World Review of Political Economy

World Review of Political Economy (WRPE) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal, published by Pluto Journals as the official publication of the World Association for Political Economy, to produce research into Marxist political economy.

Print ISSN: 2042-891X / eISSN: 2042-8928. 

World Association for Political Economy (WAPE) has developed as a membership organization which facilitates the exchange of knowledge, new thought and research across the divide of languages and geography. Please click here to see more about joining WAPE.

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World Review of Political Economy (WRPE) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal, published by Pluto Journals as the official publication of the World Association for Political Economy, to produce research into Marxist political economy.

Print ISSN: 2042-891X / eISSN: 2042-8928

World Review of Political Economy (WRPE) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed journal, published by Pluto Journals as the official publication of the World Association for Political Economy (WAPE), with the first issue having been published in 2010. This groundbreaking project is the first of its kind: a pioneering collaboration between Chinese academics and a Western progressive publisher to produce a serious periodical of Marxist political economy. The WRPE is certain to be the essential forum for dialogue, cooperation, debate, and the sharing of cutting-edge research among the leading scholars in China, the English-speaking world, and beyond. The WRPE Editorial Office is at the Academy of Marxism, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.

In its critical approaches to analyzing the social and economic problems facing humankind, the WRPE reflects the outlook of its founding organization. The World Association for Political Economy, founded in 2004, is an international nongovernmental academic body established on an open, non-profit and voluntary basis by progressive economists and related groups from around the world. The WAPE secretariat is based at the Shanghai University of Finance and Economics. The present chairman is Distinguished Professor Enfu Cheng, director of the Center of Economic and Social Development, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences.



Editorial Board



Enfu Cheng (China), Professor and Member of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences



David M. Kotz (US), Professor at University of Massachusetts Amherst

Hiroshi Onishi (Japan), Professor at Keio University

Jean-Claude Delaunay (France), Honorary Professor at Universities of Lille and Paris East-Marne la Vallée


Managing Editors

Zhongbao Wang (China), Professor at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Xiaoqin Ding (China), Professor at Shanghai University of Finance and Economics


Editorial Board

Josef Baum (Austria), Researcher at University of Vienna

Riccardo Bellofiore (Italy), Professor at University of Bergamo

Alexander Buzgalin (Russia), Professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University

Enfu Cheng (China), Professor and Member of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Jean-Claude Delaunay (France), Honorary Professor at Universities of Lille 1 and Paris East-Marne la Vallée

Radhika Desai (Canada), Professor at University of Manitoba

Heinz Dieterich (Germany), Professor at Metropolitan Autonomous University

Gérard Duménil (France), Former Research Director at French National Centre for Scientific Research

John Bellamy Foster (US), Professor at University of Oregon, Editor of Monthly Review

Hailiang Gu (China), Professor at Peking University

Hazel Dayton Gunn (US), Visiting Scholar at Cornell University, Managing Editor of Review of Radical Political Economics

Henri Houben (Belgium), Researcher at Research Group for an Alternative Economic Strategy and Institute for Marxist Studies

Leming Hu (China), Professor at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Makoto Itoh (Japan), Emeritus Professor at University of Tokyo, Member of the Japan Academy

David M. Kotz (US), Professor at University of Massachusetts Amherst

David Laibman (US), Professor at City University of New York, Editor of Science & Society

Thomas E. Lambert (US), Assistant Professor at University of Louisville

Jianping Li (China), Professor at Fujian Normal University

Terrence McDonough (Ireland), Professor at National University of Ireland Galway

Hiroshi Ohnishi (Japan), Professor at Keio University

Ozgur Orhangazi (Turkey), Professor at Kadir Has University

Luis Sandoval Ramírez (Mexico), Professor at National Autonomous University of Mexico

Roger Seifert (UK), Professor at Wolverhampton University

Pritam Singh (India), Professor at Oxford Brookes University

Lefteris Tsoulfidis (Greece), Professor at University of Macedonia

Roberto Mangabeira Unger (Brazil), Professor at Harvard University, former Minister of Strategic Affairs of Brazil

Pengfei Yan (China), Professor at Wuhan University

Yunxia Yang (China), Professor at Northwestern Polytechincal University


Assistant Editors

Shuoying Chen (China), Associate Professor at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Dongyun Han (China), Assistant Professor at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences

Zhen Wang (China), Assistant Professor at Chinese Academy of Social Sciences




Aims & Scope

World Review of Political Economy (WRPE) is a peer-reviewed academic journal of Marxist Political Economy, which aims to promote the innovative research into Marxist economic theories and their practical applications to world economy, developed and undeveloped economies, capitalist and socialist economies and so on, and to benefit the development of the world and well-beings of its people. WRPE welcomes submissions in normative and empirical research including, but not limited to:

