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      Gesundheitsschutz und Klimawandel erfordern ambitionierte Grenzwerte für Luftschadstoffe in Europa : Stellungnahme zur Revision der Richtlinie über Luftqualität und saubere Luft für Europa der Kommission Environmental Public Health des Robert Koch-Instituts und des Umweltbundesamtes Translated title: Health protection and climate change require ambitious limit values for air pollutants in Europe : Opinion on the revision of the Directive on Air Quality and Clean Air for Europe of the Environmental Public Health commission of the Robert Koch Institute and the Federal Environment Agency


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          Die Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) hat aufgrund wissenschaftlicher Ergebnisse die Richtwerte zur Luftqualität 2021 verschärft. Es wurde eine deutliche Absenkung der Jahresmittelwerte von Feinstaub (Partikelgröße 2,5 µm oder kleiner, PM 2,5) sowie der Langzeitbelastung gegenüber Stickstoffdioxid (NO 2) und Ozon (O 3) empfohlen. Das Mortalitätsrisiko, wie Studien für den Bereich der niedrigen Luftschadstoffkonzentrationen belegen, steigt bereits oberhalb der WHO-Richtwerte an. In Deutschland wurden die WHO-Richtwerte von 2021 für PM 2,5 und NO 2 im Jahr 2022 deutlich überschritten.

          In diesem Positionspapier geben wir folgende Empfehlungen zur Europäischen Luftqualitätsrichtlinie: (1) Festlegung von verbindlichen Grenzwerten entsprechend WHO 2021, (2) Geltungsbereich der Grenzwerte in ganz Europa, (3) Fortführung und Ausbau der etablierten Ländermessnetze, (4) Ausbau der Luftqualitätsmessungen für ultrafeine Partikel und Rußpartikel, (5) Verknüpfung von Maßnahmen zur Luftreinhaltung und zum Klimaschutz.

          Eine Verschärfung der Grenzwerte für Luftschadstoffe erfordert gesellschaftliche und politische Veränderungen unter anderem in den Bereichen Mobilität, Energienutzung und -erzeugung, Stadt- und Raumplanung. Die Umsetzung der WHO-2021-Richtwerte hätte einen volkswirtschaftlichen Nettonutzen von 38 Mrd. € im Jahr.

          Ambitionierte Grenzwerte für Luftschadstoffe helfen auch, den Klimawandel und seine gesundheitlichen Auswirkungen einzudämmen. Die Kommission Environmental Public Health hält daher ambitioniertere Grenzwerte für notwendig, um einen effektiven Gesundheitsschutz in Deutschland zu ermöglichen, und fordert, dass Luftschadstoffgrenzwerte entsprechend den WHO-Empfehlungen von 2021 in Europa verbindlich werden.

          Translated abstract

          Based on scientific findings, the World Health Organization (WHO) has recommended stricter guideline values for air quality in 2021. Significant reductions in the annual mean values of particulate matter (particle size 2.5 µm or smaller, PM 2.5) and long-term exposure to nitrogen dioxide (NO 2) and ozone (O 3) were put forward. The risk of mortality already increases above the WHO guideline values, as shown in studies investigating low concentrations of air pollutants. In Germany, the 2021 WHO guideline values for PM 2.5 and NO 2 were clearly exceeded in 2022.

          In this position paper we give the following recommendations for the European Air Quality Directive: (1) set binding limit values according to WHO 2021, (2) apply the limit values to the whole of Europe, (3) continue and expand the established country-based monitoring networks, (4) expand air quality measurements for ultrafine particles and soot particles, and (5) link air pollution control and climate protection measures.

          Stricter limits for air pollutants require societal and political changes in areas such as mobility, energy use and generation, and urban and spatial planning. Implementation according to WHO 2021 would lead to a net economic benefit of 38 billion euros per year.

          Ambitious limit values for air pollutants also have an impact on climate change mitigation and its health impacts. The Environmental Public Health commission concludes that more ambitious limit values are crucial to enable effective health protection in Germany and calls for air pollutant limit values in line with the 2021 WHO recommendations to become binding in Europe.

