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In its first 25 years, the journal Advances in Health Sciences Education (AHSE) has
become known for pushing boundaries to expand notions of what is recognized as relevant
and legitimate in the study of health professions education (HPE). In this special
edition, the AHSE community celebrates this success, and honours the legacy of its
founding Editor-in-Chief, Geoff Norman. We applaud AHSE for using this occasion to
consider ways that the field has benefited from a broad range of theories, methodologies,
and disciplinary or interdisciplinary perspectives. True to the spirit of the journal,
this celebration invites scholarly questioning of how to further advance HPE. As the
world moves beyond traditional approaches to teaching and learning in HPE to more
international and interconnected approaches (Harden 2006), advances to scholarship
in our field must include closer attention to the voices and contexts that are absent
or under-represented. Questions that shine light on structural barriers that silence
certain voices and/or contexts are essential to consider if the aims of HPE are to
be international rather than Euroamerican dominated. The AHSE community of scholars
is well positioned to share ideas for levelling the playing field in global HPE research
and find ways to have more inclusive scholarly conversations.
The notion of attending to absences, and recognizing ‘absence research’ as a legitimate
area of focus in HPE, was the topic of a recently published AHSE paper (Paton et al.
2020). We consider the under-representation of certain voices and/or contexts to be
an important area of absence that requires further examination. We write this piece
as a group of educators and scholars who are part of a longstanding high income country
(HIC)-low income country (LIC) partnership between the University of Toronto (UofT)
and Addis Ababa University (AAU) (Wondimagegn et al. 2018). The Toronto Addis Ababa
Academic Collaboration (TAAAC) relies on a commitment to long term engagement with
a focus on building strong relationships as part of our continued work together. For
years, we have reflected together on challenges faced by LIC scholars in sharing their
perspectives both at international conferences and in the academic HPE literature.
We have worked to develop and abide by principles and values that reduce academic
hierarchies within our partnership, while acknowledging the inescapable fact that
privilege creates power differentials (Whitehead et al. 2018).
In this commentary we draw upon shared learnings from our partnership and describe
issues we have encountered as we have collaborated on scholarly work. Our work is
informed by existing literature that has highlighted the limited representation of
low and middle income countries (LMIC) in the HPE research literature; the global
dominance of the English language in international publication; and the drive of LMIC
scholars to join the competitive academic enterprise which encourages authors to favour
publishing in international journals versus local journals in languages other than
Background of the TAAAC partnership
Within the TAAAC partnership, a key principle is that UofT teaches into the AAU curriculum
(Alam et al. 2010; Meshkat et al. 2018; Wondimagegn et al. 2018). UofT faculty members
are ‘invited guests’ who co-teach and co-develop teaching materials that AAU colleagues
are free to modify and adapt. In this relational partnership, clear delineation of
ownership and decision-making power has been critical to the success and sustainability
of the TAAAC programs.
While curriculum ownership by AAU is solidly established, our conversations about
equitable ways to disseminate scholarly findings from this collaboration are ongoing
and evolving. In accordance with the requests from AAU, and the urgent need to develop
culturally-appropriate training, the early years of the partnership focused on programmatic
development and implementation. Scholarship was desirable and welcomed, but mostly
happened ad hoc and program by program. Although the primary work continues to focus
on collaborating to build new curricula for programs, the last 5 years has seen a
growing focus on the importance of creating scholarship about the collaboration. To
this end, a TAAAC Master of Health Sciences Education (MHSE) was developed as a means
to provide specific education scholarship capacity building with a goal of integrating
scholarship into and across all TAAAC programs. This MHSE has now trained four cohorts
of education scholars in Ethiopia with an explicit focus on educational issues of
relevance in the Ethiopian context. The TAAAC MHSE development is part of an international
trend involving universities in HIC and LMIC to develop health professions education
scholarship programming to provide capacity-building opportunities for education scholars
from under-represented contexts (Frenk et al. 2010; Yarmoshuk et al. 2018). What remains
unique with the TAAAC MHSE program faculty is our commitment to thinking deeply about
and implementing equity scholarship based on relational collaborations.