  1. State Capitalism, Monopoly Capitalism, Financial Capitalism, Neoliberal Capitalism, Imperialism, and Capitalist Development History;
  2. Economic Globalization, Internationalization of Capital, Global Value Chain, Underdevelopment, Unequal Exchange, Colonialism, and Capitalist System;
  3. Exploitation, Profit Squeeze, Living Wage, Income Inequality, and Relationship between Capital and Labour;
  4. Business Cycle, Capital Accumulation, Under-Consumption, Over-Investment, Financial Crisis, and Theory of Economic Crisis;
  5. Organic Composition of Capital, Technical Change, Labour Process, Digital Economy, Platform Economy, Productive Automation, and Theory of Falling Profit Rate;
  6. Productive and Unproductive Labour, Surplus Value, Value Composition of Capital, Value and Price, Value Formation and Transformation, and Labour Theory of Value;
  7. Labour-Managed Firms, Participatory Planning, Market Socialism, Eco-Socialism, Feasible Socialism, and Socialist Development History.



Guidelines for authors

For full submission guidelines, please see this document.

World Review of Political Economy (WRPE) accepts article submissions written in English that are original and not currently under consideration for publication by any other journal.


Articles should be original and not currently under consideration by any other publication. All contributions should be submitted to WRPE via the WRPE ScholarOne Manuscripts site (

For submission on ScholarOne, new users should first create an account. Once a user is logged onto the site, submissions should be made via the Author Center. Online user guides and access to a helpdesk are available on this website. Authors should prepare and upload at least two files: Title Page and Main Document. Main Document should be an anonymous complete text, in which all information identifying the author(s) should be removed in order to allow it to be sent anonymously to referees. Title Page may include article's title, author's short biography and contact information.

Please contact the Editorial Office of WRPE via  or  if you have any questions.

Contributions should be submitted in English. If authors are not native English speakers and are uncertain about the quality of their writing, their work should be edited for language by a native English speaker prior to submission.

Contributions should be formatted as A4 Microsoft Word files (Mac files must be converted), double-spaced and with ample margins. All pages, including those containing only diagrams and tables, should be numbered consecutively. Biographical information of up to 80 words should be included on the title page, indicating authors’ institutional affiliation, research area, representative writings, and email addresses.

It is the responsibility of the author to obtain permission to reproduce any illustrations that may be subject to copyright, and sources should be indicated appropriately in the accompanying captions. The use of figures (diagrams, charts, graphs) and tables should be kept to a minimum, with only essential data presented. Each should be numbered consecutively, titled, and mentioned in the main text. Tables must contain editable text. Figures should be supplied as separate *editable* files where possible (preferably in EPS, Illustrator or Excel format) and not in colour. Picture files or JPEGs are unsuitable for figures, but can be supplied for photographs if they are of good quality. Mathematical formulations should be kept to a minimum. Footnotes should be numbered consecutively. Bibliographical references should be checked for accuracy. Authors’ full addresses and other contact information including email, fax, telephone numbers, and postal address should be included in a separate A4 Microsoft Word file. One photo of the author should be provided (the first two authors’ photos, if the contribution is co-authored), which will appear in the journal on the article’s title page.

WRPE contributions are reviewed in five categories:

1) ARTICLES, up to 12,000 words, including an abstract of maximum 200 words describing the main arguments and conclusions, three to five key words, notes, acknowledgements, funding, and references.

2) COMMUNICATIONS, up to 8000 words, usually responses to the published articles or books of other authors.

3) BOOK REVIEWS, up to 6000 words.

4) ACADEMIC FRONTIERS, up to 8000 words, including conference reports, coverage of scholarly exchanges, literature review, and commentary on recent research developments.

5) FIGURE, up to 8000 words, introducing the academic career, thoughts and achievements of distinguished political economists.

Copyright and authors' rights

To assure the integrity, dissemination, and protection against copyright infringement of published articles, the copyright in your article is assigned to Pluto Journals (in behalf of the World Association for Political Economy, the proprietor of the journal World Review of Political Economy). Your Article is defined as the final, definitive, and citable Version of Record, and includes: (a) the accepted manuscript in its final form, including the abstract, text, bibliography, and all accompanying tables, illustrations, data; and (b) any supplemental material hosted by Pluto Journals.

The Author has the right to use the article in its published form in whole or in part without revision or modification in personal compilations or other publications of your own work, and the right to expand an article into book-length form for publication, provided that the acknowledgement to the journal World Review of Political Economy is made explicit.

