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      Xanthomonas albilineans agente causal de la escaldadura foliar de la Caña de Azúcar (Saccharum sp) en los estados Lara y Yaracuy Translated title: Xanthomonas albilineans causal agent of sugarcane (Saccharum sp) leaf scald disease in states Lara and Yaracuy


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          En campos experimentales y comerciales de los estados Lara y Yaracuy se observó a nivel foliar estrías y rayas blanquecinas, rectas, de grosor variable con bordes bien definidos y en cortes longitudinales de tallos se observaron los haces fibrovasculares de una coloración rojiza. De este material se hicieron aislamientos, que originaron colonias bacterianas de color amarillo, circulares, de bordes uniformes, consistencia gelatinosa y aspecto brillante. Para las pruebas de patogenicidad se inocularon esquejes sanos por dos métodos: Inyección de la suspensión bacteriana en el tallo en la región nodal y colocación de un algodón impregnado de la suspensión bacteriana en uno de los extremos del esqueje, resultando este último método positivo. A los cinco días se observó una coloración rojiza en la superficie interna del tallo. En los reaislamientos se obtuvo colonias idénticas a las originales. La bacteria aislada resultó Gram negativa y vista al microscopio óptico presentó forma de bastón. Creció de color amarillo en los medios AN, YDC, YCA, AS, YSP, MW, XAS y D5. En D2, D3 y D4 no creció la bacteria, y, resultó aeróbica en el medio Hugh y Leifson; reacción básica en bacto agar dextrosa rojo fenol; oxidasa positiva, catalasa positiva; reducción de nitratos negativo; toleró concentraciones de 0,5-1% de NaCl; hidrólisis del almidón negativa; crecimiento a 35ºC-37ºC positiva; hidrólisis de esculina positivo; arginina dihidrolasa negativa, producción de ureasa negativa, producción de ácido sulfídrico positivo, licuó parcialmente la gelatina; producción de indol negativa, reducción de carbohidratos positiva con glucosa y manosa y negativa con arabinosa, trehalosa y celobiosa. La bacteria se identificó como Xanthomonas albilineans.

          Translated abstract

          In experimental and commercial fields of Lara and Yaracuy states were observed symptoms of leaf scald: Chlorotic leaf striation, straights lines with defined borders, variable thickness and red discoloration of vascular bundles in longitudinally split stalks. Isolations were made from this material, resulting in yellow bacterial colonies, rounded with uniform margin, gelatinous consistence and shining appearance. The pathogenicity test inoculations were made in healthy stocks. Two methods were compared: Internal stalks injection, and infiltration cotton using suspension bacterial, resulting the last methods mentioned, positive. Five days after the inoculations was observed internal red discoloration in stalk. In the reisolation identical colonies like the original ones were obtained. The bacteria isolated was: Gram negative, and seen through the optic microscope had a rod shape. It grew yellow in the cultures AN, YDC, YCA, AS, YSP, MW, XAS and D5. In D2, D3 and D4 the bacteria did not grow, it turned to be aerobic, basic reaction in red phenol dextrose agar, positive oxydase, positive catalase, negative nitrate reduction, tolerated concentrations of 0,5-1% NaCl, negative starch hydrolysis, positive growth at 35ºC-37ºC-, positive esculin hydrolysis, negative dihydrolase arginine, urease's production negative, partially liquated gelatin, indol's production negative, positive sulfide acid production, positive carbohydrate reduction of glucose and mannose and negative of arabinose, trehalose and cellobiose. The bacteria was identified as Xanthomonas albilineans.

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          Most cited references28

          • Record: found
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          Xanthomonas albilineans and the antipathogenesis approach to disease control.

          Summary Molecular studies into sugarcane leaf scald disease, caused by X. albilineans, revealed an unusual pathogenesis strategy, a new family of antibiotics, an extraordinary biosynthetic apparatus, and a new approach to disease control in plants and animals. Bacteria; Proteobacteria; gamma subdivision; Xanthomonadales; Xanthomonas group; X. albilineans (Ashby 1929) Dowson 1943. Microbiological properties: Gram-negative, slender rod-shaped, nonsporing, aerobic, motile by a single polar flagellum; producing slow-growing, pale yellow, nonmucoid colonies in culture; ecologically obligate plant parasite. Monocotyledonous plants in the Poaceae family, including Saccharum spp. and other grasses. Causal agent of sugarcane leaf scald. Disease symptoms: Characteristic white leaf stripes with necrotic zones at leaf margins, extensive chlorosis of emerging leaves, vascular reddening and cavity formation in invaded stems, production of side shoots, rapid wilting and death of plants. Prolonged latent infection can occur, necessitating detection by isolation or sensitive molecular assays. Xylem-invading pathogen, transmitted in cuttings, mechanically, and by wind-blown rain. Produces albicidin toxins that block prokaryotic DNA replication and plastid development, causing chlorosis in emerging leaves. Albicidins interfere with host resistance mechanisms, allowing systemic invasion. Strains vary in virulence. Agronomic importance and control: Sugarcane leaf scald is a widespread and devastating disease. Eradication is impractical because of alternative hosts. Measures to reduce inoculum sources and transmission can reduce losses. Long-term control requires sugarcane varieties with introgressed resistance, thus limiting gains from breeding. Antipathogenesis approach: By understanding key pathogenicity factors (such as albicidins), it may be possible to develop new control strategies, including novel resistance genes to rescue susceptible varieties. Useful web site:http://cygnus.tamu.edu/Texlab/Sugarcrops/Sugarcane/sugarc.html.
            • Record: found
            • Abstract: not found
            • Article: not found

            Selective media for isolation of Agrobacterium, Corynebacterium, Erwinia, Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas.

              • Record: found
              • Abstract: not found
              • Article: not found

              Comparison of PCR, Bio-PCR, DIA, ELISA, and isolation on semiselective medium for detection of Xanthomonas albilineans, the causal agent of leaf scald of sugarcane


                Author and article information

                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Revista de la Facultad de Agronomía
                Rev. Fac. Agron.
                Facultad de Agronomía. Universidad del Zulia (Caracas )
                July 2004
                : 21
                : 3
                : 233-245
                [1 ] Universidad Central Lisandro Alvarado



                SciELO Venezuela

                Self URI (journal page): http://www.scielo.org.ve/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0378-7818&lng=en

                Sugarcane (Saccharum sp.),identified bacterial pathogen,Xanthomonas albilineans,Caña de Azúcar (Saccharum sp.),identificación patógeno bacteriano


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