Creating equity scholarship involves turning our attention to shared principles and
values to guide our scholarly collaborations. There is strong agreement that presentations
and publications about the TAAAC partnership should not be undertaken unilaterally,
and that authorship should reflect the shared nature of the work. Unsurprisingly,
in moving from the principle of shared representation to the implementation of appropriate
processes and practices, we have identified pragmatic, structural, and conceptual
issues that remain a work in progress. Two areas of recent negotiation among our partners
are in the scholarly processes of grant capture and manuscript development and the
subsequent publication process, which can add a special strain on the capacity building
The scholarly processes
A frequent early issue with the start of a collaborative scholarly project relates
to the inception and shaping of the work. Within our partnership, and particularly
with education-focused projects, it is the HIC partners who most often have more access
to funding opportunities. Some of these grant opportunities require a HIC principal
investigator(s) and collaborators from LIC, but have no requirements for LIC principal
investigators. To achieve grant success, projects therefore get framed in ways that
highlight the relevance and importance to the calls of the HIC funder from the HIC
investigators’ priority areas. For example, a recent grant writing experience had
us working within the parameters of the grant (only HIC leads required), but in attempts
to ground the work in what is relevant to our Ethiopian partners, we worked together
early on in the writing process. Nevertheless, the voice of the grant writing and
project design was in the end, and by design for likelihood of grant success, written
for a ‘Western’ audience.
An additional consideration when engaging in HIC/LIC collaborations is the amount
and type of structural support that is available to administer the grant once it has
been granted. HIC partners are more likely to have access to layers of academic support,
including full time non-clinician researchers and scientists, research associates
and research coordinators, librarians, graphic designers and editors than their LIC
partners. HIC partners are also more likely to have protected academic time for scholarly
Manuscript preparation
On a recent project, several of this paper’s authors worked together to publish about
Ethiopia’s early experience with and response to COVID-19. Together we revised and
edited the manuscript until it found acceptance in an appropriate journal. Upon reflection,
we realized that part of the re-writing process involved ‘Westernizing’ the voice
and the arguments, so that it was judged more appropriate for an international audience.
This caused us to reflect about voices and balance. Authors from HIC are more likely
to be at ease and fluent with Engligh language academic writing styles. These layers
of privilege are extremely helpful for getting a project to the stage of publication
submission but they also structurally tilt the dominant voice to be more ‘Western.’
When the aim is to publish the work in an international English language journal,
framing for acceptability and legitimacy can accentuate this tendency. When working
with historically marginalized groups, striving for a single ‘partnership’ voice may
not be appropriate (Soklaridis et al. 2020). One way to acknowledge historical injustices
and power imbalances is to add a reflective statement that includes how these complex
dynamics play out in the writing process.
The publication processes
We recognize several distinct but inter-related issues with moving shared scholarly
work towards publication. These include representation of LMICs in international academic
publishing, English as the dominant language in publishing, and international versus
local reach.
Representation of LMICs in academic publishing
For decades, journal staff and editors have raised concerns about the absence of LMIC
journals in science and indexing systems, which in effect relegated research from
LMICs to a ‘lost science’ (Gibbs 1995). Some journals have attempted to remove structural
barriers for LMIC authors. The Lancet, BMJ and BioMed Central (BMC) support improvements
of information flow with LMICs by offering both greater open access to peer-reviewed
research from the international community and increased opportunities to bring their own research
to international audiences (Godlee et al. 2000). These attempts may have contributed
to some success. Of the top five international medical education journals, BMC’s Medical
Education specialty journal includes representation from the greatest range of geographic
locations (Costa et al. 2018). Strategic attempts have also been made by Academic
Medicine and Medical Education with special series’ on ‘New Conversations’ and ‘Medical
Education around the world’ (Gibbs 2007) respectively.
LMIC underrepresentation is also evident in international collaborations between HIC
and LMIC researchers, with HIC authors frequently dominating the prestigious authorship
positions (Hedt-Gauthier et al. 2019). In the HPE literature more specifically, preliminary
results from a bibliometric analysis showed clear dominance by five countries (USA,
Canada, UK, Netherlands and Australia), that spanned multiple traditional success
metrics including number of publications in top tier medical education journals, first
authorship, last authorship, and citations (Costa et al. 2018). Conversely, many LMIC
countries were absent or had only a minor representation in any of these metrics over
the same 5 year timeframe (Costa et al. 2018).
The fact that there remains under-representation of LMIC authors in key authorship
positions is clear, and there is now a growing literature seeking potential explanations
for authorship order issues. Problematic HIC practices in terms of academic promotion
have been postulated as one reason for the preponderance of HIC authors occupying
these authorship positions (Hedt-Gauthier et al. 2018). Others have highlighted the
ongoing effects of the legacy of colonialism in perpetuating power disparities between
HIC and LMIC partners (Eichbaum et al. 2020; Bleakley et al. 2008; Whitehead 2016).
