Emerald Publishing

Emerald super collection

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Emerald Publishing


Emerald Publishing was founded in 1967 to champion new ideas that would advance the research and practice of business and management. Today, we continue to nurture fresh thinking in applied fields where we feel we can make a real difference, now also including health and social care, education and engineering.

Emerald manages a portfolio of over 300 journals, more than 2,500 books and over 1,500 teaching cases.

Emerald Publishing is part of Emerald Group.

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Emerald Publishing have carefully curated four themed collections of research, each aligned to a key mission supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SGDs).


So, what are ‘missions’? According to the European Commission:


  • They should be bold and have societal value.
  • They should have concrete targets — so you know when you get there.
  • They should involve research and innovation with technological readiness over limited time frame (i.e. realistic and achievable).
  • They should foster cross-sectoral, cross-actor, and cross-disciplinary collaborations.
  • They should allow multiple, competing solutions.

(Source: 2018 EU report on Mission-oriented research & innovation in the European Union)


Emerald’s four missions are:


  1. Fairer Society
  2. Healthier Lives
  3. Quality Education for All
  4. Responsible Management 


As a global business Emerald Publishing recognises that issues around responsible management, quality education, healthier lives and delivering a fairer society for all resonate with audiences around the world, reaching beyond academia. Bringing together the very best research in these areas makes it easier for academics, businesses, policy makers and others to discover, helping to contribute to real change in society.

Emerald’s mission collections are updated regularly so there will always be new research to explore.





Empowering change makers with mission led social science research for over 50 years.


Boasting a portfolio of 309 journals, Emerald Insight is home to more than 255,000 current and Backfiles articles across the fields of business, management, economics, engineering, computing, technology and social sciences.

At the heart of our publishing agenda is quality and relevance – through our deep-rooted connection to the communities we serve, we bring to life the most pertinent topics from world-leading thinkers.



  • High quality, applied research, used by a global audience of researchers, students and professionals, who can turn theory into action.


  • Comprehensive coverage across key disciplines in the field, providing new perspectives on highly relevant topics and themes.


  • All journals are double-blind peer-reviewed, supported by a network of over 15,000 Editorial Advisory Board members.


  • Bringing together practice and expertise from industries and communities around the world representing the work of over 58,000 expert authors from more than 140 countries.



How to publish with Emerald


Do you want to publish with Emerald? Whether you want to publish a journal article, a case study, a book chapter, or a new book or journal, we have the answers you are looking for.



Calls for papers

Contribute to existing and new journals, or place your work at the cutting edge in one of our forthcoming special issues.

Call for case studies

Contribute to a new Emerald product, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Studies. For more information and for guidelines on how to write a teaching case study, visit the EEMCS home page.


Publishing Ethos

Emerald is a progressive publisher, passionate about bringing research to life in a way that leads to meaningful real-world change.


Emerald Author Rights

Find out what you can and can’t do with your work. Emerald Author Rights is designed to clarify Emerald’s policies.

Authors' Charter

Find out more about Emerald's copyright principles, responsibilities to authors, and how we add value throughout the publication process in our Authors' Charter.


Publishing Ethics

Emerald and its editors are fully committed to good publication practice. Emerald is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics and supports the application of consistent standards across the industry.


Permissions for your manuscript

What you need to know and what you need to do regarding permissions for your manuscript.


Frequently Asked Questions

We may already have an answer for you - check our responses to common questions on submissions, time to publication, author proofs and more.


Emerald EarlyCite

EarlyCite is Emerald's online, pre-publication service enabling you to access journal articles prior to official publication. Find out more about this new service.


Region-specific author resources

Resources to support authors from all over the world, especially those from developing regions and countries.


Maximise research impact post-publication

Raise visibility, share research and maximise article influence. Find out more about this service.


Withdrawal and corrections policy

Emerald believes in protecting the integrity of its content and the role publishers play in scholarly discussion.



Advances in Autism

Advances in Autism by Emerald Publishing is unique in its focus on the health and care aspects and outcomes for people with autism. The content of this new journal will be a key tool in building and disseminating evidence to change the way that professionals work with people with autism and to challenge traditional assumptions and ways of working.

Created on 2017-10-06

Emerald: Fairer Society

We’ve curated our best research on SDGs 1, 2, 5, 8, 10 and 16, helping us to build a fair, inclusive and equitable society, that leaves no-one behind

(by Emerald Publishing)

Created on 2019-11-18

Emerald: Healthier Lives

Our publications curated here showcase our ‘Healthier Lives’ mission aligned to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, particularly SDG3: Good Health and Wellbeing. This research promotes the importance of a healthy mind, as well as a healthy body, and our goal is to help researchers, practitioners, service users and their families and carers share their work to influence real change in people’s health and wellbeing to bring about healthier lives for all.

Created on 2021-02-05

Emerald: Quality Education for All

Our goal for quality education for all
We believe in quality education for everyone, everywhere and by highlighting the issue and working with experts in the field, we can start to find ways we can all be part of the solution.

Created on 2019-12-13

Emerald: Responsible Management

There has to be a commitment to ensuring sustainability itself is managed ethically and responsibly: we have curated our best research supporting this, linking into SDGs 8,9,10,11 and 12.

Created on 2019-12-13

Emerald: Sustainable Structures & Infrastructures

In this collection, you’ll discover leading engineering research aligned to 7 of the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals. By showcasing the very best engineering research on the issues that matter most, we help academics, practitioners, professionals and policymakers influence real change in society.  

Created on 2023-12-15

Collection Information