Now WRPE is Open-Accessed and published under the Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0. This license allows users, scholars and readers, to read the content or any part of the content without charges. This license allows scholars to download and use the contents for educational purposes. This license does not allow the content or any part of the content to be used for commercial purposes.

Publishing ethics

All authors must comply with the common publishing ethics, and warrant that their article is their own original work, which does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any other person or entity, and cannot be construed as plagiarizing any other published work, including their own previously published work. The article contains no content that is abusive, defamatory, libellous, obscene, fraudulent, nor in any way infringes the rights of others, nor is in any other way unlawful or in violation of applicable laws.




Official Homepages

World Review of Political Economy (WRPE) is a quarterly, peer-reviewed title, published by Pluto Journals as the official journal of the World Association for Political Economy, to produce research into Marxist political economy. Please visit its official websites for details: WRPE homepage (; WRPE at Pluto Journals (; WRPE at JSTOR (; WRPE at ScienceOpen (




Indexing and Abstracting

The Journal has been indexed in ESCI (Emerging Sources Citation Index, an edition of Web of Science) since 2015, and indexed in Scopus since 2018. The electronic journal is archived in Portico, and collected in JSTOR (, ScienceOpen, and EBSCO.





The journal World Review of Political Economy is published quarterly in March (Spring issue), June (Summer issue), September (Fall issue) and December (Winter issue).

Now all published articles in World Review of Political Economy (WRPE) are open-accessed. Please visit them at WRPE at JSTOR (, ScienceOpen (  and WRPE homepage (

Now WRPE is Open-Accessed and published under the Creative Commons License CC BY 4.0. This license allows users, scholars and readers, to read the content or any part of the content without charges. This license allows scholars to download and use the contents for educational purposes. This license does not allow the content or any part of the content to be used for commercial purposes.


Contact Information

Editorial Office, or

Managing editor, Prof. Zhongbao Wang,

Publisher Pluto Journals,




World Review of Political Economy (WRPE) is an official journal of the World Association for Political Economy ( 



Call for Papers of the Seventeenth Forum of the World Association for Political Economy

Political Economy vs. Economics in a Turbulent Multipolar World

2-4 August 2024, Athens, Greece

The 17th WAPE Forum will be held on 2-4 August 2024 at Panteion University, Athens,

Greece. This Forum will be co-organized by WAPE (World Association of Political

Economy - and GAPE (Greek Association of Political Economy -, and hosted by the Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences ( .

The broad theme of this Forum focuses on the long-standing controversy between the two main alternative traditions in economic analysis: Political Economy and Economics. Economics, with their individualistic, non-social view of the economy have historically failed to grasp how economies work and forecast and why, how and when economic crises occur. On the other hand, Political Economy and especially its Marxist variant, proposing a social and historical understanding of the economy, linking economic analysis to social and political factors and to class struggle, has been far more successful in comprehending the actual workings of the economy and in analyzing economic crises. Economics’ shortcomings have become even more pronounced as the 21th century ushered a period of global political and economic turbulence, economic crises erupting with an increasing frequency, geopolitical conflicts multiplying and taking increasingly violent forms, which they continue to fail to understand. Nevertheless, their dominance of academia and policy-making centers, especially in the West, continues uninterrupted because of their classless approach and their unbashful support for the capitalist system. The small cosmetic changes from Neoliberalism to neoconservative New Keynesianism do not amount to a serious change of perspective and continue to misapprehend the real modus operandi of 

contemporary societies and their economies. Nevertheless, there is growing unrest within both the academia and the society with this failed dominance.

Political Economy is the main approach towards which all those dissatisfied with Economics turn.

Indicatively but not exclusively, proposed papers can touch upon the following issues:

1.    Contemporary         controversies  in         Macroeconomics          between           Neoclassicism, Keynesianism and Marxism

  • Neoliberalism, New Keynesianism and the New Macroeconomic Consensus
  • Marxism and macro-economic modelling
  1. Curriculum reform in Economics: How Political Economy can challenge Economics’ dominance of university curricula
  2. History of Political Economy
  3. Economic history
  4. Theory of stages and periodization of capitalism
  5. Theories and analyses of economic crisis
  6. Profitability, crises and economic cycles
  7. Race, class and gender
  8. Methodology of economic analysis
  9. Trends and challenges in contemporary economic policy
  • Neoconservative economic policies
  • Economic planning, fiscal and monetary policies reconsidered
  • A return of industrial policy?

