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      Cumulative doses of radioiodine in the treatment of differentiated thyroid carcinoma: knowing when to stop Translated title: Doses cumulativas de iodo radioativo no tratamento do carcinoma diferenciado de tireoide: sabendo a hora de parar


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          OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the efficacy of cumulative doses (CDs) of 131I-iodide therapy (RIT) in differentiated thyroid cancer (DTC). SUBJECTS AND METHODS: The probability of progressive disease according to CDs was evaluated in patients < 45 years old and > 45 years old and correlated to tumor-node-metastasis (TNM), thyroglobulin values, histological types and variants, age, and zduration of the disease. RESULTS: At the end of a follow-up period of 69 ± 56 months, 85 out of 150 DTC patients submitted to fixed doses RIT had no evidence of disease, 47 had stable disease and 18 had progressive disease. Higher CDs were used in the more aggressive variants (p < 0.0001), higher TNM stages (p < 0.0001), and follicular carcinomas (p = 0.0034). Probability of disease progression was higher with CDs > 600 mCi in patients > 45 years old and with CDs > 800 mCi in patients < 45 years. CONCLUSION: Although some patients may still respond to high CDs, the impact of further RIT should be carefully evaluated and other treatment strategies may be warranted.

          Translated abstract

          OBJETIVO: Avaliar a eficácia de doses cumulativas (DCs) da terapia com iodeto-131I (RIT) no câncer diferenciado de tiroide (CDT). SUJEITOS E MÉTODOS: A probabilidade de doença em progressão conforme a DC foi calculada em pacientes com idade < 45 e > 45 anos e correlacionada com o TNM, valores de tiroglobulina sérica, tipos histológicos e variantes, idade e tempo de doença. RESULTADOS: Ao final de um seguimento de 69 ± 56 meses, 85 dos 150 pacientes CDT submetidos a doses fixas de RIT não tinham evidência de doença, 47 tinham doença estável e 18, doença progressiva. DCs mais elevadas foram usadas nas variantes agressivas (p < 0,0001), maior estágio TNM (p < 0,0001) e nos carcinomas foliculares (p = 0,0034). A probabilidade de doença em progressão foi maior com DCs > 600 mCi em pacientes > 45 anos e com DCs > 800 mCi em pacientes < 45 anos. CONCLUSÃO: Apesar de alguns pacientes ainda responderem a altas DCs, o impacto de RITs deve ser cuidadosamente avaliado e outras estratégias terapêuticas devem ser consideradas.

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          Most cited references25

          • Record: found
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          • Article: not found

          Clinical management and outcome of papillary and follicular (differentiated) thyroid cancer presenting with distant metastasis at diagnosis.

          Differentiated thyroid cancer has a good prognosis and only rarely presents with distant metastasis at diagnosis. The clinical outcome of this presentation was assessed with respect to survival and factors that may determine prognosis. A retrospective review was undertaken of patients with stage M1 differentiated thyroid cancer at presentation (n = 49), referred from 1980-2000 at a single institution. The median age was 68 (range, 17-90), with 69% females. The initial site(s) of metastasis were lung only, 45%, bone only, 39%, other single site, 4%, and multiple sites, 12%. papillary, 51%, follicular, 49%. Initial treatment(s) included: thyroidectomy, 82%, radioactive iodine (RAI), 88%, excision of metastasis, 29%, radiotherapy, 47%, and chemotherapy, 6%. With a median follow-up time of 3.5 years, 25 patients are alive (51%) and 24 died (49%), with 3-year and 5-year actuarial survivals of 69% and 50%, respectively. Only a minority of patients (4/25, 16%) had no clinical evidence of disease at last follow-up. Most deaths (17/24, 71%) were due to progressive cancer. Prognosis was associated with age, site of metastasis, histology, and iodine avidity of the metastasis. Patients aged 45 years (P = .001). The 3-year survival for lung only versus bone only metastasis was 77% versus 56% (P = .02); for papillary versus follicular carcinoma, 75% versus 62% (P = .006); for iodine-avid disease (n = 29) versus not avid (n = 14), 82% versus 57% (P = .02), respectively. In multivariate analysis after adjusting for age, only histology and iodine avidity remained significant for survival. The hazard ratio for follicular histology was 3.7 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1-12.1, P = .03), and for tumors not avid for iodine, 3.4 (95% CI, 1.2-9.2, P = .02). The data support the aggressive management of patients presenting with stage M1 thyroid cancer, with thyroidectomy and RAI. Complete clinical eradication of disease was rarely seen, and 50% of patients survived for more than 5 years. Young patients with papillary tumors and/or iodine-avid disease have an even better prognosis.
            • Record: found
            • Abstract: found
            • Article: not found

            Radio-iodine therapy in differentiated thyroid cancer: indications and procedures.

