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      Nonequilibrium Model of Photon Condensation


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          We develop a nonequilibrium model of condensation and lasing of photons in a dye filled microcavity. We examine in detail the nature of the thermalization process induced by absorption and emission of photons by the dye molecules, and investigate when the photons are able to reach a thermal equilibrium Bose-Einstein distribution. At low temperatures, or large cavity losses, the absorption and emission rates are too small to allow the photons to reach thermal equilibrium and the behavior becomes more like that of a conventional laser.

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          Bose-Einstein condensation of microcavity polaritons in a trap.

          We have created polaritons in a harmonic potential trap analogous to atoms in optical traps. The trap can be loaded by creating polaritons 50 micrometers from its center that are allowed to drift into the trap. When the density of polaritons exceeds a critical threshold, we observe a number of signatures of Bose-Einstein condensation: spectral and spatial narrowing, a peak at zero momentum in the momentum distribution, first-order coherence, and spontaneous linear polarization of the light emission. The polaritons, which are eigenstates of the light-matter system in a microcavity, remain in the strong coupling regime while going through this dynamical phase transition.
            • Record: found
            • Abstract: not found
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            Exciton-polariton Bose-Einstein condensation

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              • Article: not found

              Bose-Einstein condensation of quasi-equilibrium magnons at room temperature under pumping.

              Bose-Einstein condensation is one of the most fascinating phenomena predicted by quantum mechanics. It involves the formation of a collective quantum state composed of identical particles with integer angular momentum (bosons), if the particle density exceeds a critical value. To achieve Bose-Einstein condensation, one can either decrease the temperature or increase the density of bosons. It has been predicted that a quasi-equilibrium system of bosons could undergo Bose-Einstein condensation even at relatively high temperatures, if the flow rate of energy pumped into the system exceeds a critical value. Here we report the observation of Bose-Einstein condensation in a gas of magnons at room temperature. Magnons are the quanta of magnetic excitations in a magnetically ordered ensemble of magnetic moments. In thermal equilibrium, they can be described by Bose-Einstein statistics with zero chemical potential and a temperature-dependent density. In the experiments presented here, we show that by using a technique of microwave pumping it is possible to excite additional magnons and to create a gas of quasi-equilibrium magnons with a non-zero chemical potential. With increasing pumping intensity, the chemical potential reaches the energy of the lowest magnon state, and a Bose condensate of magnons is formed.

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                14 March 2013


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                Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 100404 (2013)
                5 pages, 3 figures
                cond-mat.quant-gas quant-ph

                Quantum physics & Field theory,Quantum gases & Cold atoms
                Quantum physics & Field theory, Quantum gases & Cold atoms


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