This year we celebrate the 200th anniversary of the birth of Gregor Johann Mendel,
who discovered the missing component of Darwin’s evolutionary theory, the genetic
mechanism of trait inheritance. The eight articles in this Special Feature collection
cover various aspects of Mendel’s life, his work, and his contribution to science,
with a special focus on his impact in evolutionary biology. In this introductory paper,
we provide the context for the eight papers, as well as summarize how Mendel’s work
has contributed to the development of modern evolutionary biology.
In On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin (1) proposed what he called “descent with
modification”: what we now refer to as evolution through natural selection. Today,
we can describe Darwin’s idea as a theory that requires a population with individuals
having the following three properties:
Differential reproductive success: each individual produces, on average, more offspring
than is needed to replace itself upon its death, thus typically resulting in competition
among individuals such that not all individuals contribute equally to the next generation
(the ecological component of Darwin’s theory).
Inheritance: traits that affect an individual’s ability to survive to reproduce (fitness)
are transmitted from parents to offspring (the genetic component).
Variation: there is within-population variation in heritable, fitness-related traits
(the population-genetic component).
When individuals compete for resources and vary in their competitive ability, heritable
traits that affect fitness will in general change in frequency in the population when
environmental conditions change. Prior to the publication of On the Origin of Species,
Darwin dedicated years to thorough observation and careful experimentation to amass
data from natural and domesticated populations, both on competition among individuals
(the first property) and on phenotypic variation within populations (the third property).
However, Darwin glossed over the second property of the theory’s underpinnings: how
heritable traits (and thus genetic variation) are passed on from one generation to
the next. This was a significant omission given that the heart of the theory is the
differential probability of between-generation transmission of variants according
to their impact on fitness. Darwin struggled long and hard to understand what today
we call transmission genetics (2), but ultimately in On the Origin of Species had
to fall back on an ill-defined claim, derived from his experience as an experimental
naturalist and as an animal and plant breeder, that like begets like. Genetics (3)*,
then, was for Darwin a black box.
Darwin, his defenders, and his critics were all aware that no theory can be considered
complete when a mystery, that black box, lurks at its heart. Some scientists proposed
models of inheritance that in fact were incompatible with natural selection. Jenkin
(4) pointed out, for example, that an intuitive understanding of inheritance, that
offspring are a blend of their parents’ characteristics, is inimical to natural selection.
Blending inheritance, over generations, results in convergence on the population mean,
eliminating in the process the distribution’s extremes, and yet those extremes—the
fastest running antelopes, say—are often what are being promoted by natural selection
(5). In 1868, Darwin published his own thoroughly flawed attempt to model the interior
workings of the black box, his “provisional hypothesis of pangenesis” (6).
Two years before Darwin’s pangenesis theory appeared, Mendel (Fig. 1A
) had published his now famous (but at the time ignored) results, but Darwin almost
certainly never encountered them (2). Darwin, a recluse in his study at Down House,
had other concerns [in 1871, for example, he published The Descent of Man (7)] and
Mendel’s promotion to abbot in 1868 severely curtailed his opportunities to do science
and publicize his work. The two ideas—natural selection and Mendelian genetics—never
had the opportunity to intertwine during their originators’ lifetimes.
Fig. 1.
Mendel and his work. (A) Portrait of Gregor Johann Mendel. (B) The phenotypes of peas
used by Mendel resulting from two independent traits (i.e., the color and shape of
the seeds) segregating in a dihybrid cross. (C) Facsimile of part of a page from Mendel’s
manuscript of his 1866 article entitled “Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden” (“Experiments
on plant hybridization”) published in the Proceedings of the Natural History Society
in Brno (8). (The Mendel portrait was provided by the Old Brno Abbey of the Order
of St. Augustine; the photo of the peas was provided by Ortrun Mittelsten Scheid [Gregor
Mendel Institute, Vienna] and is reproduced, with permission, from ref. 95; the facsimile
from Mendel’s 1866 article was provided by the Old Brno Abbey of the Order of St.
Mendelian inheritance is generally presented in the form of three laws (8):
Dominance: inherited factors can be dominant or recessive, an individual carrying
both a dominant and recessive factor will only show the dominant trait.
Segregation: in a diploid organism, maternal and paternal inherited factors, referred
to as alleles, are transmitted randomly to its offspring.
