
Volume 17, Issue 3
01 September 1999
Prometheus. Critical Studies in Innovation
Pluto Journals

Table of contents

Project Selection Models or Professional Autonomy?269
A Comparative Macro-level Assessment of New Zealand's ‘National Innovation System’283
Collaboration and Innovation Networks in Esprit299
Exploring the Social Construction of IT Policy—Thailand and Singapore309
A National Linkage Program for Technological Innovation323
Trapped in the Net: The Unanticipated Consequences of Computerization, Gene I. Rochlin, Princeton NJ, Princeton University Press, 1997, xvi+ 293 pp., US$29.95, ISBN 0-691-010803(hbk)337
A New Economic Par-adigrn? Innovation-based Evolutionary Systems, Kevin Bryant and Alison Wells (Eds), Canberra, Australia, Department if Industry, Science and Resources, 1998, x + 104 pp., price not available, ISBN 0 642 28125 4 338
Information Liberation, Brian Martin, London, Freedom Press, 1998, 181 pp., AU$27.90, ISBN 0-900384-93-X340
Workplaces of the Future, Paul Thompson and Chris Warhurst (Eds), London, Macmillan, 1998, xi + 230pp., £16.99 (pbk), ISBN 0-333-72800-9 (pbk), ISBN 0-333-727991 (hbk) 342
Fr-orn Barbie to Mortal Kornbatr Gender and Cornputee GaInes Justine Cassell and Henry Jenkins (Eds), Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1998, xviii + 360pp., US$35.00, ISBN 0-262-03258-9344
The Growth Warriors: Creating Sustainable Global Advantage for America's Technology Industries, Ronald Mascitelli, Northbridge, C4, Technology Perspectives, 1999, 444 pp., US$34.95, ISBN 0-9662697-0-5347
Gender, Technology and Developrrrent, Vol. 2, No. 3, September-December 1998, Govind Kelkar (Ed.), New Delhi, Thousand Oaks, CA, London, Sage Publications, 1998, 166 pp., US$90.00 (institutional rate), US$36.00 (individual rate), ISSN 0971-8524 349
Measuring Progress: Is Life Getting Better?, Richard Eckersley (Ed.), Collingwood, Victoria, Australia, CSIRO Publishing, 1998, ix + 382 pp., AU$34.95, ISBN 0643062963 351
Medicine Worth Paying for: Assessing Medical Innovations, Howard S. Frazier and Frederick Mosteller (Eds), Cambridge, MA, Haroard Unioersity Press, 1995, xiv + 311 pp., US$39.95, ISBN 0-674-56362-X354
Technology and Privacy: The New Landscape, Philip E. Agre and Marc Rotenberg (Eds), Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1997, vi + 323 pp., US $25.00, ISBN 0-262-01162-X (hbk)356
Privacy on the Line: The Politics of Wiretapping and Encryption, Whitfield Diffie and Susan Landau, Cambridge, MA, MIT Press, 1998, ix + 342 pp., US $25.00, ISBN 0-262-04167-7 (hbk)356
Unzulässiger Protektionismus der europäischen Medienpolitik? Die Maßnahmen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft zum Sckutz des europäischen Films und ihre Vereinbarkeit mit dem durch das GATT und die WTO-Vereinbarungen gebildeten Rechtsrahmen, Karin Sandberg, Frankfurt, Germany, Peter Lang Verlag, 1998, 306 pp., DM 98.00, ISBN 3-631-32068-X360
Die Filmpolitik der Europäischen Union iDl Spannungsfeld zwischen nationaler staatlicher Förderung und US-amerikanischer MediendoDlinanz, Sabine Jarothe, Frankfurt, Germany, Peter Lang Verlag, 1998, 434 pp., DM 98.00, ISBN 3-631-32725-X360
Die Rechtmäβigkeit europäischer Fernsehquoten aus kompetenzieller grundrechtlicher und welthandelsrechtlicher Sicht, Michael Frese, Frankfurt, Germany, Peter Lang Verlag, 1998, 173 pp., DM 69.00, ISBN 3-63 1-33043-X360
Privatisierung und Internationalisierung von Telefongesellschaften, Ernst-Olav Ruhle, Frankfurt, Germany, Peter Lang Verlag, 1996, 274 pp., DM 84.00, ISBN 3-631-49911-6362
Nordicom Review: Nordic Research on Media & COmmunication, Ulla Carlsson (Ed.), Göteborg, Sweden, Nordicom, 1998, ISSN 0349-6244
Sale of One-third of Telstra, The Auditor-General, Canberra, Australia, Australian National Audit Office, 1998, 115 pp., no price available, ISSN 1036-7632, ISBN 0-644-39025-5
A Consumer's Perspective on Customer Service, Maura Bollinger, Sydney and Melboume, Australia, Communications Law Centre, 1999, 69 pp., price not available, ISBN 1-875538-26-7
Science and Technology Budget Statement 1999-2000, Nick Minchin, Canberra, Australia, Department of Industry, Science and Resources, 1999, 6 sections, no price available, ISBN 0 642 72042 8
Communication Research Trends, Vol. 18, No.2, 1998, William E. Biernatzki (Ed), St Louis, MO, Centre for the Study of Communication and Culture, 1998, 47 pp., US$35.00 (annual subscription), ISSN 0144-4646 364
From Mines to Minds: Western Australia in the Global Information Economy, Western Australian Technology & Industry Advisory Council, Perth, Australia, Western Australian Technology & Industry Advisory Council, J999, vii + 107 pp., no price available, no ISBN