Global Health Next Generation Network

A collection of current global health topics curated by the Global Health Next Generation Network.

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A collaborative vision for Global Health research

ScienceOpen Research


open access, global health next generation network, global health, open science

Main article text

Dramatic events such as the Ebola outbreak in 2014 tend to turn the public eye on issues of global health. But the really dramatic numbers lie in unspectacular topics beneath the radar such as maternal health, access to health care or effects of poverty.

At the beginning of 2015, ScienceOpen and the Global Health Next Generation Network (GHNGN) started a bilateral partnership to promote the Open Science movement and to advocate for young global health professionals and early career researchers working on a variety of topics vital to global health.

When it comes to global health research, a broad spectrum of diverse scientific topics including the modern aspects of demographics, economic perspectives, cultural challenges, medical and patients’ education, and ethical questions should be considered. Although better and more innovative diagnostic and therapeutic tools still need to be discovered, science is not the key obstacle to improving global health. Adequately accessible (and freely available) scientific knowledge for everyone is an essential barrier to change in many parts of the world. This is what Open Access movement aims for. In response to the Ebola crisis, the U.S. National Library of Medicine and participating publishers came together to provide access to articles from more than 650 biomedical serial titles and 4,000 reference works. Why? Because as a society we believed that open access to this information could save lives. But this is true for a vast array of topics relevant to global health. Therefore GHNGN and ScienceOpen have decided to create a collection of top Open Access research articles to provide a shared vision for global health.

In our Global Health Collection, we engage two exemplary aspects of global health: female genital mutilation and primary health care in Caribbean islands. The research on the above topics was recently conducted by young and talented students/professionals from Germany and The Netherlands. Together with their international colleagues the authors explore and extend our knowledge on these particular issues. To open up a forum for discussion, editors of the collection have each chosen 5-7 of the most relevant recent publications highlighting the presented aspects of global health published by various open access publishers.

Who are the millennials of global health? The GHNGN is the most authentic, agile and passionate network for the next generation of the global health community. It connects around 700 students and young professionals (SYPs) worldwide. They belong to “Generation Open”, and it requires courage to demand new ways of communicating about science. Why is it so essential to be an open scientist and physician? The GHNGN initiative emphasizes that the information they access and use is more valuable if it is transparently available to the larger and broader community. Research data shared by a npetwork can return even more value over time than at the moment of its publication

"Open and transparent access to knowledge will enable greater innovation, more efficient use of therapeutic and diagnostic tools, and can support broadly distributed health communities".

As a next generation Open Access communication platform, ScienceOpen offers alongside its ublishing services a unique aggregation of over 1.5 million research articles– this is a solid foundation for openly shared knowledge! Every ScienceOpen user can search for recent published articles in their field and be sure that the information they seek is freely available to the entire global community. With ScienceOpen Collections, experts select the best research in the field from their perspective and start a conversation around it to both raise awareness and develop new ways of collaborating and communicating. “Open and transparent access to knowledge will enable greater innovation, more efficient use of therapeutic and diagnostic tools, and can support broadly distributed health communities”, said our authors.

Are you as enthusiastic about Global Health as we are? Then follow the ScienceOpen Collection to learn, comment and share your research knowledge!

Nana Bit-Avragim and Joceline Kranenburg

ScienceOpen Research
11 May 2015

A collaborative vision for Global Health research

ScienceOpen Research


open access, global health next generation network, global health, open science

Main article text

Dramatic events such as the Ebola outbreak in 2014 tend to turn the public eye on issues of global health. But the really dramatic numbers lie in unspectacular topics beneath the radar such as maternal health, access to health care or effects of poverty.

At the beginning of 2015, ScienceOpen and the Global Health Next Generation Network (GHNGN) started a bilateral partnership to promote the Open Science movement and to advocate for young global health professionals and early career researchers working on a variety of topics vital to global health.

When it comes to global health research, a broad spectrum of diverse scientific topics including the modern aspects of demographics, economic perspectives, cultural challenges, medical and patients’ education, and ethical questions should be considered. Although better and more innovative diagnostic and therapeutic tools still need to be discovered, science is not the key obstacle to improving global health. Adequately accessible (and freely available) scientific knowledge for everyone is an essential barrier to change in many parts of the world. This is what Open Access movement aims for. In response to the Ebola crisis, the U.S. National Library of Medicine and participating publishers came together to provide access to articles from more than 650 biomedical serial titles and 4,000 reference works. Why? Because as a society we believed that open access to this information could save lives. But this is true for a vast array of topics relevant to global health. Therefore GHNGN and ScienceOpen have decided to create a collection of top Open Access research articles to provide a shared vision for global health.

In our Global Health Collection, we engage two exemplary aspects of global health: female genital mutilation and primary health care in Caribbean islands. The research on the above topics was recently conducted by young and talented students/professionals from Germany and The Netherlands. Together with their international colleagues the authors explore and extend our knowledge on these particular issues. To open up a forum for discussion, editors of the collection have each chosen 5-7 of the most relevant recent publications highlighting the presented aspects of global health published by various open access publishers.

Who are the millennials of global health? The GHNGN is the most authentic, agile and passionate network for the next generation of the global health community. It connects around 700 students and young professionals (SYPs) worldwide. They belong to “Generation Open”, and it requires courage to demand new ways of communicating about science. Why is it so essential to be an open scientist and physician? The GHNGN initiative emphasizes that the information they access and use is more valuable if it is transparently available to the larger and broader community. Research data shared by a npetwork can return even more value over time than at the moment of its publication

"Open and transparent access to knowledge will enable greater innovation, more efficient use of therapeutic and diagnostic tools, and can support broadly distributed health communities".

As a next generation Open Access communication platform, ScienceOpen offers alongside its ublishing services a unique aggregation of over 1.5 million research articles– this is a solid foundation for openly shared knowledge! Every ScienceOpen user can search for recent published articles in their field and be sure that the information they seek is freely available to the entire global community. With ScienceOpen Collections, experts select the best research in the field from their perspective and start a conversation around it to both raise awareness and develop new ways of collaborating and communicating. “Open and transparent access to knowledge will enable greater innovation, more efficient use of therapeutic and diagnostic tools, and can support broadly distributed health communities”, said our authors.

Are you as enthusiastic about Global Health as we are? Then follow the ScienceOpen Collection to learn, comment and share your research knowledge!

Nana Bit-Avragim and Joceline Kranenburg

ScienceOpen Research
11 May 2015

Collection Information

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