in eyes without iRORA and cRORA in the LTIII trial
and a lower incidence of a conversion from iRORA to cRORA after 24 months. Altogether,
these findings support a beneficial disease-modifying effect.
We are somewhat surprised about the comment of the similar baseline BCVA and the supposedly
heterogenous distribution of the AREDS category of our LTII cohort. As pointed above,
only the number of AREDS 4 patients were numerically not evenly distributed. Our study
included AREDS category 4 eyes which were allowed to have central 1 mm ETDRS involving
GA, but this GA had to spare the central 500 µm. Thus, the foveola of all our subjects
was spared. Therefore, it is not surprising that BCVA was similar at baseline in both
groups. In the full protocol analysis that completed all visits, a total of one eye
categorized as AREDS 4 in the PBM group and two eyes categorized as AREDS 4 in the
sham group were included which presents less of a disparity than in the modified intent-to-treat
(mITT) group as noted by Grisanti et al. What this demonstrates in the full protocol
subset of subjects is disease progression as the sham group got worse in BCVA letter
score, while the difference in BCVA increased between groups when subjects received
all PBM treatments as per the protocol. This is also confirmed in the LIGHTSITE III
trial results at 13 and 24 months.
We fully agree that the study was not powered to draw valid conclusions about any
effect on GA progression, which is also stated in our paper. The mean baseline size
of GA lesion was indeed numerically larger in the sham compared to the PBM group;
however, no significant difference was observed between PBM and sham groups (p = 0.51).
For our exploratory analysis, the square root transformation was utilized to account
for baseline GA lesion differences and in the LTI trial (also not powered to draw
any conclusion) we report a similar effect. The Fig. 5 legend presenting GA lesion
growth in a representative PBM and sham subject provides an incorrect value for the
PBM lesion size at month 10. The reading center has confirmed that the area of 0.78 mm2
should be corrected to 0.74 mm2 with the difference of 0.16 mm2 reported accurately.
As noted by the authors, the mean BCVA score for the sham group in the mITT analysis
and the full protocol analysis were both 70.53 (SD 5.02). The mITT data was correct
and mistakenly duplicated for the sham group (full protocol) in the table. The corrected
sham mean BCVA score for the full protocol group went from 70.53 (SD 5.02) to 70.50
(SD 4.98) (see corrected BCVA table values below) (Table 1). This was a misprint in
the table and did not impact any analysis or other data presented in the manuscript.
The study also showed the separation of the treatment groups as the sham subjects
showed progression to later stages of AMD by the end of the trial. The recent completion
of the LTIII data analysis [1, 2] confirms the same expected separation between the
treatment groups with disease progression in the sham arm at 13 months extending to
24 months.
Table 1
BCVA baseline subject characteristics and clinical outcomes (corrected)
Best-corrected visual acuity (mITT subgroup)
No. of eyes: 32Mean (SD)
No. of eyes: 19Mean (SD)
70.06 (5.76)
70.53 (5.02)
Month 9
72.36 (6.81)
72.57 (4.76)
Change from baseline
2.295 (5.23)
2.042 (3.38)
Best-corrected visual acuity (full protocol subgroup)
No. of eyes: 17Mean (SD)
No. of eyes:12Mean (SD)
70.65 (4.94)
70.50 (4.98)
Month 9
74.59 (6.71)
71.00 (6.70)
Change from baseline
3.94 (7.19)
0.5 (3.8)
PBM photobiomodulation, mITT modified-intent-to-treat, BCVA best-corrected visual
acuity, SD standard deviation
The authors of the letter further point out the reductions in drusen in later-stage
subjects in LTI versus the stabilization of drusen in the LTII study as inconsistent,
but the trials did not enroll similar patient populations. If the mechanisms of PBM
are at the cellular mitochondrial level increasing ATP generation, the improved retinal
health would shift the balance from extracellular deposition of drusen material to
normal intracellular breakdown. This has been nicely demonstrated with PBM in β-amyloid
mice models, wherein they are genetically modified to overproduce β-amyloid leading
to extracellular deposits, enhanced inflammatory responses, mitochondrial dysfunction,
and functional losses in learning and memory with age [3]. These degenerative anatomical,
biochemical, and clinical outcomes were attenuated with PBM in the animal model. β-amyloid
is a major contributor to drusen and overlapping pathology is seen across central
nervous system (CNS) and retinal degenerative diseases.