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          Most cited references8

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          A joint ERS/ATS policy statement: what constitutes an adverse health effect of air pollution? An analytical framework

          The American Thoracic Society has previously published statements on what constitutes an adverse effect on health of air pollution in 1985 and 2000. We set out to update and broaden these past statements that focused primarily on effects on the respiratory system. Since then, many studies have documented effects of air pollution on other organ systems, such as on the cardiovascular and central nervous systems. In addition, many new biomarkers of effects have been developed and applied in air pollution studies.This current report seeks to integrate the latest science into a general framework for interpreting the adversity of the human health effects of air pollution. Rather than trying to provide a catalogue of what is and what is not an adverse effect of air pollution, we propose a set of considerations that can be applied in forming judgments of the adversity of not only currently documented, but also emerging and future effects of air pollution on human health. These considerations are illustrated by the inclusion of examples for different types of health effects of air pollution.
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            Particulate matter beyond mass: recent health evidence on the role of fractions, chemical constituents and sources of emission

            Particulate matter (PM) is regulated in various parts of the world based on specific size cut offs, often expressed as 10 or 2.5 µm mass median aerodynamic diameter. This pollutant is deemed one of the most dangerous to health and moreover, problems persist with high ambient concentrations. Continuing pressure to re-evaluate ambient air quality standards stems from research that not only has identified effects at low levels of PM but which also has revealed that reductions in certain components, sources and size fractions may best protect public health. Considerable amount of published information have emerged from toxicological research in recent years. Accumulating evidence has identified additional air quality metrics (e.g. black carbon, secondary organic and inorganic aerosols) that may be valuable in evaluating the health risks of, for example, primary combustion particles from traffic emissions, which are not fully taken into account with PM2.5 mass. Most of the evidence accumulated so far is for an adverse effect on health of carbonaceous material from traffic. Traffic-generated dust, including road, brake and tire wear, also contribute to the adverse effects on health. Exposure durations from a few minutes up to a year have been linked with adverse effects. The new evidence collected supports the scientific conclusions of the World Health Organization Air Quality Guidelines and also provides scientific arguments for taking decisive actions to improve air quality and reduce the global burden of disease associated with air pollution.
              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: not found

              Examining the Shape of the Association between Low Levels of Fine Particulate Matter and Mortality across Three Cycles of the Canadian Census Health and Environment Cohort

              Background: Ambient fine particulate air pollution with aerodynamic diameter ≤ 2.5   μ m ( PM 2.5 ) is an important contributor to the global burden of disease. Information on the shape of the concentration–response relationship at low concentrations is critical for estimating this burden, setting air quality standards, and in benefits assessments. Objectives: We examined the concentration–response relationship between PM 2.5 and nonaccidental mortality in three Canadian Census Health and Environment Cohorts (CanCHECs) based on the 1991, 1996, and 2001 census cycles linked to mobility and mortality data. Methods: Census respondents were linked with death records through 2016, resulting in 8.5 million adults, 150 million years of follow-up, and 1.5 million deaths. Using annual mailing address, we assigned time-varying contextual variables and 3-y moving-average ambient PM 2.5 at a 1 × 1   km spatial resolution from 1988 to 2015. We ran Cox proportional hazards models for PM 2.5 adjusted for eight subject-level indicators of socioeconomic status, seven contextual covariates, ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and combined oxidative potential. We used three statistical methods to examine the shape of the concentration–response relationship between PM 2.5 and nonaccidental mortality. Results: The mean 3-y annual average estimate of PM 2.5 exposure ranged from 6.7 to 8.0   μ g / m 3 over the three cohorts. We estimated a hazard ratio (HR) of 1.053 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.041, 1.065] per 10 - μ g / m 3 change in PM 2.5 after pooling the three cohort-specific hazard ratios, with some variation between cohorts (1.041 for the 1991 and 1996 cohorts and 1.084 for the 2001 cohort). We observed a supralinear association in all three cohorts. The lower bound of the 95% CIs exceeded unity for all concentrations in the 1991 cohort, for concentrations above 2   μ g / m 3 in the 1996 cohort, and above 5   μ g / m 3 in the 2001 cohort. Discussion: In a very large population-based cohort with up to 25 y of follow-up, PM 2.5 was associated with nonaccidental mortality at concentrations as low as 5   μ g / m 3 . https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP5204

