The root of Aucklandia lappa Decne, family Asteraceae, is widely used in Asian traditional medicine due to its sesquiterpene lactones. The aim of this study was the development and optimization of the extraction and analysis of these sesquiterpene lactones. The current Chinese Pharmacopoeia reports a monograph for "Aucklandiae Radix", but the extraction method is very long and tedious including maceration overnight and ultrasonication. Different extraction protocols were evaluated with the aim of optimizing the maceration period, solvent, and shaking and sonication times. The optimized method consists of only one hour of shaking plus 30 minutes of sonication using 100% MeOH as solvent. ¹H NMR spectroscopy was used as a complementary analytical tool to monitor the residual presence of sesquitepene lactones in the herbal material. A suitable LC-DAD method was set up to quantify the sesquiterpene lactones. Recovery was ca. 97%, but a very high instability of constituents was found after powdering the herbal drug. A loss of about 20% of total sesquiterpenes was found after 15- 20 days; as a consequence, it is strongly endorsed to use fresh powdered herbal material to avoid errors in the quantification.