Independent assortment: inherited variants affecting different traits are inherited
to the next generation independently of one another.
Collectively, these three laws (which are expounded below) replace and explain Darwin’s
black box.
The New Synthesis, led by Fisher (9), Haldane (10), and Wright (11), was the culmination
of attempts to combine Darwin’s and Mendel’s contributions after the rediscovery of
Mendel’s work in 1900 (2). This initial Darwin–Mendel coupling was further developed
by a large number of evolutionary biologists, including Dobzhansky (12), Mayr (13),
and Simpson (14) [for an exposition of the development of the New Synthesis, also
see Mayr (15)]. The key insight that allowed the two areas to merge synergistically
was that heritable variation within populations for traits that do not show discrete
classes like Mendel’s peas, such as height in humans, can be explained by a large
number of independent genetic factors that are individually inherited according to
Mendel’s laws, with each factor only accounting for a small portion of the overall
variation (5, 16). In fact, most biological traits show polygenic inheritance, rather
than discrete classes like those observed for traits following strict Mendelian monogenic
inheritance. Today, this Darwin–Mendel marriage is the foundation of evolutionary
biology. Mendel’s contribution was not, as it is sometimes characterized, the missing
jigsaw piece in a complex, sprawling Darwin-dominated scientific puzzle. Rather, a
better analogy is a lock and key, where each of two contributions is equally critical
to the whole.
Celebrating the 200th Anniversary of Gregor Johann Mendel’s Birth
The 200th anniversary of Gregor Johann Mendel’s birth on July 20th in 1822 (17, 18;
see also refs. 19
is, quite appropriately, focused on his contribution to the field of genetics, and
thus molecular biology and medical genetics.
This PNAS Special Feature collection of articles, however, focuses on Mendel’s impact
on evolutionary biology. The collection of papers in honor of Mendel starts with a
history of Mendel himself (23): his life, including his career as a scientist, and
finally as an abbot in Brno (Moravia), a center for agricultural research and selective
breeding since 1800 (see Table 1 for an overview of the chronology of Mendel’s life).
Berry and Browne (2) continue with an exploration of the (non)relationship between
Darwin and Mendel, dismissing as myth, for example, the popular claim that Darwin
owned an uncut copy of the journal issue in which Mendel’s paper appeared. Barton
(5) then discusses the development of the New Synthesis, which reconciles Darwin’s
theory of evolution and Mendel’s ideas on heredity in a mathematical framework. The
Special Feature collection continues with articles on the use of model organisms (24),
the genetics of domestication (25), the genetics of adaptation (26), the genetics
of behavior (27), and the genetics of speciation (28), all topics that highlight Mendel’s
profound impact on modern evolutionary biology.
Table 1.
Mendel chronology
Johann Mendel was born in Vražné in the Austro-Hungarian Empire (now the Czech Republic)
on July 20th and baptized in a church in Hynčice on July 22nd
1831 to 1833
Went to elementary school in Hynčice
Continued school in Lipnik
1834 to 1840
Went to gymnasium in Opava
Started in St. Thomas monastery in Brno; takes the ecclesiastical name Gregor (hence
the full name Gregor Johann Mendel)
Adopted as monasterian brother in the Order of Saint Augustine
1851 to 1853
Student at the University of Vienna
Start breeding experiments with garden peas (Pisum sativum)
Visits the world exhibition in London
Read the German translation of Darwin’s The Origin of Species (second edition of 1860)
Presents the results of the pea experiments in two lectures (February and March) entitled
“Versuche über Pflanzen-Hybriden” (“Experiments on Plant Hybridization”), at the Natural
History Society in Brno
Publishes his experimental results on peas in the society’s proceedings (8) (the paper
was sent to 120 recipients; 40 reprints are ordered, 1 of which was sent to the Swiss
botanist Carl Wilhelm von Nägeli)
Elected abbot in the Saint Augustine monastery in Brno
Starts breeding experiments on hawkweed (Hieracium) as suggested by the Swiss botanist
Nägeli; results published in the Societies proceedings (no reprints ordered)
Emperor Franz Joseph I awarded him the Commander’s Cross of the Order of Saint Francis
In a letter to Nägeli the Darwinian term “the struggle for existence” was used (Nägeli
was skeptical to Darwin’s theory)
1875 to 1884
New demanding duties in the monastery making it difficult to follow up the scientific
experiments; entertained hobbies like beekeeping, gardening, meteorology, and registration
of sun spots
The Three Laws of Mendelian Genetics
A diploid organism, like a human or the garden peas Mendel studied, carries two copies
of each “inherited factor,” which are now referred to as gene variants or alleles
(Fig. 1B and C
). The term “gene” was introduced well after Mendel and initially referred to genetic
factors affecting a phenotypic trait. In modern genetics, a gene is typically defined
as a piece of DNA that codes for an RNA molecule. When genes are protein-coding, messenger
RNA (mRNA) molecules are then translated to proteins. Each of the traits Mendel studied
was controlled by a single gene. This simple pattern of inheritance is now referred
to as “Mendelian genetics” (monogenic inheritance), in contrast to polygenic inheritance,
when a trait is influenced by many genes.