This is seen in healthcare research as well as in medical education research (Mbaye
et al. 2019; Canadian Coalition for Public Health Research 2015; Taylor 2018; The
Lancet Global Health 2018). In the area of academic global health, Abimbola eloquently
summarizes these concerns:
“[T]he growing concern about imbalances in authorship are a tangible proxy for concerns
about power asymmetries in the production (and benefits) of knowledge in global health.
In fact, authorship per se is not the fundamental issue; undoing what these imbalances
represent—a continuity of the colonial project in global health—is often the issue”
(2019, p. 4).
While we agree with Abimbola that authorship may not be the only nor even the fundamental
issue, we nevertheless consider authorship important to attend to as a way to be mindful
of imbalances stemming from the colonial history of the field of health professions
education (Whitehead 2016).
English as a universal language of publication
The fact that English functions as the universal scientific language likely also contributes
to power differentials and disparities. Englander (2011) analyses the discursive effects
of the assumption that only English-language publications are part of international
scientific conversations. She describes how this disenfranchises authors from non-English
speaking countries in terms of participating in international conversations. While
in the TAAAC partnership the English as first language speakers are able to help overcome
the language disparity issue in specific scholarly projects, we recognise that even
in a partnership, issues around language connect to issues around voice, and to what
is valued in determining authorship order. English is the language used in higher
education in Ethiopia, and is the language used for the TAAAC partnership work, as
Ethiopian scholars can function well in English. Canadian scholars speak at most a
smattering of Amharic words. All translation from Amharic is work done solely by Ethiopian
scholars. This includes finding ways to express sophisticated Amharic concepts in
English. The painstaking process of translation work is not explicitly recognized
in authorship criteria guidelines, whereas the work of putting cohesive English words
to paper is a key marker of authorship contribution. Ethiopians may have less experience
and formal training in academic writing, along with less institutional academic support.
Even as we write this commentary in English, we are aware of how our shared voice
may not fully reflect the ideas and intentions of those of us who think more fluently
in the Amharic language.
Global versus local context
The dominance of English in academic publishing also forces some authors to have to
make decisions about whether they prefer to publish for local impact (local language
publication) or global impact (English language publication). Scholars from LMICs
may be motivated to publish in local journals and in local languages so that their
work can be applied to local problems (Mu and Pereyra-Rojas 2015). Mu and Pereyra-Rojas
(2015) describe how within their field of Latin American Studies they must decide
whether they want to have an impact on society or an impact on knowledge, and that
it is not always possible to achieve both goals when disseminating their work. Abimbola
(2019) suggests that LMIC authors might wish to place more focus on the local gaze
rather than so frequently aiming for international publications. At the same time,
LIC universities recognize the need to enter the competitive global academic field
where comparative rankings matter. These academic productivity metrics privilege international
journals as a publishing place of choice for both HIC and LMIC authors.
Possible ways forward
Our TAAAC group has thought about possibilities for opening up more inclusive spaces
in international health professions education scholarship and research. We have identified
areas of opportunity for ourselves as collaborators, as well as potential ways forward
for international academic journals to address the various factors that weigh heavily
on international collaborations.
We recognize the fundamental importance of our relational model of collaboration,
which has helped to build trust and engage in potentially-awkward discussions through
years of shared work together. Our experiences align with Naidu’s (2020) argument
that the contemporary field of international health professions education is filled
with colonized artefacts. Medical education and practice was used in the past to provide
biological rationalizations that justified colonial domination (Greene et al. 2013).
Colonial powers ignored and attempted to obliterate local cultures, education and
religion through the forced substitution of “Western” cultures, education, priorities,
and mindsets (Eichbaum et al. 2020). We find ourselves repeatedly tripping over these
artefacts as we work to mitigate power imbalances. Naidu further argues that any scholarly
conversation that aims to globalize health professions education in an authentic way
must in and of itself be scrutinized for colonized ways of thinking. We agree, and
recognize that the academic landscape we journey through together is fundamentally
a colonized space, in which layer upon layer of HIC privilege is deeply entrenched.
