A collection of topics on small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS)

These metrics are updated across the whole ScienceOpen platform every 24 hours.

Collection details


An Introduction to SAXS

For those starting in the field of small-angle X-ray scattering, these papers demonstrate the principles and show some common application areas of SAXS. Work in progress, papers may be replaced at any time. Always open to suggestions and help. Also check out the two sister collections: SAXS:Software and SAXS:Applications

Created on 2017-04-04

Applications of SAXS

This is a collection of papers to showcase the wide range of applications of SAXS. If you find an application not yet included in the list, let me know!

Created on 2017-04-12


Recent publications in small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), automatically generated. These are the publications with the keyword "SAXS", that have been added to the SO library in the last month. 

Created on 2017-05-29

Software for SAXS correction and analysis

Papers describing available software packages for SAXS data correction and analysis. 

Created on 2017-04-12


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Brian Pauw

Collection Information

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