In his garden peas, Mendel observed—when considering the inheritance patterns of a
single trait (e.g., seed color)—that the ratio of progeny from hybrid plants, with
respect to that trait, was 3:1, namely three offspring with the dominant trait to
every one with the recessive trait. He further observed that when two independent
traits were inherited simultaneously (e.g., the color and shape of the seeds), that
the ratio of the offspring phenotypes from such dihybrid crosses was, on average,
9:3:3:1 (Fig. 2). Namely, 9 offspring showed both dominant traits, 3 offspring showed
one dominant and one recessive trait, 3 other offspring showed the complementary dominant
and recessive combination, and 1 of every 16 progeny showed both recessive traits.
This observed pattern can be explained by what has come to be known as Mendel’s three
laws of inheritance, which we outline in detail below.
Fig. 2.
Mendel’s breeding experiments on garden peas (Pisum sativum). An image illustrating
the phenotypes of the parents (P1), the first-generation offspring (F1) and second-generation
(F2) phenotypes illustrating the 9:3:3:1 ratio among F2 progeny of a dihybrid cross:
9 offspring exhibiting both dominant traits, 3 offspring exhibiting one dominant and
one recessive trait, 3 other offspring exhibiting the complementary dominant and recessive
combination, and 1 of every 16 progeny exhibiting both recessive traits. (The poster
has been obtained from Ortrun Mittelsten Scheid [Gregor Mendel Institute, Vienna]
and is reproduced, with permission, from ref. 95).
The Law of Dominance.
All the traits Mendel studied showed complete dominance: that is, an individual that
carries both the dominant and recessive alleles (a heterozygote, A/a) has the same
phenotype as the homozygote carrying two dominant alleles (A/A). To express the recessive
trait, an individual must inherit the recessive allele from both parents (a/a). Complete
dominance is often observed for inherited disorders in humans (Online Inheritance
in Man; that is, heterozygotes (e.g., carriers of a recessive
“disease allele”) show no sign of disease because one functional copy is sufficient
to avoid a defect. Today, we know that some traits show incomplete dominance, which
means that heterozygotes show an intermediate phenotype somewhere between the two
parental trait values.
The Law of Segregation.
Mendel demonstrated that individuals inherit one allele from each of the male and
female parent, and they transmit these alleles randomly to the next generation.
The Law of Independent Assortment.
Mendel also established that different genetic traits are inherited independently
of each other, resulting, for example, in the classic segregation ratio 9:3:3:1 in
a dihybrid cross (Figs. 1B and C
and 2). Today we know that this is true for all genes except for those that are located
close to each other on the same chromosome (i.e., linkage); then the proportion of
different phenotypes will depend on the frequency of recombination between the two
These three laws constitute a cornerstone for modern biology, and indeed for evolutionary
biology. Although most traits typically are determined by many genes, and thus not
as simple as with Mendel’s peas and certain heritable diseases, the general principles
still hold. Below we provide a synoptic presentation of Mendel and modern biology
with a particular focus on modern evolutionary biology.
Gregor Johann Mendel and Modern Genetics
Our current understanding of genotype–phenotype relationships and, in particular,
of how mutations in specific genes affect trait variation, is largely the product
of research on model organisms, humans, and domesticated species. The impact of this
work on evolutionary biology cannot be overstated. For example, basic knowledge of
gene function and variation is critical to evolutionary analysis.
The Role of Model Organisms.