We try to level the path in an iterative way with ongoing dialogue as we work on specific
projects together. We have found that it is essential to deal in specificities of
both power imbalances and cultural differences. We strive to engage in scholarly academic
experiences whereby we recurrently identify aspects of privilege that infuse our partnership.
Although we cannot rid our partnership of power imbalances, regular identification
of issues with consideration of mitigating options has helped us continue on our journey
together. We cannot claim to have reached Naidu’s ideal of open North/South dialogue
as “freed from subtle coercion or intellectual domination” (2020, p. 11) but her articulation
captures what we are aiming for.
We recognize that our relational partnership involves a meeting of cultures that is
fundamentally different from the import–export model that characterizes many global
partnerships. A commitment by both TAAAC partners to a long-term scholarly relationship
gives time for a gradual increase in cross-cultural understandings which necessarily
then change both partners. For example, Ethiopian partners have helped Canadian partners
develop a partial understanding of traditional Ethiopian healing practices that have
challenged Canadian assumptions in a way that not only enriches the partnership but
also allows Canadians to take these new learnings back into Canadian contexts. Within
the TAAAC partnership, notions of bilateral exchange, shared learning, and mutual
benefit have long been acknowledged by participants, but these ideas need further
exploration in the dissemination of academic presentations and publications. Continuing
such work across multiple global partnerships will move forward scholarly understandings
about inclusive partnership models.
Turning to ways to advance more inclusive practices in international academic publications,
this can be considered at practical, structural, and conceptual levels. Practically,
as outlined earlier in this commentary, many journals have recognized LMIC under-representation
and have implemented processes that aim for greater inclusivity. In addition to practices
already in place, we suggest that given that the universal language of publishing
is English, perhaps journal editorial teams might examine their assumptions about
words and phrases that are considered legitimate. Should our lexicon only include
words and phrases that are familiar to North American and European audiences? In various
international collaborations and as reviewers and editors, we have noted differences
in terminology even between North American and European settings and have sometimes
struggled with what range of terminology is appropriate. While journals obviously
aspire to use language that allows ease of reading, perhaps there needs to be an expanded
notion of who is considered as the readership. If standard Euroamerican terms are
considered the norm, what message does that send to readers from other settings?
On a structural level, an area of consideration is the extent to which current standards
of rigour, generalizability, universality and acceptable theoretical approaches are
shaped by Euroamerican assumptions. To be clear, we are not arguing against notions
of rigour nor against the importance of theoretical and conceptual framings. Naidu
(2020) convincingly argues that current assumptions of what constitutes and what counts
in global medical education has a distinctly ‘Northern tilt’ which can hide or appropriate
Southern ways of knowing. The adoption of Euroamerican practices and products has
historically provided a means by which authors from other countries have been able
to join global conversations. For example, despite being a difficult fit within Asian
cultures, many medical schools adopted problem-based learning as a solution to entering
the twenty-first Century globalized knowledge-based economy (Gwee 2008). While this
is an important step towards inclusivity, perhaps focussing only on how Euroamerican
tools and practices can be adopted or adapted in other contexts is insufficient. Of
course everyone can and should have the agency to look at models from afar and adapt
as useful in their contexts. It is the ongoing frequency with which only things Euroamerican
are deemed legitimate and generalizable that journal editorial teams may wish to reconsider.
Conceptually, perhaps it is time for journal editorial teams to reexamine the extent
to whch Euroamerican narratives are positioned as universal truths in international
journals, while Southern perspectives are relegated to being contextual and of local
interest. Both Naidu and Abimbola call current approaches into question. The publishing
landscape might look very different if Euroamerican authors were expected to demonstrate
the relevance of their research for a truly global audience, rather than only for
privileged portions of the international community. If journals are open to re-considering
current conceptions of local versus interternational relevance, we suggest that a
key step would be for journal editorial teams (which often have a preponderance of
HIC country members) to engage in dialogue with LMIC academics. Such dialogue might
include consideration of whether there are additional ways to recognize rigour using
theories and methodologies that are not based in Euroamerican understandings. This
might help journal editorial teams re-imagine appropriate ways to value and incorporate
local knowledges from non-Euroamerican contexts. In the first 25 years of the journal,
AHSE has pushed the field to include diverse Euroamerican theoretical and methodological
approaches, giving voice to a significant cross-section of scholarly disciplines.
