A grand challenge, it would seem, has to be grand, i.e., large and impressive in size,
scope, or extent. While each plant physiologist would likely come up with a list of
challenges in their own area of work, to be truly grand these should span the entire
discipline of plant physiology, and ideally have significant impact on both science
and technology. The question then is what is the scope of “plant physiology?” Turns
out there are numerous definitions in use. This journal considers it to encompass
the “nature of functioning of an organism” studied at various levels of complexity
and embracing the full range of technologies from cell biology to systems biology.
Likewise, the journal with this name considers it to include broad aspects of plant
biology, including an “understanding of the plant as a whole organism and its interactions
with symbionts, pathogens and pests, and the environment,” and employing disciplines
ranging from cell and molecular biology, biochemistry, and biophysics to genetics
and physiology (Chrispeels and Raikhel, 2000). These are consonant with my definition
of plant physiology, which I consider to be generally synonymous with plant science
and plant biology. Thus, I see “physiology” as a relevant component of most if not
all of the Frontiers specialties listed on the journal website1 and believe it would
be difficult to come up with a definition of plant physiology that excluded these
areas. However, in the challenges discussed in this article I will try to minimize
the overlap with the challenges elaborated in other Specialities. A corollary to this
is that future authors should recognize that articles destined for the Frontiers in
Plant Science series could fit under several Specialities, and they are free to decide
where their work would fit best.
In my view, the truly grand challenges in plant physiology are those that will yield
important insights about how plants live and function, and also provide at least partial
solutions to critical societal needs. Some of the most pressing needs are contained
in the recent A New Biology report from the National Research Council (NRC, 2009),
which outlined sustainable food production, ecosystem restoration, biofuel production,
and human health as four major societal needs – grand challenges indeed. These same
challenges show up in the areas targeted by the recently created National Institute
for Food and Agriculture (NIFA) that has focused competitive research programs around
the themes of climate change; bioenergy; food safety; nutrition and childhood obesity;
and global food security. Similarly, the recently formed Global Plant Council has
identified world hunger, energy, climate change, health and well-being, sustainability
and environmental protection as major challenges that need to be addressed on a broad
scale2. Thus, I would submit that the grand challenge is to determine how plant physiology
research can be applied to help solve these major societal needs, which will likely
involve integrated multi-disciplinary approaches with physiology playing an important
So how can plant physiology research help achieve the grand challenge? Taking a fairly
restrictive view of what constitutes physiology research, we might consider each of
the three traditional areas of physiology research: (i) metabolism (including nutrition);
(ii) growth and development (vegetative and reproductive); and (iii) response to the
environment. Each of these is an area of active work where breakthroughs could result
in progress toward societal needs, and a partial list (and admittedly biased) of specific
challenges and opportunities is highlighted below.
Metabolism and Nutrition
In the broad area of metabolism, we continue to learn important things about pathways,
including the role played by different enzymes and gene products. For example, the
sucrose synthases (SUSs) and invertases are the two enzyme classes that catalyze sucrose
catabolism in plants. This may sound like a specific step in a dull “housekeeping”
pathway, but is extremely important as the majority of plant material that we (and
other animals) eat is formed from the sucrose metabolized by one of these two enzymes!
It had long been thought that SUS was the universally important enzyme of the two,
because of the critical role this enzyme plays in production of starch in developing
cereals. However, recent work in Alison Smith's laboratory using T-DNA insertional
mutants (knockouts) of SUS genes in Arabidopsis revealed that under normal growth
conditions, the SUS genes were essentially dispensable and (surprisingly) neutral
cytosolic invertase emerged as the generally essential enzyme (Barratt et al., 2009).
An understanding of pathway components is essential if we are to manipulate or engineer
them to address societal challenges, and clearly there is much to learn.