Developmental biology, until recently, played little if any role in post-Darwinian
evolutionary theories. However, Darwin used the fact that general features that characterize
a species develop earlier in embryogenesis than specialized features as strong support
of his theory of common descent. A focus on only a few organisms, which are accessible
to systematic genetic investigations, so called model organisms, resulted in the discovery
that many genes that direct embryonic development are conserved across animal phyla.
Thus, model organisms have played a crucial role in the development of modern biology.
Soon after the rediscovery of Mendel’s laws of inheritance in 1900, the first model
organisms—fruit fly (Drosophila melanogaster) and mouse (Mus musculus)—were established
(24). They have been followed by the development of additional model organisms, such
as the bacterium Escherichia coli, yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the plant Arabidopsis
thaliana, the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, zebrafish Danio rerio (see Fig. 3),
and, in recent years, many more that are applicable to particular biological research
questions. For example, the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha is used in explorations
of the evolution of plants (29), and the salamander axolotl Ambystoma mexicanum is
used as a model for regenerative medicine because it can redevelop lost limbs (30).
Irion and Nüsslein-Volhard (24) summarize the advances made through the use of model
organisms leading to the convergence of developmental and evolutionary biology (31)
and discuss how this knowledge set the stage for exploring genetics in natural populations.
Fig. 3.
Examples of some common model organisms (see ref. 24) representing different branches
of the Tree of Life ( and
Genetics of Humans and Domesticated Species.
In humans, more than 6,000 traits and disorders, which are inherited according to
Mendel’s laws and controlled by a single gene, have been documented (Online Inheritance
in Man; For the majority of these, the gene causing the Mendelian
trait has been identified: many of the tools of molecular genetics have been developed
for biomedical purposes. With the discovery of the genetic basis of a disease comes
improved diagnosis and the development of new therapies for the condition. Similarly,
thousands of traits showing Mendelian inheritance in animals have been cataloged (Online
Mendelian Inheritance in Animals, OMIA:, with important applications
in veterinary medicine. Genetics and genomic analyses of domesticated plants and animals
have been used to advance our understanding of genotype–phenotype relationships, capitalizing
on the rich phenotypic diversity that has accumulated in these species subsequent
to domestication (25). Although domesticated plants and animals have been largely
replaced by model organisms like Arabidopsis and Mus in basic biology, they still
have a prominent role as models for evolutionary change because they have gone through
an evolutionary process over the last 10,000 y during domestication and diversification
However, most traits in biology, including many common diseases in humans, like diabetes
and inflammatory disorders, show more complex, polygenic inheritance. Many genes as
well as environmental factors contribute to the risk of developing disease. Thus,
an important area of research in human medicine is to identify genetic factors that
may contribute to an individual’s disease risk. Such studies are based on quantitative
genetics theory, which deals with the inheritance of polygenic traits. This theory
has also revolutionized breeding programs in agriculture; it would not have been possible
to feed 8 billion people with the crop varieties and farm animal populations available
before the genetics revolution (25). A recent advance is the development of genomic
selection—with genome-wide genetic markers used to enhance the effectiveness of artificial
selection (32)—now widely used in crops and domestic animals.
Genome Sequencing.
Genomics has revolutionized the field of genetics because we now can study (nearly)
all genes in the genome, and we can carry out genetic studies on (almost) any species.
A genome sequence provides a complete catalog of all genes, their specific locations,
polymorphisms within those genes and in neighboring regions, as well as other structural
changes in the genome (deletions, duplications, inversions, transposable elements,
and so forth). Genome sequencing was initially pioneered in bacteria (33). In 2001,
the first human genome sequence was published, and recently, a near complete sequence
was released (34). Since then, the speed of sequencing has increased while sequencing
costs have dropped, allowing for genome sequencing of both more species and more individuals
within species. Given the importance of comparative sequence information, especially
to evolutionary biology, genomics today has the ambitious goal to move beyond single-species
sequences and instead produce genome sequences for all fish (10kfish), all vertebrates
(VGP), or even all eukaryotes on earth (EBP). Equally informative, population resequencing
projects have allowed evolutionary biologists to also study intraspecific genetic
variation. Finally, genome sequencing has also unleashed the full potential of ancient
DNA, making it possible to reconstruct the evolutionary history of archaic and modern
humans (35), and under favorable conditions study up to 1 million-years-old DNA (36),
providing a direct time dimension to evolutionary studies.
