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Dominik Hagmann

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    As an archaeologist focusing on the provincial Roman area, I am particularly interested digital in settlement and landscape studies. In 2022, I obtained a Ph.D. degree (with honors) from the University of Vienna (Doctoral School for Cultural and Historical Studies) on his thesis “Roman Rural Landscapes in Noricum. Archaeological Studies on Roman Settlements in the Hinterland of Northern Noricum.”

    I currently work on several archaeological projects as an archaeologist for the Austrian archaeological service company ARDIG – Archäologischer Dienst GesmbH. Since 2023, I have been a principal investigator in the ÖAW-funded Go!Digital 3.0 long-term-archiving project IUENNA at the kärnten.museum, together with my colleague Franziska Reiner (ÖAI).

    Further, I am a lecturer at the Department of Evolutionary Anthropology (University of Vienna), and I am a member of the research network Human Evolution and Archaeological Sciences (HEAS).


    ARDIG - Archäologischer Dienst GesmbH

    University of Vienna

    Department of Evolutionary Anthropology

    Landesmuseum Kärnten

    Go!Digital 3.0 poject IUENNA - openIng the soUthErn jauNtal as a micro-regioN for future Archaeology

    University of Vienna

    Department of Classical Archaeology

    University of Vienna

    Department of Classical Archaeology

    Austrian Archeological Institute

    Department of Central European Archaeology

    Institute for Archaeological Heritage Research

    Landesmuseum Kärnten

    Globasnitz excavation


    University of Vienna, Vienna Doctoral School of Historical and Cultural Studies, Research Cluster "Archaeology and Material Culture"

    University of Chicago, Department of Classics

    University of Vienna, Department of Classical Archaeology

    University of Vienna, Department of Classical Archaeology

    Self description

    I am currently a PhD student and University Assistant (prae-doc) at the Department of Classical Archaeology at the University of Vienna. As an archaeologist focusing on the provincial Roman area, I am particularly interested in settlement and landscape studies in the broadest sense.