The Physician

The Physician accepts submissions from across the global healthcare spectrum related to medical science, health services research but is particularly interested in issues that impact the health of migrants, international medical/ nursing graduates, diaspora studies, differential outcomes in patients and professionals based on ethnicity or other protected characteristics and global health issues. The editorial board welcomes submissions from new or emerging researchers and early career clinicians. 
(publ. by BAPIO)

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The Physician



The Physician will accept submissions from across the healthcare spectrum but is particularly interested in issues that impact on the health of migrants, international medical/ nursing graduates, diaspora studies, differential outcomes in patients and professionals based on ethnicity or other protected characteristics. The editorial board welcomes submissions from new or emerging researchers and early career clinicians. 



Open Access

  • All online content from pre-print to final versions and reviewer comments will always remain open access to readers globally.
  • The journal does not require readers to register or log in for downloading articles. Anyone is free to read, download, redistribute, link to, and use articles for any lawful purposes, with due citation.
  • All article copyrights belong to the authors and are protected by Creative Commons Licence (CC-BY-ND-4.0)
  • Each print/ PDF full issue has a current circulation of >10,000 among health professions in the UK and is also available globally to download for free and purchase at cost price from the website. 


Indexing & Frequency

The Physician is published since 2012 in print, previously in time with BAPIO national conferences, including conference abstracts. Since Jan'20, it is published online and regular print editions will be published quarterly in 2020-21 and bi-monthly from 2021.

It is a member of Crossref and all published articles are registered with DOI and cited in Google Scholar. It will be submitted for indexing in PUBMED in 2022, once accepted all archived content will be available there retrospectively. 


Peer Review Policy

The Physician has moved from a traditional blind to an open, post-publication peer-review process from 2020.  Once accepted for submission by the Editor(s), all manuscripts are published in the 'pre-print' format online. The peer-review process continues and all peer reviewer recommendations plus the revisions/author rebuttals are published online. A minimum of 2 peer reviews is required for final acceptance. 

Where authors or co-authors may be part of the Editorial Board of the journal, The Physician follows a clear process of assigning the manuscript to an editor who is not connected with the article and seeking 2 external reviewers. The peer reviews are open and published alongside the article. 



  • The Physician does not own any copyright or commercial interests in any of the articles it publishes, and authors retain these rights and interests.
  • The authors are free to publish any part of the articles in pre-print web collections or host on their personal collections with appropriate citation to The Physician.
  • All article copyrights belong to the authors and are protected by Creative Commons Licence (CC-BY-ND-4.0)


Code of Publication Ethics

The Physician abides by the Core practices as per the Committee for Publication ethics. These can be found in the linked resources given below. 



All published manuscripts are archived in OJS, BPL Cloud drive and will be permanently archived in CLOCKSS shortly.


Zero Article Processing Charges

  • The journal does not apply any charges of any kind to authors at present. 
  • In 2020-2021, the journal offers to fully subsidise article processing charges for all submissions. 
  • The journal is currently in negotiation with international scientific repositories for hosting its collection and once this is established, published articles will be available globally with due prominence and encourage collaboration with scientific communities worldwide.
  • In subsequent years, article processing charges will continue to be reasonable as BAPIO is not-for-profit, organisation and fully subsidised for BAPIO members and associates. 



Submission Preparation Checklist


As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
  • The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Author contribution & Conflict of Interest statement is added to the end of the article text following references. Please also complete the COI statement by downloading the COI form from and uploading this with your submission.
  • Consent from subjects/ patients must be enclosed where appropriate
  • Funding sources for the research or review being presented should be declared at the end of the article text.


Author Guidelines

Please submit all articles in MS Word format or as Rich Text. There is no strict limit on words but most articles should be within 2000 words and 10 references. References should be in Vancouver format.

All pictures in jpeg format (minimum 600dpi), figures and tables should be submitted separately and also included inline at the relevant places within the manuscript. 

The authors must hold the copyright for the material submitted.

Manuscripts can be submitted online or by email to 

The Physician is a member of DOI through Crossref and indexed by Google Scholar and introducing a post-publication peer review from May 2020. It will be submitted for inclusion in all major indexing services shortly. 

Plagiarism check will be applied for all new submissions using Turnitin and Crossref's Similarity Check system. 


Conflict of Interest 

The Physician complies with the COI requirements for ICMJE. Please sign and submit a conflict of interest statement by completing the ICMJE form downloaded from here


Complaints Process

The journal is indemnified by BAPIO Publications through BAPIO Ltd.

Any complaints relating to the published material should first be submitted to the editors via email

Any complaints relating to commercial interests or grievances with the editorial board can be addressed to the BAPIO Executive committee via

We aim to provide a formal written response within 4 weeks or earlier.

