Department of Emergency Medicine, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore, Singapore;
Health Services and Systems Research, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore,
Singapore. Electronic address: marcus.ong.e.h@sgh.com.sg.
Department of Emergency Medicine, College of Medicine, Seoul National University,
Seoul, Republic of Korea.
Singapore Clinical Research Institute Pte Ltd, Singapore, Singapore; Centre for Quantitative
Medicine, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore, Singapore.
Department of EMS System, Graduate School, Kokushikan University, Tokyo, Japan.
Department of Acute Medicine, Kindai University Faculty of Medicine, Osaka, Japan.
Department of Emergency Medicine, National Taiwan University Hospital, National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Taiwan; Institute of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, College
of Public Health, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
Emergency Medicine Department, National University Hospital, Singapore, Singapore.
Department of Emergency Medicine, Rajavithi Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand.
Department of Health & Medical Services, ED-Trauma Centre, Rashid Hospital, Dubai,
United Arab Emirates.
Department of Emergency Medicine, Hospital Sungai Buloh, Sungai Buloh, Selangor, Malaysia.
Medical Department, Singapore Civil Defence Force, Singapore, Singapore.
Centre for Quantitative Medicine, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore, Singapore.
Department of Emergency Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, ROC.