To date, there has been a missed opportunity for all to learn and benefit from perspectives
across the larger global community. Academics and journal editorial teams will need
to engage at practical, structural and conceptual levels to move from Euroamerican
HIC-dominant perspectives to ensure that international scholarly conversations are
more fully global. Finding ways to highlight under-represented voices requires passing
the microphone to colleagues who have historically been rendered mic-less. It will
also require consideration of the structures of the sound system and the performance
stage, each of which might require rewiring or renovations to allow sufficient amplification.
Finally, it will require cultural and scholarly humility on the part of currently
dominant voices, to be open to different ways of knowing, thinking, and doing. We
believe that AHSE and other international journals are ready to take this courageous
step, and know that when the voices of education scholars globally are shared, we
will all benefit from this growth in our field.
I was really interested in black readership. For me the parallel is black music, which is as splendid and complicated and wonderful as it is because its audience was within; its primary audience. The fact that it has become universal, worldwide, anyone, everyone can play it, and it has evolved, was because it wasn’t tampered with, and editorialised, within the community. So, I wanted the literature that I wrote to be that way. I could just go straight to where the soil was, where the fertility was in this landscape. And also, I wanted to feel free not to have the white gaze in this place that was so precious to me… —Toni Morrison (1931–2019)1 And I have spent my entire writing life trying to make sure that the white gaze was not the dominant one in any of my books. The people who helped me most arrive at that kind of language were African writers… Those writers who could assume the centrality of their race because they were African. And they didn’t explain anything to white people… “Things Fall Apart” [by Chinua Achebe] was more important to me than anything only because there was a language, there was a posture, there were the parameters. I could step in now, and I didn’t have to be consumed by or concerned by the white gaze. —Toni Morrison (1931–2019)2 Introduction There is a problem of gaze at the heart of academic global health. It is difficult to name. Replace the word ‘white’ in the Toni Morrison quotes above with the word ‘foreign’, and you may see what I mean. Better still, read on. Because without naming this problem, we cannot have holistic discussions on imbalances in the authorship of academic global health publications. Recent bibliometric analyses3–6 (some of which have been published in BMJ Global Health 7–9) confirm patterns that are largely explained by entrenched power asymmetries in global health partnerships—between researchers in high-income countries (often the source of funds and agenda) and those in middle-income and especially low-income countries (where the research is often conducted). But we cannot talk about authorship without grappling with who we are as authors, who we imagine we write for (ie, gaze), and the position or standpoint from which we write (ie, pose). It is tempting to proffer specific or direct solutions to these imbalances in authorship (some have appeared in BMJ Global Health, and we welcome more) with initiatives that include having journals, funders, universities and their governing bodies mandate the inclusion of local authors, change academic promotion criteria so that foreign experts can more readily give up choice authorship positions, provide resources to low-income and middle-income country academics to engage more equitably in partnerships, change the criteria for authorship so that more roles are recognised, and increase the diversity of journal editorial boards.8–15 In my view, these measures are, in many cases, necessary. But I often wonder if (without addressing the problem of gaze) these solutions can result in moral licensing—that is, can the self-congratulation that will very likely accompany having these measures in place make us excuse ourselves from addressing more fundamental issues of authorship? This editorial is based on my experiences as a journal editor, and also an academic who has been a local researcher and a foreign researcher.16 It is also based on a constructed ‘ideal’17 of how things might have been without global health research partnerships, and when (circa late 19th to mid-20th century) many of the countries that are now high-income countries experienced significant improvements in health outcomes and equity,18 that is, an ‘ideal’ of local people writing about local issues for a local audience. I deploy this ‘ideal’ not as a prescription, but only as a heuristic device. And by applying this sense of ‘ideal’, I wrestle, rhetorically, with three questions that come to mind and give me pause, whenever I consider solutions to imbalances in authorship, especially those solutions that are based on mandates and strictures. The questions are: (1) What if the foreign gaze is necessary? (2) What if the foreign gaze is inconsequential? (3) What if the foreign gaze is corrupting? What if the foreign gaze is necessary? This question stems from the notion that the requirement for balance in authorship in global health research partnerships is not self-evident. The research questions addressed in such partnerships may be best posed by foreign experts, and their findings best written for a foreign gaze. In such a situation, does it matter if the authorship is skewed towards or entirely foreign experts? While the local gaze is important, we cannot presume that the ‘ideal’ of local people writing about local issues for a local audience will always hold. And because such a situation in which the foreign gaze is necessary should be an exception rather than the rule, perhaps such papers should be so labelled by the lead author ‘written with a foreign pose for a foreign gaze’, with the justification for such an exceptional choice of pose and gaze clearly and visibly articulated in the paper. Perhaps in a box, just below the list of authors, or as a footnote, next to conflict of interests. Let us explore one such potential scenario. Take for example, a hypothetical paper written by a foreign