To this end, pathways involved in photosynthesis, respiration, cell wall biosynthesis,
and biological nitrogen fixation are being evaluated with an eye to manipulate them
or to transfer unique aspects among species. Much of this work is driven by anticipated
increases in global demand for food and bioenergy in the near future. For example,
photosynthesis is being targeted for manipulation in several ways. One ambitious goal
is to enhance the rate of CO2 assimilation (and hence increase yield) in a crop plant
such as rice by incorporation of the more efficient C4-pathway to yield “C4 rice”
(Hibberd et al., 2008; Hibberd and Covshoff, 2010). Alternatively, photosynthesis
in C3 crops such as rice, wheat, and soybean may be enhanced in the future by improving
solar energy conversion efficiency; e.g., by incorporating chlorophyll molecules that
can absorb light in the near-infrared range that is currently not absorbed and thereby
increase the fraction of solar energy utilized (Blankenship et al., 2011). More radical
alterations in the photosystems that drive electron transport can also be envisaged
and might include incorporating photovoltaic cells or switching plants from carbon
reduction to H2 production (Blankenship et al., 2011). Dramatic alterations of this
sort would likely involve synthetic biology approaches (Haseloff and Ajioka, 2009).
The flip side of photosynthesis is respiration and the two processes are intimately
connected. Respiration involves processes associated with growth and maintenance and
collectively is a key determinant of biomass production and yield. Much remains to
be learned about the levels at which respiration is controlled; e.g., how respiratory
activity is impacted by environmental conditions (Millar et al., 2011). Along similar
lines, efforts to transfer the process of biological nitrogen fixation found in legumes
to non-leguminous crops such as cereals, could dramatically reduce the fertilizer
inputs needed for the intense agricultural systems of the future. As envisioned (Charpentier
and Oldroyd, 2010), this would involve a series of engineering steps that essentially
mimic the evolutionary processes that occurred in legumes, but alternatively, synthetic
biology approaches might one day also be employed to achieve this dramatic change.
A greater understanding of cell wall biosynthesis and manipulation is another broad
area that could impact societal needs in the future. While much is already known about
the complexities of cell wall production, much remains to be learned as well (Popper
et al., 2011). Moreover, in order for plant cell walls to be utilized as second generation
biofuels, more efficient means of “deconstruction” of cell wall polymers must be achieved
(Himmel et al., 2007), and will almost certainly involve genetic modification of cell
wall constituents (Fu et al., 2011).
If metabolic pathways are to be manipulated, it is equally important (in fact essential)
to understand how the pathways are regulated. Pathway regulation can occur at multiple
levels including (broadly) the transcriptional, translational, and posttranslational
levels, and much remains to be learned about the fundamentals of each process and
how they collectively contribute to pathway regulation. Relative contributions of
the different levels will certainly vary depending on the stimulus. Rapid changes
in flux often involve regulation at the protein level, but we still lack comprehensive
information about the structure–function relationships of proteins (Zwieniecki and
Dumais, 2011) and the various reversible modifications that proteins can undergo at
the posttranslational level. Understanding the diversity of posttranslational modifications
(PTMs) is identified as a critical need area that includes an appreciation of which
modifications of metabolic pathways occur in vivo and are of potential regulatory
importance. The importance and inherent difficulties associated with identifying PTMs
of proteins is also recognized as a major challenge in plant proteomics (Heazlewood,
Protein phosphorylation is generally considered to be the most abundant PTM in eukaryotes,
and the robust nature of phosphorylation in plants is being documented with large-scale
phosphoproteomic screening. While more than 30,000 phosphosites have been identified
in these studies (as compiled by the Arabidopsis Protein Phosphorylation Site Database,
PhosPhAt3) there is a broad need for more quantitative analyses and determination
of the functional significance of these sites. The former approaches are often high
throughput, while the latter are typically low throughput as moving from correlation
analysis to establishing cause-and-effect relationships often involves directed mutagenesis
and targeted functional analyses. What has been established is that in plants as in
animals, the occurrence of phosphorylation on serine, threonine, and tyrosine residues
is roughly 75:20:5 (Sugiyama et al., 2008). The prevalence of tyrosine phosphorylation
(discussed further below) was surprising because plants seem to lack traditional tyrosine
kinases and thus, identifying the protein kinases involved remains a challenge.