Content Archiving is currently on cloud drive (Google Drive and Onedrive). We are applying for inclusion in the CLOCKSS archiving system. 


Copyright Notice

The Physician journal does not claim any copyright or commercial interests in any of the articles it publishes, and authors retain these rights and interests. The authors must confirm that they hold the copyright for all submitted material. The authors are happy to comply with the Journal's open access policy for all material published. This will conform to creative commons licence terms v4. 


Privacy Statement

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.





  • Vipin Zamvar, MBBS, MS, DNB(CTh), FRCS (CTh) Royal Infirmary Edinburgh, UK 
    (Chief Editor)  ORCID ID CV
  • Indranil Chakravorty, MBBS, PhD FRCP, St George's University of London, UK
    (Chief Editor - Online) ORCID ID CV
  • Abhay Chopada MBBS MS FRCS, Imperial College London, UK 
    (Chief Editor - Business & Revenue) CV
  • Buddhdev Pandya OBE, Global Association of Physicians of Indian Origin Europe, Bedford, UK  
    (Managing Editor - Design & Printing)
  • Publicity & Engagement
    Triya Chakravorty BA (Oxon), University of Oxford, UK


Editorial Policy & Oversight

  • Prof JS Bamrah MBBS FRCPsych CBE, National Chairman, BAPIO, UK CV
  • Ramesh Mehta MBBS MD FRCPCH OBE, President, BAPIO, UK
  • Prof Parag Singhal MD, MPhil, FRCP, FACP, National Secretary BAPIO, UK


Section Editors

  • Medical Education
    Professor Geeta Menon MS FRCOpth, PG Dean, HEE S London & Ophthalmologist, Frimley Park Hospital, UK; Visiting Professor, University of Surrey, UK
  • Original Research
    Subarna Chakravorty PhD FRCPath MRCPCH, Kings College Hospital, London, UK
  • Climate Change
    Catherine Dominic, Queen Mary's University of London, UK
  • Public Health
    Ramya Ravindrane MBBS, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, UK
  • Paediatrics & Child Health
    Jyothi Srinivas MBBS MRCPCH, Milton Keynes University Hospital, UK
  • History & Politics
    Professor Soumit Dasgupta FRCS FRCP, Alder Hey Hospital, Liverpool, UK

International Editorial Board

  • Dame Professor Parveen Kumar DBE, BSc, MD, DM, DEd, FRCP, FRCP(L&E), FRCPath, FIAP, Professor of Medicine & Education, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary, University of London, and Honorary Consultant Physician and Gastroenterologist, Barts Health NHS Trust and Homerton Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK 
  • Professor Dhananjaya Sharma MBBS, MS, PhD, DSc, FRCS FCLS (Hon), FRCST (Hon); Head, Department of Surgery, NSCB Government Medical College, India
  • Veena Daga MBBS MD FRCA, Consultant in Intensive Care Med, Leeds Teaching Hospitals, UK, Chair, BAPIO Training Academy
  • Arun Kumar Gupta MBBS MD Psych, Consultant Psychiatrist, Coventry, UK
  • Suparna Dasgupta MBBS FRCPCH MSc, Consultant Paediatrician, Macclesfield Hospital, UK
  • Judith Gower LLM FRSA, Hertfordshire Law Society, Hertfordshire, UK
  • Gopal K Mahadev MS FRCS, Oncoplastic Surgeon, California, USA
  • Sahana Rao MBBS MRCPCH, Consultant Paediatrician, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, UK
  • Cielito Caneja BSN-RN, MSN, PgDipH-ed, BSc-INP, MSc- DIC, Dip Clin Med; Adv Res Nurse Pract-Resp; Chelsea Westminster Hospital London UK  RG Profile
  • Dhananjay Raje MSc PhD Statistics, CSTAT (Royal Statistical Society, London) Data Analysis Group, MDS Bioanalytics, Mumbai, India 
  • Priyank Sinha MRCS, EANS, MD (Res), FRCS (SN), Spinal Neurosurgeon, Leeds Teaching Hospitals, Leeds, UK Profile
  • Raja Jayaram MD DPhil NIHR Academic Clinical Lecturer, Hon Consultant in Intensive Care Medicine, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, University of Oxford, UK profile
  • Dhavendra Kumar, MD, DSc, FRCP, FRCPI, FRCPCH, FACMG, Hon. Professor William Harvey Heart Research Institute, QMUL, London, UK; Hon. Consultant in Clinical Genetics / Cardiovascular Genetics, Barts Heart Centre, St. Barts Hospital, London; Director- The Genomic Medicine Foundation (UK); Consultant, The Genome Clinic profile
  • Prashant Jindal, MBBS, MD Glaucoma, MRCOphth Lond, Int Council of Ophth; Fellow Acad Gen Edu


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