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      Das EKG beim Leistungssportler und Athleten : Was ist normal und was nicht? Translated title: The athlete’s ECG : What is normal or abnormal?


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          Das Elektrokardiogramm (EKG) hat sich als mobiles und kostengünstiges Verfahren zur präventiven Risikostratifizierung von Amateur- und Leistungssportlern im Rahmen der Sporttauglichkeitsuntersuchung etabliert. Zentrales Ziel ist dabei die Senkung der Fälle des plötzlichen Herztods im Sport durch eine Früherkennung der häufigsten zugrundeliegenden kardialen Erkrankungen wie hereditärer Kardiomyopathien, primärer Arrhythmien, aber auch der koronaren Herzerkrankung bei Master-Athleten.


          Durch kontinuierliche Weiterentwicklung der erstmals 2010 von der Europäischen Gesellschaft für Kardiologie (ESC) vorgestellten EKG-Kriterien konnte die Trennschärfe zur Unterscheidung physiologischer, trainingsbedingter kardialer Adaptationen des Sportlerherzens, die im EKG erkennbar werden, und relevanten kardialen Pathologien stetig verbessert werden. Auf diese Weise ließ sich das Risiko von falsch-positiven Befunden und fälschlicher Stigmatisierung von Athleten unterschiedlichen Alters und unterschiedlicher Ethnizität stetig senken.


          Der vorliegende Artikel zeichnet den Wandel der EKG-Kriterien im Lichte der wachsenden wissenschaftlichen Evidenz der vergangenen ca. 15 Jahre nach, stellt die zentralen Botschaften der aktuell geltenden „internationalen“ EKG-Kriterien aus dem Jahr 2017 vor und erarbeitet, welche Herausforderungen bei der EKG-Befundung von Amateur- und Leistungssportlern weiterhin Gegenstand der Forschung sind.

          Translated abstract


          The electrocardiogram (ECG) has become a mobile and cost-effective routine assessment tool to risk stratify leisure-time and professional athletes during preparticipation screening. A central goal is the reduction of sudden cardiac death in sports through early recognition of the most prevalent underlying cardiac pathologies, e.g., hereditary cardiomyopathies or primary arrhythmias.


          Continuous evolution of the first ECG criteria for athletes, presented in 2010 by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC), has helped to improve the specificity of the criteria to both detect cardiac pathologies in early stages and differentiate from physiologic adaptation of the athlete’s heart. Thus, the risk of false-positive findings and erroneous stigmatizations of athletes has been successfully reduced.


          This review article intends to trace back the changes of the ECG criteria in the light of a growing body of scientific evidence over the last 15 years, to present the key messages of the current International ECG criteria from 2017 and to identify some of the remaining challenges that wait to be answered by physicians in the field of sports medicine and sports cardiology.

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          Most cited references26

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          Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: a systematic review.

          Throughout the past 40 years, a vast and sometimes contradictory literature has accumulated regarding hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), a genetic cardiac disease caused by a variety of mutations in genes encoding sarcomeric proteins and characterized by a broad and expanding clinical spectrum. To clarify and summarize the relevant clinical issues and to profile rapidly evolving concepts regarding HCM. Systematic analysis of the relevant HCM literature, accessed through MEDLINE (1966-2000), bibliographies, and interactions with investigators. Diverse information was assimilated into a rigorous and objective contemporary description of HCM, affording greatest weight to prospective, controlled, and evidence-based studies. Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is a relatively common genetic cardiac disease (1:500 in the general population) that is heterogeneous with respect to disease-causing mutations, presentation, prognosis, and treatment strategies. Visibility attached to HCM relates largely to its recognition as the most common cause of sudden death in the young (including competitive athletes). Clinical diagnosis is by 2-dimensional echocardiographic identification of otherwise unexplained left ventricular wall thickening in the presence of a nondilated cavity. Overall, HCM confers an annual mortality rate of about 1% and in most patients is compatible with little or no disability and normal life expectancy. Subsets with higher mortality or morbidity are linked to the complications of sudden death, progressive heart failure, and atrial fibrillation with embolic stroke. Treatment strategies depend on appropriate patient selection, including drug treatment for exertional dyspnea (beta-blockers, verapamil, disopyramide) and the septal myotomy-myectomy operation, which is the standard of care for severe refractory symptoms associated with marked outflow obstruction; alcohol septal ablation and pacing are alternatives to surgery for selected patients. High-risk patients may be treated effectively for sudden death prevention with the implantable cardioverter-defibrillator. Substantial understanding has evolved regarding the epidemiology and clinical course of HCM, as well as novel treatment strategies that may alter its natural history. An appreciation that HCM, although an important cause of death and disability at all ages, does not invariably convey ominous prognosis and is compatible with normal longevity should dictate a large measure of reassurance for many patients.
            • Record: found
            • Abstract: found
            • Article: not found

            Etiology of Sudden Death in Sports: Insights From a United Kingdom Regional Registry.