            Post-surgical ablative iodine-131 therapy is recommended for all differentiated thyroid cancer primary tumors>1 cm in diameter. Regarding smaller primary tumors, 131I ablation may be helpful in special cases: tumor close to the thyroid capsule, previous percutaneous radiation to the neck, familial occurrence of thyroid cancer, tumor diameter 5-10 mm, and unfavorable histological variants. In this context, the patient's preferences for safety should be considered. In most centers, standard fixed activities of 1-3 GBq are used for 131I ablation. Preparation for the procedure with such activities requires a low-iodine diet for 2-3 weeks and stimulation of thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH) by withholding of thyroid hormone for 3 weeks following thyroidectomy or by use of recombinant human TSH. The advantages of recombinant TSH are avoidance of hypothyroid morbidity and consequently a better quality of life, as well as a lower radiation dose to extra-thyroidal compartments. To treat metastastic differentiated thyroid cancer, higher activities of radio-iodine (in the range 4-11 GBq) are necessary; if possible, individual dosimetry is recommended. The standard approach to preparation for 131I therapy in patients with metastases is endogenous hypothyroidism after thyroid hormone withdrawal.
              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: not found

              Risk and prognostic factors for differentiated thyroid cancer.

              Papillary and follicular carcinomas, commonly referred to as follicular cell-derived differentiated thyroid carcinomas (DTC), account for 90% of all thyroid carcinomas. The prognosis of DTC is generally good, depending on the biologic behavior of the tumor and on the appropriate initial treatment which includes total thyroidectomy and ablation by radioiodine-131. However, a considerable number of patients, approximately 30%, as shown after 30 years of follow-up, have recurrent disease. It is thus of utmost importance to evaluate the prognostic factors, as derived from retrospective studies, and identify high risk patients. Age of more than 45 years or less than 25 years is a particularly strong independent prognostic factor; on the contrary gender is a poor prognostic factor. Histological type of the cancer especially tall cancer cells and columnar cancer cells, as well as increased vascular invasion of the tumor, lymph-node and distant metastases, are all considered as risk factors that can lead to poor prognosis. Combined prognostic factors have been used to form scoring systems (SS) such as AGES, MACIS, AMES, EORTC and TNM for a more precise description of high or low risk patients. However, prognostic significance of the SS is limited, since they do not take into consideration the clinical status or the treatment procedure during the course of the disease. Molecular factors such as rearrangements of genes RET/PTC, RAS mutations and fusion of, paired box and 8/peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PAX8/PPARgamma) are also involved in thyroid cancer prognosis, while some others: human Pituitary- Tumor Transforming Gene (e.g. MIB-1, hPTTG) have been reported as additional prognostic factors. In this review we describe the risk and the prognostic factors of DTC as related to management and the outcome of DTC.

                Author and article information

                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Arquivos Brasileiros de Endocrinologia & Metabologia
                Arq Bras Endocrinol Metab
                Sociedade Brasileira de Endocrinologia e Metabologia (São Paulo )
                December 2010
                : 54
                : 9
                : 807-812
                [1 ] Universidade Estadual de Campinas Brazil
                [2 ] Universidade Estadual de Campinas Brazil
                [3 ] Universidade Estadual de Campinas Brazil
                [4 ] Universidade Estadual de Campinas Brazil



                SciELO Brazil

                Self URI (journal page): http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_serial&pid=0004-2730&lng=en

                Endocrinology & Diabetes
                Cumulative dose,radioiodine therapy,131I-iodide,differentiated thyroid cancer,Dose cumulativa,radioiodoterapia; iodeto-131I,carcinoma diferenciado de tiroide


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