Phosphorylation is just one of the many possible PTMs in vivo that results in proteome
diversification, and research continues to reveal the occurrence of new PTMs that
may regulate key metabolic steps. For example, mono-ubiquitination has recently been
identified to occur with the enzyme phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC; Uhrig et
al., 2008). Mono-ubiquitination is a reversible modification that promotes interaction
of the modified protein with ubiquitin-binding domain proteins and thus is distinct
from poly ubiquitination that targets proteins for proteasome degradation. Regulation
of protein:protein interactions by mono-ubiquitination is an emerging area in plants
and animals (Mukhopadhyay and Riezman, 2007) and likely plays a broader role in regulation
of plant metabolism that is currently recognized. On a similar note, lysine acetylation
(LysAc) has recently been found to be a robust modification of numerous proteins in
Arabidopsis in addition to the histone proteins and in cellular compartments outside
of the nucleus (Finkemeier et al., 2011; Wu et al., 2011). A number of metabolic enzymes
were found to be acetylated, including ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase
(Rubisco) and Rubisco activase, and preliminary evidence suggests that acetylation
may inhibit carboxylase activity (Finkemeier et al., 2011), making these modifications
targets for manipulation that may impact plant productivity. It was thought for a
long time that LysAc was a histone-specific modification that was restricted to the
nucleus, but it is clear now that in plants, as in animals, and microbial systems
(Glozak et al., 2005; Kim et al., 2006; Wang et al., 2010) that is not the case. Lysine
acetylation could have direct effects on enzyme activity and could also be interactive
with other modifications where Lys residues play a role; e.g., ubiquitination and
phosphorylation (which can involve Lys residues as recognition elements in phosphorylation
motifs). Another unusual modification that warrants mention is methionine (Met) oxidation.
It is well known that Met residues on the surface of proteins (i.e., solvent exposed)
can be very susceptible to oxidation to Met sulfoxide (MetSO), and has traditionally
been considered to be oxidative damage and an unavoidable consequence of aerobic metabolism.
Another view is that the propensity for Met residues to oxidize has been exploited
in nature in some cases, at least, to serve another function – as a redox switch impacting
other functions or modifications of the protein and thereby functioning as a regulatory
PTM. One emerging example of how the “Met redox switch” could impact another modification
is its interaction with phosphorylation of nearby residues (Hardin et al., 2009).
When the Met residue in question functions as an essential recognition element in
a phosphorylation motif, its oxidation can strongly inhibit phosphorylation of the
targeted serine or threonine. However, a critical remaining question is whether this
occurs in vivo, and to test this unequivocally will require studies with transgenic
plants expressing directed mutants. These selected examples highlight the fact that
much remains to be learned about metabolic pathways and their mechanisms of regulation.
You can't translate what you don't understand!
