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      Medizinische Kompressionsstrümpfe bei chronischen venösen Erkrankungen und Lymphödem : Wissenschaftliche Evidenz und Ergebnisse einer Patient*innen-Befragung zur Versorgungsqualität Translated title: Medical compression stockings for chronic venous diseases and lymphedema : Scientific evidence and results of a patient survey on quality of care


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          Hintergrund und Ziele

          Medizinische Kompressionsstrümpfe (MKS) sind bei chronischer venöser Insuffizienz (CVI) aller Stadien indiziert und beim Lymphödem eine unverzichtbare Therapiekomponente; 8 % der deutschen Bevölkerung tragen vom Arzt verordnete MKS, Frauen häufiger als Männer (12 % vs. 5 %) und insbesondere Personen ab 60 Jahren (17 %). Die Adhärenz der Patienten ist relevant für eine erfolgreiche Behandlung mit MKS. Untersucht wurde die Versorgung mit MKS aus Patientensicht.

          Patienten und Methodik

          Die vorliegende Studie untersuchte 2019 die Versorgungsqualität durch strukturierte Interviews mit 414 repräsentativ ausgewählten Nutzern. Die Erkenntnisse werden vor dem Hintergrund wissenschaftlicher Evidenz zur Wirkung der MKS diskutiert.


          Venenprobleme sind der häufigste Verordnungsgrund (44 %), gefolgt von Lymphödemen (22 %) bzw. Mehrfachindikationen (27 %). Patienten tragen MKS zumeist täglich und durchschnittlich 11 h/Tag; 89 % der Patienten waren zufrieden bzw. sehr zufrieden mit den MKS und berichteten je nach Indikation ein differenziertes Wirkprofil. Dieses reflektiert die umfangreiche wissenschaftliche Evidenz zur klinischen Wirksamkeit der MKS. Ein wichtiger Faktor für die Patientenadhärenz ist die ärztliche Schulung und Aufklärung.


          MKS werden von Patienten sehr gut akzeptiert. Bei der Verordnung sollen praktischen Aspekte wie An- und Ausziehen, empfohlene Tragedauer und -häufigkeit sowie der Wirkmechanismus der MKS vermittelt werden.

          Graphic abstract

          Translated abstract

          Background and aims

          Medical compression stockings (MCS) are indicated for chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) of all stages and are an indispensable component in lymphedema therapy. In all, 8% of the German population has been prescribed MCS by a physician—more women than men (12% vs. 5%), and especially persons aged 60 years and older (17%). Patient adherence is relevant for successful treatment with MCS. We examined MCS use from the patientʼs perspective.

          Patients and methods

          This study examined the quality of care through structured interviews with 414 representative users in 2019. Findings are discussed taking into consideration scientific evidence on the efficacy of MCS.


          Venous conditions are the most common reason for prescription (44%), followed by lymphedema (22%) or multiple indications (27%). Patients generally wear MCS daily and on average 11 h/day. In all, 89% of patients were satisfied or very satisfied with MCS, whereby efficacy was dependent on the indication. This reflects the extensive scientific evidence on the clinical efficacy of MCS. An important factor for patient adherence is physician training and education.


          MCS are well accepted by patients. When prescribing them, practical aspects such as donning and doffing, recommended wearing time and frequency, and the mechanism of action of MCS should be clearly communicated.

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          Most cited references50

          • Record: found
          • Abstract: not found
          • Article: not found

          Chronic venous insufficiency.

            • Record: found
            • Abstract: not found
            • Article: not found

            Editor's Choice - Management of Chronic Venous Disease: Clinical Practice Guidelines of the European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS).

              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: not found

              Compression for venous leg ulcers.