expert, about burial practices in West Africa. This academic was deployed as part of a team of anthropologists to support efforts to address an Ebola outbreak. Through their anthropological work, this academic helped the ‘foreign-led’ team in West Africa make sense of local practices, thus contributing towards making strategies for adapting burial practices in the wake of the Ebola outbreak more effective—because the burial of loved ones who died from the infection is often a channel of contracting the Ebola virus. The audience for whom the paper was written would likely be other anthropologists who perform similar service in other countries working as foreigners—a role that may not exist if all such response teams were led by local experts—that is, if every country had the capacity (especially, the funds) to respond to their own outbreaks. In an ‘ideal’ scenario—that is, the anthropologist is a local expert who speaks the same language as their fellow locals, with the same burial practices, and works within a team of other local experts—the paper is different: ‘written with a local pose for a local gaze’. Here is a worthwhile thought experiment: how will the content, emphasis, style and framing of a paper ‘with a local pose for a local gaze’ differ from one ‘with a foreign pose for a foreign gaze’? We can extend that question to other deviations from the ‘ideal’ pose and gaze (see figure 1)—that is, ‘written with a local pose for a foreign gaze’ and ‘written with a foreign pose for a local gaze’. Typically, these choices are neither consciously made nor explicitly declared. But they should. Such a declaration could function as a short form of authorial reflexivity, and help academics, foreign and local, to be more deliberate in their choices and attitudes, and help readers to better place the purpose of a paper. Figure 1 The authorial reflexivity matrix, with combinations of local and foreign pose and gaze. This authorial reflexivity can give permission to the foreign expert, who, recognising the limits of what they can see or understand, chooses to write for other foreign experts, primarily; and can expose the hubris of a foreign expert who does otherwise. But note that the local versus foreign pose can shift depending on the person and the topic; an anthropologist from the same West African country, but of a different ethnicity to the location of the outbreak, may be a foreigner in relation to burial practices—foreignness could be defined by ethnicity, race, caste, geography, socioeconomic status and the issue in question. The declared authorial reflexivity can also help readers or bibliographers understand the reasoning behind the pose and gaze—for example, there is no local (with capacity) available, the pose and/or gaze does not matter, the message is best suited for a foreign audience, or the lead author knows too little to have anything of value to say to local experts. What if the foreign gaze is inconsequential? The alternative, longer, form of this question is: ‘what if it is indeed the local (rather than the foreign) gaze that is consequential?’ (see figure 1). To explore its implications, let us return to our foreign anthropologist in West Africa, but one who chooses to write primarily for local experts—that is, ‘with a foreign pose for a local gaze’, in an effort to approximate the ideal—that is, ‘with a local pose for a local gaze’. Such a paper would be published where our ‘ideal’ paper is published: in local journals, many of which may not be indexed in global databases or published in English,19 but contain publications addressing research questions and policy issues that would exist, irrespective of the presence and influence of foreign experts, foreign funds, foreign donors, foreign helpers or foreign collaborators. Just consider the sheer volume of such publications. Indeed, most academic global health papers are local,20 many of them in outlets that are deemed ‘predatory’.21 22 How consequential is this minority of academic global health publications written for the foreign gaze? It is almost certain that local output is much more consequential, if only because sustainable progress in global health is homegrown, with local processes being responsible for much historical improvements in global health outcomes and equity23–27—and, for example, there is as yet no association between the density of papers in global databases on universal health coverage from a country and its attainment by the country.28 What gets written for the foreign gaze reflects the appetite of the foreign gaze,29–35 which is more attuned to the ‘surgical’ than to the ‘organic’.36 It is much easier to see ‘surgical’ change (as the agents of change are tangible, short-term, often external) than it is to see ‘organic’ change (as the agents of change are diffuse, long-term, typically internal). We must get better at recognising and explaining long-term change.37 Papers written for the foreign gaze represent only a slice of reality; only a subset of publications originating from a country that may advance the cause of global health in that country. In some cases, it is an important slice, but a slice, nonetheless. Too much focus on this subset unduly emphasises discrete, short-term and episodic efforts, often initiated or led from outside. But emerging evidence from several low-income and middle-income countries suggests that long-term change is brought about by local process, policies and dynamics—for example, the role of women’s empowerment in explaining long-term change in child health outcomes.38–41 It is unfair, and even misleading and colonial to pay undue attention to the foreign gaze. And if the academic literature to which we give priority does not reflect that local experts are at the forefront of addressing local problems, then there is something deeply wrong with that literature, because it does not reflect reality. We must rethink our attitude to ‘local’ journals and take some responsibility for why many local experts publish in ‘predatory’ journals.21 22 If we are keen about the local gaze, we will seek to publish our work in the same journals where local experts exchange ideas; local journals and outlets will have their proper place in our imagination, and perhaps some of the shady entrepreneurs behind predatory journals may have founded legitimate peer-reviewed journals instead.21 22 Why, for