Drusen is a surrogate for retinal cellular health and in all PBM studies the underlying
tissue has not shown signs of phototoxicity or progression to GA with the removal
of drusen following PBM treatment. Extracellular drusen removal by complement and
other inflammatory pathways becomes the primary route of removal—different processes
versus the normal intracellular breakdown of proteins. Drusen reductions have been
seen across clinical trials in subjects with PBM treatments. In subjects with earlier-stage
dry AMD treated with PBM, deposition may be less, or stabilized. This was recently
confirmed in the 13-month analysis of LTIII. It replicated that lower levels of drusen
deposition at baseline and reductions were seen in PBM versus sham groups at both
13 and 24 months.
Standardized outcome measures used across ophthalmology clinical trials were used
in the current trial. Independent groups trained and certified each site on trial
protocols and outcome measurements were conducted under masked conditions. The training
records for each site were recorded, all centers were diligent in their training and
collection of data, the centers were masked, patients were masked, and the imaging
center was masked, so the underlying comments by the authors of the letter seem more
intent on casting doubt on the trial results for reasons we cannot explain.
The further interpretation that the reading center, masked to treatment, was somehow
biased in measuring drusen values in favor of PBM benefits is completely unfounded.
The publication includes a clear statement that the reduction in drusen in the PBM
group was not a statistically significant effect. Furthermore, a small number of GA
measurements were calculated using both absolute as well as the r
2 analysis to remove impact of lesion size. The LTII data, despite the conditions
of the pandemic, show results consistent with previous trials which now have been
confirmed and expanded on in the larger 2-year LTIII trial that has completed, showing
sustained improvements in BCVA and slowing of new GA.
It is worth noting that the timing of this letter to the editor is over 1 year from
publication of the LTII trial. As of August 2023, a total of 9682 academic papers
(editorials, lab work, clinical trials, reviews, systematic reviews, etc.) and 1263
randomized controlled trials have been conducted using PBM therapy in a variety of
indications. In addition, more than 30 clinical studies using PBM have been published
in ophthalmology with the vast majority showing clinical and/or anatomical benefits,
no safety concerns, and an overall positive opinion to further research efforts into
this arena. The safety and effectiveness of PBM has been extensively demonstrated
in published nonclinical studies in animal models of ocular disease and/or safety
and toxicity studies.
It is not surprising to see differing reports among clinical studies that utilize
PBM. That is the reality of differing clinical trial designs, differences in the indication
and subsequent pathological underpinnings of the target disease, and the nuances of
establishment of optimized treatment specifics using a new technology with a multitude
of modifiable parameters. It is also a reflection of the complexity of a degenerative
disease with many contributing factors. None of the authors of this Letter to the
Editor have any first-hand experience with Valeda nor have they reached out to request
clarification on any of the points they raised in the clinical trials. However, the
growing volume of PBM data being generated by many investigators is not trivial—it
is a dynamic and growing field of research. The science has been shown to work both
in vitro and in vivo with animal studies and has repeatedly shown benefits in clinical
populations with PBM under the right conditions, appropriate wavelengths, dosing,
and safeguards on the devices.
Healthy skepticism is appropriate for emerging technologies. We thank the authors
for highlighting two inaccuracies in the original publication which we now correct.
A small study interrupted by COVID is difficult to draw strong conclusions from, but
we believe it usefully adds to the growing body of evidence suggesting that PBM has
some beneficial effects in dry AMD.