I develop methods and frameworks to inform ecosystem science and the conservation of biological diversity. My research is influencing global and national policy on conservation. My research projects apply information technology methods to organise, access, visualise and analyse a broad range of ecological data like species distribution records, camera trap detection histories, species interactions, species traits or spatio-temporal indicators of ecosystem function. Such data feed digital knowledge bases that are fundamental for policy and management decisions. They inform ecological research, policy, risk management for threatened ecosystems and species, ecosystem restoration and conservation, and natural capital accounting. Reproducibility and transparency of my research is critical for building trust among different user groups supporting evidence-based decisions, driving me to provide open access to data and workflows and encourage reusability and external validation of methods and results.
I completed my studies in biology and ecology in Germany and Venezuela, and have been post-doctoral research fellow in Venezuela and South Africa. I am currently a Senior Research Fellow at UNSW in Australia.
School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences
Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences
Centro de Estudios Botánicos y Agroforestales