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Sf6 belongs to the Podoviridae family of temperate bacteriophages that infect gram-negative
bacteria by insertion of their double-stranded DNA. They attach to their hosts specifically
via their tailspike proteins. The 1.25 A crystal structure of Shigella phage Sf6 tailspike
protein (Sf6 TSP) reveals a conserved architecture with a central, right-handed beta
helix. In the trimer of Sf6 TSP, the parallel beta helices form a left-handed, coiled-beta
coil with a pitch of 340 A. The C-terminal domain consists of a beta sandwich reminiscent
of viral capsid proteins. Further crystallographic and biochemical analyses show a
Shigella cell wall O-antigen fragment to bind to an endorhamnosidase active site located
between two beta-helix subunits each anchoring one catalytic carboxylate. The functionally
and structurally related bacteriophage, P22 TSP, lacks sequence identity with Sf6
TSP and has its active sites on single subunits. Sf6 TSP may serve as an example for
the evolution of different host specificities on a similar general architecture.