Over 200 health journals call on the United Nations (UN), political leaders and health
professionals to recognise that climate change and biodiversity loss are one indivisible
crisis and must be tackled together to preserve health and avoid catastrophe. This
overall environmental crisis is now so severe as to be a global health emergency.
The world is currently responding to the climate crisis and the nature crisis as if
they were separate challenges. This is a dangerous mistake. The 28th Conference of
the Parties (COP) on climate change is about to be held in Dubai while the 16th COP
on biodiversity is due to be held in Turkey in 2024. The research communities that
provide the evidence for the two COPs are unfortunately largely separate, but they
were brought together for a workshop in 2020 when they concluded that: ‘Only by considering
climate and biodiversity as parts of the same complex problem…can solutions be developed
that avoid maladaptation and maximize the beneficial outcomes’.1
As the health world has recognised with the development of the concept of planetary
health, the natural world is made up of one overall interdependent system. Damage
to one subsystem can create feedback that damages another—for example, drought, wildfires,
floods and the other effects of rising global temperatures destroy plant life and
lead to soil erosion, and so inhibit carbon storage, which means more global warming.2
Climate change is set to overtake deforestation and other land-use change as the primary
driver of nature loss.3
Nature has a remarkable power to restore. For example, deforested land can revert
to forest through natural regeneration, and marine phytoplankton, which act as natural
carbon stores, turn over one billion tonnes of photosynthesising biomass every 8 days.4
Indigenous land and sea management has a particularly important role to play in regeneration
and continuing care.5
Restoring one subsystem can help another—for example, replenishing soil could help
remove greenhouse gases from the atmosphere on a vast scale.6 But actions that may
benefit one subsystem can harm another—for example, planting forests with one type
of tree can remove carbon dioxide from the air but can damage the biodiversity that
is fundamental to healthy ecosystems.7
The impacts on health
Human health is damaged directly by both the climate crisis, as the journals have
described in previous editorials,8 9 and by the nature crisis.10 This indivisible
planetary crisis will have major effects on health as a result of the disruption of
social and economic systems—shortages of land, shelter, food and water, exacerbating
poverty, which in turn will lead to mass migration and conflict. Rising temperatures,
extreme weather events, air pollution and the spread of infectious diseases are some
of the major health threats exacerbated by climate change.11 “Without nature, we have
nothing” was UN Secretary-General António Guterres’s blunt summary at the biodiversity
COP in Montreal last year.12 Even if we could keep global warming below an increase
of 1.5°C over preindustrial levels, we could still cause catastrophic harm to health
by destroying nature.
Access to clean water is fundamental to human health, and yet pollution has damaged
water quality, causing a rise in waterborne diseases.13 Contamination of water on
land can also have far-reaching effects on distant ecosystems when that water runs
off into the ocean.14 Good nutrition is underpinned by diversity in the variety of
foods, but there has been a striking loss of genetic diversity in the food system.
Globally, about a fifth of people rely on wild species for food and their livelihoods.15
Declines in wildlife are a major challenge for these populations, particularly in
low-income and middle-income countries. Fish provide more than half of dietary protein
in many African, South Asian and small island nations, but ocean acidification has
reduced the quality and quantity of seafood.16
Changes in land use have forced tens of thousands of species into closer contact,
increasing the exchange of pathogens and the emergence of new diseases and pandemics.17
People losing contact with the natural environment and the declining biodiversity
have both been linked to increases in non-communicable, autoimmune and inflammatory
diseases, and metabolic, allergic and neuropsychiatric disorders.10 18 For Indigenous
people, caring for and connecting with nature is especially important for their health.19
Nature has also been an important source of medicines, and thus reduced diversity
also constrains the discovery of new medicines.
Communities are healthier if they have access to high-quality green spaces that help
filter air pollution, reduce air and ground temperatures, and provide opportunities
for physical activity.20 Connection with nature reduces stress, loneliness and depression
while promoting social interaction.21 These benefits are threatened by the continuing
rise in urbanisation.22
Finally, the health impacts of climate change and biodiversity loss will be experienced
unequally between and within countries, with the most vulnerable communities often
bearing the highest burden.10 Linked to this, inequality is also arguably fuelling
these environmental crises. Environmental challenges and social/health inequities
are challenges that share drivers and there are potential co-benefits of addressing
A global health emergency
In December 2022 the biodiversity COP agreed on the effective conservation and management
of at least 30% of the world’s land, coastal areas and oceans by 2030.23 Industrialised
countries agreed to mobilise $30 billion per year to support developing nations to
do so.23 These agreements echo promises made at climate COPs.
Yet many commitments made at COPs have not been met. This has allowed ecosystems to
be pushed further to the brink, greatly increasing the risk of arriving at ‘tipping
points’, abrupt breakdowns in the functioning of nature.2 24 If these events were
to occur, the impacts on health would be globally catastrophic.
This risk, combined with the severe impacts on health already occurring, means that
the WHO should declare the indivisible climate and nature crisis as a global health
emergency. The three preconditions for the WHO to declare a situation to be a public
health emergency of international concern25 are that it (1) is serious, sudden, unusual
or unexpected; (2) carries implications for public health beyond the affected State’s
national border; and (3) may require immediate international action. Climate change
would appear to fulfil all of these conditions. While the accelerating climate change
and loss of biodiversity are not sudden or unexpected, they are certainly serious
and unusual. Hence we call for the WHO to make this declaration before or at the 77th
World Health Assembly in May 2024.
Tackling this emergency requires the COP processes to be harmonised. As a first step,
the respective conventions must push for better integration of national climate plans
with biodiversity equivalents.3 As the 2020 workshop that brought climate and nature
scientists together concluded, ‘Critical leverage points include exploring alternative
visions of good quality of life, rethinking consumption and waste, shifting values
related to the human-nature relationship, reducing inequalities, and promoting education
and learning’.1 All of these would benefit health.
Health professionals must be powerful advocates for both restoring biodiversity and
tackling climate change for the good of health. Political leaders must recognise both
the severe threats to health from the planetary crisis as well as the benefits that
can flow to health from tackling the crisis.26 But first, we must recognise this crisis
for what it is: a global health emergency.
List of Authors
Kamran Abbasi, Editor-in-Chief, BMJ; Parveen Ali, Editor-in-Chief, International Nursing
Review; Virginia Barbour, Editor-in-Chief, Medical Journal of Australia; Thomas Benfield,
Editor-in-Chief, Danish Medical Journal; Kirsten Bibbins-Domingo, Editor-in-Chief,
JAMA; Stephen Hancocks, Editor-in-Chief, British Dental Journal; Richard Horton, Editor-in-Chief,
The Lancet; Laurie Laybourn-Langton, University of Exeter; Robert Mash, Editor-in-Chief,
African Journal of Primary Health Care & Family Medicine; Peush Sahni, Editor-in-Chief,
National Medical Journal of India; Wadeia Mohammad Sharief, Editor-in-Chief, Dubai
Medical Journal; Paul Yonga, Editor-in-Chief, East African Medical Journal; Chris
Zielinski, University of Winchester.
This Comment is being published simultaneously in multiple journals. For the full
list of journals see: https://www.bmj.com/content/full-list-authors-and-signatories-climate-nature-emergency-editorial-october-2023