example, should it be normal that a trial of strategies to reduce maternal mortality in rural India gets published in a journal based in Boston or London instead of Bangalore? Perhaps, we should extend our authorial reflexivity, so that it includes the justification for the choice of a foreign journal—for example, because it is a multicountry study, the findings are irrelevant to a local audience, funder’s expectation, the journal’s impact factor, or for promotion, grants and prestige. What if the foreign gaze is corrupting? This question has particular resonance for me and many people I know. To explain what I mean, let us return again to our anthropologist; this time, a local anthropologist, who, although a local expert, chooses to write primarily for a foreign audience. As pose is often determined by the gaze of the spectator, the foreign gaze can alter the local expert’s pose. The choice that a local expert makes about the audience that they want to inform or impress can corrupt their message (see figure 1). The local expert makes a trade-off—between on the one hand, the need to tell it like it is, and on the other hand, an effort to globalise the use of language, to make their message intelligible to an audience with little background knowledge, to sanitise the reality that they wish to convey, to hide the dirty linen. When the foreign gaze wins over, as it often does, complexity, nuance and meaning (eg, about local burial practices) can be lost, especially for the local audience. The foreign gaze can make a local expert write like an expatriate—as often detectable in the language of local experts who work closely with foreign experts, or of postcolonial literary fiction written for the foreign gaze.42 Further, this phenomenon can also corrupt the local expert’s own sense of reality—in the process of massaging, simplifying and altering reality, the local expert stands the chance of also losing their own sense of reality; the sense of complexity and of multidimensional reality that is often necessary to address delivery problems in global health.43 An additional corrupting influence of preoccupation with the foreign gaze is that it can distract (especially) local experts from engaging in the often consequential and often non-academic conversations in their own setting, some of which are not had in the English language, which should be at the centre of academic global health discourse, but unfortunately are often not taken as seriously.44 The most important conversations about health policy, systems and delivery in many low-income or middle-income countries do not make their way into peer-reviewed journals (whether local or global), and, perhaps, neither should they. I glean them on email listservs, local newspapers, local blogs, local radio, WhatsApp groups and even on Twitter. It would be both colonial and anachronistic to expect or require that such conversations be had in global journals, which many of the participants do not read and should not be expected to read.44 But it should also be unacceptable, that, like ships in the night, local and global conversations often pass each other by. The challenge is to create channels through which the content of some of these conversations can make their way into the academic global health literature, channels that can help to recognise, amplify and draw insight from local conversations without, extractively, asking for them to move to foreign platforms. To make global health truly global is to make global health truly local. Perhaps what our local anthropologist who is keen to write for a foreign gaze must do is write two versions of the same paper—one written from a foreign pose for a foreign gaze, and another written from a local pose for a local gaze, for example, a local newspaper or blog, perhaps in a local language.44 And in the version written from foreign pose for a foreign gaze, the local expert should explain the reasoning behind that choice and the impact of the foreign gaze on their pose, on their prose, their language, their style, on what they chose to include and exclude in their paper, on the aspects of reality that they left out, and where the local audience might find the version written for them. The local expert may do this in a statement, as part of the declaration on authorial reflexivity, inside the box, just below the list of authors, or as an extension of the footnote, next to conflict of interests. Conclusion In many ways, the growing concerns about imbalances in authorship are a tangible proxy for concerns about power asymmetries in the production (and benefits) of knowledge in global health. In fact, authorship per se is not the fundamental issue; undoing what those imbalances represent—a continuity of the colonial project in global health—is often the issue. And the ongoing discussions on authorship in academic global health is an opportunity to have the necessary conversations that go beyond mere representation on lists of authors—through open self-reflections or reflexivity (about which much can be learnt from ongoing efforts to decolonise anthropology45–47), aided by the ‘authorial reflexivity matrix’ (see figure 1), on the situations that lead us to make less than ‘ideal’ choices about authorship, why those choices are sometimes necessary, how to make our work in those less than ‘ideal’ situations more consequential, and our choices less corrupting. For me, the implications of the three questions explored in this editorial are inescapable. The foreign gaze is inevitable. In a globalising world, our destinies are interlinked, and the origins of and solutions to delivery problems in global health can be local or foreign. But in a world of power and information asymmetries, we see differently and understand differently; and much too often, the power to act is not directly proportional to the information on which to act.48 There will always be gaps between what local experts see and what foreign experts can possibly see.16 But more and open conversations on the place of the foreign gaze, of local knowledge and of organic (rather than surgical) change in global health are—and can help us identify other—strategies to fundamentally undo colonial practices and attitudes. The proposed reflexivity statements can be a starting point—but only in the hope that, in this case, sunlight may, in fact, be the best disinfectant.
