The Insight-Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (Insight-HXMT) is a broad band X-ray and gamma-ray (1-3000 keV) astronomy satellite. The High Energy X-ray telescope (HE) is one of its three main telescopes. The main detector plane of HE is composed of 18 NaI(Tl)/CsI(Na) phoswich detectors, where NaI(Tl) serves as primary detector to measure ~ 20-250 keV photons incident from the field of view (FOV) defined by the collimators, and CsI(Na) is used as an active shield detector to NaI(Tl) by pulse shape discrimination. CsI(Na) is also used as an omnidirectional gamma-ray monitor. The HE collimators have a diverse FOV: 1.1{\deg}x 5.7{\deg} (15 units), 5.7{\deg}x 5.7{\deg} (2 units) and blocked (1 unit), thus the combined FOV of HE is about 5.7{\deg}x 5.7{\deg}. Each HE detector has a diameter of 190 mm, resulting in the total geometrical area of about 5100 cm_2. The energy resolution is ~15% at 60 keV. The timing accuracy is better than 10 {\mu}s and dead-time for each detector is less than 10 {\mu}s. HE is devoted to observe the spectra and temporal variability of X-ray sources in the 20-250 keV band either by pointing observations for known sources or scanning observations to unveil new sources, and to monitor the gamma-ray sky in 0.2-3 MeV. This paper presents the design and performance of the HE instruments. Results of the on-ground calibration experiments are also reported.