11. Marxism and the Political Economy of money and finance

  • Contemporary capitalism and transformations of the financial system
  • Fictitious capital and the contemporary changes in the production-circulation nexus
  • Central banking in contemporary capitalism
  • US hegemony and de-dollarisation
  • The political economy of crypto-currenciencies

    12. Labour process, markets and the Political Economy of work

  • Labour movement and Trade Unions
  • Exploitation, flexibility of labor and unemployment
  • The current state of Labour Process Theory
  • Automation, AI and their impact on unemployment, income distribution and the economic cycles
  • Platforms, casualization of labour and the contemporary workplace

    13. The Political Economy of social policy
  • Austerity and the welfare system
  • Poverty and inequality
  • The pensions system and its neoconservative reforms

    14. The Political Economy of education
  • Commodification of education
  • Class barriers and education
  • Student debt
  • The entrepreneurial university

    15. The Political Economy of health policies
  • Inequalities and class barriers in health provision
  • The new emerging epidemics and the experience of the COVID-19
  • Public vs private healthcare sectors

    16. Environmental Political Economy
  • Climate change and class struggle
  • Capitalism’s metabolic rift
  • Imperialist and geopolitical conflicts and the climate

    17. Urban and regional Political Economy
  • The city-countryside contradiction in contemporary capitalism
  • Labour geographies

    Law and Political Economy
    World economy and geopolitical conflicts: globalization or imperialism?
  • International conflicts and imperialism
  • The retreat of US hegemony and the emergence of a multi-polar world system
  • The Political Economy of capital flows
  • BRICS, the newly emerging economies and the world economy
  • Global value chains and transnational corporations
  • Political Economy of foreign direct investment (FDI)
  • International Political Economy

    20. Political Economy of European integration
  • Is the Eurozone crisis over?
  • European Union: from aspiring to become the new economic superpower falling behind?
  • Divisions and conflicts within the European integration – euro-centre versus euro-periphery in the 21st century

    21. Development studies at an impasse
  • The developmental state after the Post-Washington Consensus
  • Role and policies of international organizations (IMF, WB, WHO, UNHCR, UN etc.)
  • Development and underdevelopment in the 21st century

    22. Country case studies
  • On these, but also on other subjects, WAPE encourages the formation of work groups that continue to co-operate beyond the period of this Forum. WAPE will support these workgroups by hosting them on its webpages and promoting their work.

    WAPE also encourages the proposal of a series of panels on subjects within the broad scope of the Forum. Colleagues or groups that are interested in organizing such panels should contact the Organisation Committee via and

    Additionally, the 17th WAPE Forum will include a Young Scholars’ Section. Ongoing Ph.D students can apply to present mature parts of their work within this section. The rate for students (50 euros) applies in the case of the Young Scholars’ Section.

OFFICIAL LANGUAGE: The official language of the Forum is English. PUBLICATION POSSIBILITIES: All accepted full papers will be considered for publication in the World Review of Political Economy

( and the International Critical Thought

( after passing the peer refereeing process.


Send a paper abstract (500 words) and your full curriculum vitae in English to and by 10 May 2024.

Acceptance letters and instructions for registration will be sent out by 20 May 2024. The structure and the schedule of registration fees are detailed below. Full papers must be submitted by 1 July 2024.

There is also the option to apply to attend the forum without presenting a paper. In that case, you will be sent an invitation letter for visa purposes etc. upon registration and payment of registration fees.


  • Deadline for abstract proposals: 10 May 2024
  • Notice of acceptance: 20 May 2024
  • Deadline for full paper: 1 July 2024


  • 140 Euros for online payment before 30 May 2024
  • 170 Euros for online payment before 20 July 2024
  • 200 Euros for online payment after 20 July 2024 or on-site payment  50 Euros reduced rate for unemployed, retired and students for online payment before 30 May 2024

Additionally, a WAPE membership fee is required. Payment of the membership fee should be made together with the registration fee.

The WAPE Secretariat March 2024



We are building the list of World Review of Political Economy (WRPE) scholars. Please register an ScienceOpen account and make your personal homepage on ScienceOpen (e.g., the “Friendly URL” on ScienceOpen for the Managing Editor of WRPE, Prof. Zhongbao Wang: , then “Follow” the WRPE homepage ( on ScienceOpen,  and write to the editorial office of World Review of Political Economy (WRPE) via or to tell us your personal homepage on ScienceOpen.


WRPE Scholars

Enfu Cheng (Cheng Enfu in Chinese tradition)

Zhongbao Wang (Wang Zhongbao in Chinese tradition)


Welcome also to visit the scholars of World Association for Political Economy at Elsevier.




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