Background Collaborations are often a cornerstone of global health research. Power dynamics can shape if and how local researchers are included in manuscripts. This article investigates how international collaborations affect the representation of local authors, overall and in first and last author positions, in African health research. Methods We extracted papers on ‘health’ in sub-Saharan Africa indexed in PubMed and published between 2014 and 2016. The author’s affiliation was used to classify the individual as from the country of the paper’s focus, from another African country, from Europe, from the USA/Canada or from another locale. Authors classified as from the USA/Canada were further subclassified if the author was from a top US university. In primary analyses, individuals with multiple affiliations were presumed to be from a high-income country if they contained any affiliation from a high-income country. In sensitivity analyses, these individuals were presumed to be from an African country if they contained any affiliation an African country. Differences in paper characteristics and representation of local coauthors are compared by collaborative type using χ² tests. Results Of the 7100 articles identified, 68.3% included collaborators from the USA, Canada, Europe and/or another African country. 54.0% of all 43 429 authors and 52.9% of 7100 first authors were from the country of the paper’s focus. Representation dropped if any collaborators were from USA, Canada or Europe with the lowest representation for collaborators from top US universities—for these papers, 41.3% of all authors and 23.0% of first authors were from country of paper’s focus. Local representation was highest with collaborators from another African country. 13.5% of all papers had no local coauthors. Discussion Individuals, institutions and funders from high-income countries should challenge persistent power differentials in global health research. South-South collaborations can help African researchers expand technical expertise while maintaining presence on the resulting research.
Journal ID (nlm-ta): Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract
Journal ID (iso-abbrev): Adv Health Sci Educ Theory Pract
Advances in Health Sciences Education
Springer Netherlands
Publication date
Pages: 1-9
]GRID grid.7123.7, ISNI 0000 0001 1250 5688, Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine, College of Health Sciences, , Addis Ababa University, ; P.O. Box 9086, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
]GRID grid.17063.33, ISNI 0000 0001 2157 2938, The Wilson Centre, University Health Network, , University of Toronto, ; 200 Elizabeth Street 1ES-559, Toronto, ON M5G 2C4 Canada
]GRID grid.17063.33, ISNI 0000 0001 2157 2938, Department of Family and Community Medicine, , University of Toronto, ; 500 University Ave, Toronto, ON M5G 1V7 Canada
]GRID grid.17063.33, ISNI 0000 0001 2157 2938, Department of Psychiatry, , University of Toronto, ; 250 College Street, Toronto, ON M5T 1R8 Canada
]GRID grid.155956.b, ISNI 0000 0000 8793 5925, Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, ; 250 College Street, Toronto, ON M5T 1R8 Canada
]GRID grid.7123.7, ISNI 0000 0001 1250 5688, Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, College of Health Sciences, , Addis Ababa University, ; P.O. Box 9086, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
]GRID grid.7123.7, ISNI 0000 0001 1250 5688, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Pharmacognosy, College of Health Sciences,
, Addis Ababa University, ; P.O. Box 9086, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
]GRID grid.417199.3, ISNI 0000 0004 0474 0188, Women’s College Hospital, ; 76 Grenville Street, Toronto, ON M5S 1B2 Canada
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