            Accurate knowledge of causes of sudden cardiac death (SCD) in athletes and its precipitating factors is necessary to establish preventative strategies.
              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: not found

              Trends in sudden cardiovascular death in young competitive athletes after implementation of a preparticipation screening program.

              A nationwide systematic preparticipation athletic screening was introduced in Italy in 1982. The impact of such a program on prevention of sudden cardiovascular death in the athlete remains to be determined. To analyze trends in incidence rates and cardiovascular causes of sudden death in young competitive athletes in relation to preparticipation screening. A population-based study of trends in sudden cardiovascular death in athletic and nonathletic populations aged 12 to 35 years in the Veneto region of Italy between 1979 and 2004. A parallel study examined trends in cardiovascular causes of disqualification from competitive sports in 42,386 athletes undergoing preparticipation screening at the Center for Sports Medicine in Padua (22,312 in the early screening period [1982-1992] and 20,074 in the late screening period [1993-2004]). Incidence trends of total cardiovascular and cause-specific sudden death in screened athletes and unscreened nonathletes of the same age range over a 26-year period. During the study period, 55 sudden cardiovascular deaths occurred in screened athletes (1.9 deaths/100,000 person-years) and 265 sudden deaths in unscreened nonathletes (0.79 deaths/100,000 person-years). The annual incidence of sudden cardiovascular death in athletes decreased by 89% (from 3.6/100,000 person-years in 1979-1980 to 0.4/100,000 person-years in 2003-2004; P for trend < .001), whereas the incidence of sudden death among the unscreened nonathletic population did not change significantly. The mortality decline started after mandatory screening was implemented and persisted to the late screening period. Compared with the prescreening period (1979-1981), the relative risk of sudden cardiovascular death in athletes was 0.56 in the early screening period (95% CI, 0.29-1.15; P = .04) and 0.21 in the late screening period (95% CI, 0.09-0.48; P = .001). Most of the reduced mortality was due to fewer cases of sudden death from cardiomyopathies (from 1.50/100,000 person-years in the prescreening period to 0.15/100,000 person-years in the late screening period; P for trend = .002). During the study period, 879 athletes (2.0%) were disqualified from competition due to cardiovascular causes at the Center for Sports Medicine: 455 (2.0%) in the early screening period and 424 (2.1%) in the late screening period. The proportion of athletes who were disqualified for cardiomyopathies increased from 20 (4.4%) of 455 in the early screening period to 40 (9.4%) of 424 in the late screening period (P = .005). The incidence of sudden cardiovascular death in young competitive athletes has substantially declined in the Veneto region of Italy since the introduction of a nationwide systematic screening. Mortality reduction was predominantly due to a lower incidence of sudden death from cardiomyopathies that paralleled the increasing identification of athletes with cardiomyopathies at preparticipation screening.

                Author and article information

                Herzschrittmacherther Elektrophysiol
                Herzschrittmacherther Elektrophysiol
                Herzschrittmachertherapie & Elektrophysiologie
                Springer Medizin (Heidelberg )
                20 January 2023
                20 January 2023
                : 34
                : 1
                : 10-18
                [1 ]Praxis LANS Cardio, Hamburg, Deutschland
                [2 ]GRID grid.264200.2, ISNI 0000 0000 8546 682X, MSc Sports Cardiology, , St. George’s University of London, ; London, Großbritannien
                [3 ]GRID grid.7400.3, ISNI 0000 0004 1937 0650, Klinik für Kardiologie, Universitäres Herzzentrum Zürich, , Universitätsspital Zürich, Universität Zürich, ; Rämistrasse 100, Zürich, 8091 Schweiz
                © The Author(s) 2023, korrigierte Publikation 2023

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                : 31 October 2022
                : 12 December 2022
                Funded by: University of Zurich
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                © Springer Medizin Verlag GmbH, ein Teil von Springer Nature 2023

                elektrokardiogramm,sportlerherz,plötzlicher herztod,sportkardiologie,sport,electrocardiogram,athlete’s heart,sudden cardiac death,sports cardiology,elite sports


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