Growth and Development
Growth and development is another traditional component of plant physiology that minimally
includes processes such as cell division/elongation, photomorphogenesis and tropisms,
endogenous clocks, and hormone systems. Each is an active area of research and new
insights are being revealed daily. Within the area of hormone biology, pathways of
signal transduction have now been generally elucidated for each of the major hormones
starting from perception and resulting in changes in gene expression. However, how
signaling is regulated and integrated across multiple hormones to control plant growth
remains a major challenge. Moreover, new plant growth regulators almost undoubtedly
await discovery. In terms of mode of action, three of the hormones (auxin, jasmonates,
and strigolactone) involve regulated proteolysis and because plants contain very large
families of F-box proteins (involved in targeted proteolysis) it has been speculated
that ligand-regulated proteolysis may be much more extensive than currently recognized
(Somers and Fujiwara, 2009). Searching for new plant growth regulators and identifying
their receptors and associated signaling pathways is clearly a major challenge for
the future. Likewise, with each of the known hormones much remains to be done. As
one example, the brassinosteroids (BRs) are essential growth-promoting hormones that
are ligands for the leucine-rich repeat, receptor-like kinase (LRR–RLK) known as BRASSINOSTEROID
INSENSITIVE 1 (BRI1). The signaling mechanisms elucidated for BRI1 and its co-receptor
kinase, BRI1 ASSOCIATED KINASE 1 (BAK1), may provide a model for the ∼220 other members
of the LRR–RLK gene family in Arabidopsis – the majority of which have no recognized
function. Identifying the ligands for these “orphan receptors” and the signaling pathways
they presumably function in is also an extremely important area for future work and
may provide unanticipated opportunities to engineer crop plants. To further consider
BR signaling, the potential for improvement of agriculture has long been recognized
since BRs generally enhance growth (vegetative and reproductive) and increase stress
tolerance. Although somewhat counterintuitive, a weak loss of function mutant of rice
BRI1 resulted in semi-dwarf plants with more erect leaves and thus increased potential
for grain yield when planted at high density as in the field (Morinaka et al., 2006).
However, a distinct and important challenge is to utilize the detailed knowledge of
BR signaling to specifically engineer the system to increase plant productivity (Kim
and Wang, 2010). One small step in this direction has just been achieved by altering
the ability of BRI1 to autophosphorylate on a specific tyrosine residue (Tyr-831).
The function of phosphorylation at the Tyr-831 site appears to be to attenuate BR
signaling, and preventing this modification enhances BR signaling and increases Arabidopsis
shoot growth (Oh et al., 2011). An obvious and critical next step is to determine
whether these responses translate to crop plants.
The physiology of growth and development also includes reproductive stages, of course,
about which much remains to be learned. For example, the underlying mechanisms that
regulate seed composition are not fully understood and this has relevance to our use
of harvested seeds as food and fuel, and also has potential relevance to biotechnology.
A specific example of the latter notion involves soybean seeds, which normally accumulate
protein and oil as major storage products in protein storage bodies and oil bodies,
respectively. Fundamental studies of the function of the endomembrane system of seeds
in formation of oil bodies and storage vacuoles (Schmidt and Herman, 2008) combined
with genetic engineering is providing the foundation for novel approaches to engineer
seeds to produce high levels of foreign proteins (of pharmaceutical or industrial
interest) instead of the normal storage proteins (Boothe et al., 2010). Thus, fundamental
physiology/cell biology research is providing the foundation for biotechnology innovations
that have practical applications and potential for helping to meet societal needs
in the future.
Responses to the Environment
The third traditional component of plant physiology involves, in broad terms, plant
responses to the environment. This can include stress physiology (both biotic and
abiotic stress) and the broad topic of “climate change” impact on plant function.
Thus, physiology plays an important role in functional plant ecology (Koerner, 2011)
and plant-microbe interactions, both of which are also separate Specialities under
the Frontiers in Plant Science umbrella. Understanding how crop plants respond to
climate change is particularly important because agriculture is extremely sensitive
to climate. Environmental factors involved in climate change that are expected to
have the greatest impact on plant physiology include increased atmospheric [CO2] and
[O3], temperature, and variability in climate (temperature extremes and changes in
rainfall patterns). Of particular interest is to what extent the increase in atmospheric
[CO2] will offset the predicted rise in [O3] and decreased soil moisture that is predicted
for some regions. Interestingly, the impact of the “CO2 fertilization effect” tends
to be greater from studies in greenhouses, growth chambers, and transparent field
chambers compared to free-air concentration enrichment (FACE) technology that uses
fully open-air field conditions and more accurately mimics the real-world environment
(Long et al., 2006). However, regardless of the magnitude of the fertilization effect,
understanding how plants respond to climate change conditions, including extremes
of temperature and water, will be an essential aspect of plant physiology research
in the future and identifying genes that confer stress tolerance is essential (Varshney
et al., 2011). It will also be important to conduct more controlled experiments where
different stresses are applied simultaneously. For example, plants respond differently
to heat and drought stress that are applied together compared to the single stresses
(Rizhsky et al., 2004). In all of these approaches, high throughput phenotyping techniques
to measure those traits and identify underlying genes will almost certainly play an
important role (Berger et al., 2010). At the population level, determining how predicted
changes in climate will impact crop growth and crop yield will remain an important
area of research.