                Author and article information

                Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz
                Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz
                Bundesgesundheitsblatt, Gesundheitsforschung, Gesundheitsschutz
                Springer Berlin Heidelberg (Berlin/Heidelberg )
                21 August 2023
                21 August 2023
                : 66
                : 9
                : 1030-1034
                [1 ]GRID grid.4567.0, ISNI 0000 0004 0483 2525, Institut für Epidemiologie, , Helmholtz Zentrum München – Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt (GmbH), ; Ingolstädter Landstr. 1, 85764 Neuherberg, Deutschland
                [2 ]GRID grid.5252.0, ISNI 0000 0004 1936 973X, Lehrstuhl für Epidemiologie, Institut für Medizinische Informationsverarbeitung, Biometrie und Epidemiologie, Medizinische Fakultät, , Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München, ; München, Deutschland
                [3 ]GRID grid.414279.d, ISNI 0000 0001 0349 2029, Bayerisches Landesamt für Gesundheit und Lebensmittelsicherheit, ; München, Deutschland
                [4 ]GRID grid.7704.4, ISNI 0000 0001 2297 4381, Institut für Public Health und Pflegeforschung, Abteilung Sozialepidemiologie, , Universität Bremen, ; Bremen, Deutschland
                [5 ]GRID grid.275559.9, ISNI 0000 0000 8517 6224, Institut für Arbeits‑, Sozial- und Umweltmedizin, , Universitätsklinikum Jena, ; Jena, Deutschland
                [6 ]GRID grid.7491.b, ISNI 0000 0001 0944 9128, Medizinische Fakultät OWL, , Universität Bielefeld, ; Bielefeld, Deutschland
                [7 ]GRID grid.412301.5, ISNI 0000 0000 8653 1507, Institut für Arbeits‑, Sozial- und Umweltmedizin, , Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, ; Aachen, Deutschland
                [8 ]GRID grid.7468.d, ISNI 0000 0001 2248 7639, Geographisches Institut, Angewandte Geoinformationsverarbeitung, , Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, ; Berlin, Deutschland
                [9 ]GRID grid.38275.3b, ISNI 0000 0001 2321 7956, Zentrum für Medizin-Meteorologische Forschung, , Deutscher Wetterdienst, ; Freiburg, Deutschland
                [10 ]GRID grid.411095.8, ISNI 0000 0004 0477 2585, Instituts- und Poliklinik für Arbeits‑, Sozial- und Umweltmedizin, , Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Klinikum, ; München, Deutschland
                [11 ]GRID grid.7491.b, ISNI 0000 0001 0944 9128, Fakultät für Gesundheitswissenschaften, , Universität Bielefeld, ; Bielefeld, Deutschland
                [12 ]GRID grid.419801.5, ISNI 0000 0000 9312 0220, Medizinische Fakultät – Lehrstuhl für Umweltmedizin, , Universitätsklinikum Augsburg, ; Augsburg, Deutschland
                [13 ]GRID grid.418465.a, ISNI 0000 0000 9750 3253, Leibniz-Institut für Präventionsforschung und Epidemiologie – BIPS und Universität Bremen, ; Bremen, Deutschland
                [14 ]GRID grid.14778.3d, ISNI 0000 0000 8922 7789, Institut für Arbeits‑, Sozial- und Umweltmedizin, , Universitätsklinikum Düsseldorf, ; Düsseldorf, Deutschland
                © The Author(s) 2023

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                : 14 July 2023
                Funded by: Helmholtz Zentrum München - Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Gesundheit und Umwelt (GmbH) (4209)
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                © Robert Koch-Institut 2023

                luftschadstoffe,luftqualität,gesundheitsschutz,klimawandel,krankheitslast,air pollutants,air quality,health protection,climate change,burden of disease


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