              Up to one percent of people in industrialised countries will suffer from a leg ulcer at some time. The majority of these leg ulcers are due to problems in the veins, resulting in an accumulation of blood in the legs. Leg ulcers arising from venous problems are called venous (or varicose or stasis) ulcers. The main treatment is the application of a firm compression garment (bandage or stocking) in order to aid venous return. There is a large number of compression garments available and it was unclear whether they are effective in treating venous ulcers and, if so, which method of compression is the most effective. To undertake a systematic review of all randomised controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating the effects on venous ulcer healing of compression bandages and stockings.Specific questions addressed by the review are:1. Does the application of compression bandages or stockings aid venous ulcer healing? 2. Which compression bandage or stocking system is the most effective? For this second update we searched: the Cochrane Wounds Group Specialised Register (31 May 2012); the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) (The Cochrane Library Issue 5, 2012); Ovid MEDLINE (1950 to May Week 4 2012); Ovid MEDLINE (In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations 30 May 2012); Ovid EMBASE (1980 to 2012 Week 21); and EBSCO CINAHL (1982 to 30 May 2012). No date or language restrictions were applied. RCTs recruiting people with venous leg ulceration that evaluated any type of compression bandage system or compression stockings were eligible for inclusion. Eligible comparators included no compression (e.g. primary dressing alone, non-compressive bandage) or an alternative type of compression. RCTs had to report an objective measure of ulcer healing in order to be included (primary outcome for the review). SECONDARY OUTCOMES of the review included ulcer recurrence, costs, quality of life, pain, adverse events and withdrawals. There was no restriction on date, language or publication status of RCTs. Details of eligible studies were extracted and summarised using a data extraction table. Data extraction was performed by one review author and verified independently by a second review author. Forty-eight RCTs reporting 59 comparisons were included (4321 participants in total). Most RCTs were small, and most were at unclear or high risk of bias. Duration of follow-up varied across RCTs. Risk ratio (RR) and other estimates are shown below where RCTs were pooled; otherwise findings refer to a single RCT.There was evidence from eight RCTs (unpooled) that healing outcomes (including time to healing) are better when patients receive compression compared with no compression.Single-component compression bandage systems are less effective than multi-component compression for complete healing at six months (one large RCT).A two-component system containing an elastic bandage healed more ulcers at one year than one without an elastic component (one small RCT).Three-component systems containing an elastic component healed more ulcers than those without elastic at three to four months (two RCTs pooled), RR 1.83 (95% CI 1.26 to 2.67), but another RCT showed no difference between groups at six months.An individual patient data meta-analysis of five RCTs suggested significantly faster healing with the four-layer bandage (4LB) than the short stretch bandage (SSB): median days to healing estimated at 90 and 99 respectively; hazard ratio 1.31 (95% CI 1.09 to 1.58).High-compression stockings are associated with better healing outcomes than SSB at two to four months: RR 1.62 (95% CI 1.26 to 2.10), estimate from four pooled RCTs.One RCT suggested better healing outcomes at 16 months with the addition of a tubular device plus single elastic bandage to a base system of gauze and crepe bandages when compared with two added elastic bandages. Another RCT had three arms; when one or two elastic bandages were added to a base three-component system that included an outer tubular layer, healing outcomes were better at six months for the two groups receiving elastic bandages.There is currently no evidence of a statistically significant difference for the following comparisons:⋅alternative single-component compression bandages (two RCTs, unpooled);⋅two-component bandages compared with the 4LB at three months (three RCTs pooled);⋅alternative versions of the 4LB for complete healing at times up to and including six months (three RCTs, unpooled);⋅4LB compared with paste bandage for complete healing at three months (two RCTs, pooled), six months or one year (one RCT for each time point);⋅adjustable compression boots compared with paste bandages for the outcome of change in ulcer area at three months (one small RCT);⋅adjustable compression boots compared with the 4LB with respect to complete healing at three months (one small RCT);⋅single-layer compression stocking compared with paste bandages for outcome of complete healing at four months (one small RCT) and 18 months (another small RCT);⋅low compression stocking compared with SSB for complete healing at three and six months (one small RCT);⋅compression stockings compared with a two-component bandage system and the 4LB for the outcome of complete healing at three months (one small, three-armed RCT); and,⋅tubular compression compared with SSB (one small RCT) for complete healing at three months. 4LB was more cost-effective than SSB. It was not possible to draw firm conclusions regarding other secondary outcomes including recurrence, adverse events and health-related quality of life. Compression increases ulcer healing rates compared with no compression. Multi-component systems are more effective than single-component systems. Multi-component systems containing an elastic bandage appear to be more effective than those composed mainly of inelastic constituents. Two-component bandage systems appear to perform as well as the 4LB. Patients receiving the 4LB heal faster than those allocated the SSB. More patients heal on high-compression stocking systems than with the SSB. Further data are required before the difference between high-compression stockings and the 4LB can be established.

                Author and article information

                Dermatologie (Heidelb)
                Dermatologie (Heidelb)
                Dermatologie (Heidelberg, Germany)
                Springer Medizin (Heidelberg )
                1 June 2022
                1 June 2022
                : 73
                : 9
                : 708-717
                [1 ]GRID grid.5570.7, ISNI 0000 0004 0490 981X, Klinik für Dermatologie, Venenzentrum der dermatologischen und gefäßchirurgischen Kliniken, , Ruhr-Universität Bochum, ; Gudrunstr. 56, 44791 Bochum, Deutschland
                [2 ]Praxis für Phlebologie & Dermatologie, Bonn, Deutschland
                © The Author(s) 2022

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                : 27 April 2022
                Funded by: Universitätsklinikum der Ruhr-Universität Bochum (1007)
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                © Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2022

                chronische venöse insuffizienz,lymphödem,patientenadhärenz,patientenaufklärung,krampfadern,chronic venous insufficiency,lymphedema,patient adherence,patient education,varicose veins


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