Climate change may also affect biotic stress factors for which the climate change
is favorable and it appears that biotic stress may generally increase in the future.
For example, for reasons that are not entirely clear, elevated atmospheric [CO2] tends
to reduce soybean defenses against herbivory (Zavala et al., 2008). How sensitivity
to other plant pests such as phytopathogenic bacteria may be affected is not clear
but may at least in some cases be increased in severity as well. Accordingly it is
essential to understand the mechanisms that underlie plant detection of pests and
allow them to mount defenses and how those mechanisms are impacted by environment,
and ideally then use that information to increase pest resistance in crop plants.
Invading microorganisms are often detected when plants recognize conserved molecules
containing pathogen-associated molecular patterns (known as PAMPs) and initiate defense
mechanisms that increase plant resistance to the infection. There are many fundamental
questions that remain to be fully answered. For example, what are the potential PAMPs
and how are they perceived? What is the role of PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI) in plant
immunity? And most importantly, can disease resistance be increased by manipulating
the system? One of the best studied mechanisms involves perception of PAMPs by pattern-recognition
receptors (PRRs), many of which are LRR–RLKs that initiate signaling pathways resulting
in PTI. One very exciting development in this area involves the transfer of a PRR
gene from one species to another to confer responsiveness to novel PAMPs not normally
recognized. In Arabidopsis, bacterial elongation factor Tu (EF-Tu) is recognized as
a PAMP by the receptor kinase EFR, but EF-Tu is not recognized in the solanaceous
plants Nicotiana benthamiana or Solanum lycopersicon. Expression of Arabidopsis EFR
in both solanaceous species allows them to recognize bacterial EF-Tu and accordingly
both species become more resistant to a range of phytopathogenic bacteria (Lacombe
et al., 2010). This is a dramatic proof-of-concept for the ability to engineer broad-spectrum
pest resistance in crop plants, and therefore emerges as a opportunity area for the
Relevant to all three areas of study discussed above is a fundamental understanding
of how plant phenotype is controlled by genotype and environmental interactions (so
called G × E interactions). It is critical that we be able to associate genotype with
phenotype under constant environmental conditions, but also in response to variable
conditions that approximate what plants experience in the field (including extremes).
Genotyping is relatively fast compared to phenotyping, which is inherently much more
difficult; e.g., what conditions to test, and what should be measured? There is a
need for automated systems and non-destructive sampling and analysis of relevant plant
growth parameters, and is an area of active work. For example, an iPlant Collaborative
(Goff et al., 2011) has been established to address the genotype to phenotype problem,
and the importance of developing high throughput phenotyping to match our genotyping
capability is well recognized (Sinha, 2011).
These are only a few of the specific opportunities in the broad field of plant physiology
that will likely lead to impacts on science and also societal needs, and thus emerge
as challenges for multi-disciplinary studies in the years to come. It has been noted
in the past that, in general, we have the tools of molecular engineering and already
know much about the molecular basis of growth and development and adaptation to the
changes in the environment (including stress). However, it has proven difficult to
apply this knowledge to improve crop productivity (Van Montagu, 2011), and to generate
crops with increased stress tolerance (Mittler and Blumwald, 2010). Achieving this
will require a multi-disciplinary approach with an underpinning provided by plant