Gregor Johann Mendel and Modern Evolutionary Biology
Analyses of model species in laboratory environments left many key questions about
evolution unanswered: we needed studies of genetic variation in natural populations.
In the 1960s, the first survey of genetic variation was performed in a natural population
of Drosophila pseudoobscura using protein electrophoresis (37, 38). These two studies
not only raised their own questions (How is so much genetic variation maintained in
populations?) but also opened the floodgates to future studies of genetic variation
and ultimately to a focus on the connections between genes and specific traits—from
adaptations and behaviors to those leading to speciation—in wild populations of a
wide range of species.
The Genetics of Adaptation.
Modern genetics has allowed us to work at the intersection of Darwin’s and Mendel’s
ideas to identify genes (or even specific mutations) that give rise to phenotypic
variation underpinning adaptation. In recent years, the number of genes now implicated
in fitness-related differences has dramatically increased due, in large part, to the
rapid development of powerful and cost-effective genomics tools. Today, we can scan
the genome of almost any organism as a first step in uncovering the genetic basis
of its fit to its environment. This has resulted in a rich list of fascinating examples
of how genetic variation contributes to variation in evolutionarily significant phenotypic
variation in natural populations (26, 39). Based on these studies, a better understanding
of the genetic architecture of adaptive traits is emerging. For example, one important
question is to what extent genetic adaptation is based on de novo mutations vs. standing
genetic variation. The emerging picture is that standing genetic variation often plays
an especially prominent role in rapid bouts of adaptation (28, 40), likely because
adaptive haplotypes accumulate multiple favorable mutations, similar to what is seen
in the evolution over time of key alleles during domestication (25). That a single
de novo mutation may have a small effect compared with that of existing adaptive haplotypes
is a strong argument for the importance of maintaining genetic diversity in natural
populations. An important focus for future research is to go from the identification
of genes contributing to adaptation to understanding the mechanism of action of these
gene variants. This will require interdisciplinary collaborations combining studies
of selection in the field with experimental work in the laboratory (26).
The Genetics of Behavior.
In chapter seven of On the Origin of Species (1), Darwin shifts his focus from morphological
characters to behavior or, to use his preferred term, instinct. Specifically, he discusses
the inheritance of instinct, providing many examples of species that have innate,
adaptive instincts, and concluding that inherited behaviors, like morphology, can
evolve by natural selection. However, the difficulties associated with studying behavior—for
example, behaviors seldom fall into discrete categories—have delayed attempts to uncover
the genetic basis of behavior. This is only now becoming feasible. For example, new
high-throughput, cost-effective genotyping methods (complemented by advances in our
ability to measure behavior) are enabling researchers to use forward-genetic approaches
to localize regions of genomes that contain causal alleles contributing to behavioral
variation. In some cases, this work can be facilitated by using controlled crosses
akin to Mendel’s experiments with peas. Genomic approaches are also being used to
study how dynamic changes in gene expression contribute to behavioral variation, such
as in the complex behavioral differences among castes of social insects that Darwin
describes in detail. These two approaches are complementary: one searching for specific
alleles contributing to behavioral diversity, the other working to understand the
downstream transcriptional consequences. Hoekstra and Robinson (27) highlight how
both approaches are necessary to further our understanding of how genes influence
behavior. What is already clear, however, is that many behaviors have a complex genetic
basis, underscoring the need to move away from “gene for” thinking, which has plagued
early studies in behavioral genetics, sometimes with disastrous societal consequences.
The Genetics of Speciation.
This golden age of genetics has also allowed breakthroughs in understanding the process
of speciation (28), a topic captured in Darwin’s book title, On the Origin of Species
(1). The identification of so called “speciation genes” in various organisms teach
us how reproductive isolation can be established either by prezygotic isolation, when
interspecies fertilization does not take place, or by postzygotic isolation, when
hybrid progeny are either not viable or are sterile, often due to genetic incompatibility.
One important insight that has emerged as more genomes are sequenced is that gene
flow between populations (at various stages of reproductive isolation) is much more
widespread than previously thought. One especially intriguing example is that of gene
flow between archaic and modern humans (35). Gene flow may be adaptive if favorable
variants introgress from one population to another. However, gene flow may also be
detrimental for local adaptation as extensive gene flow tends to homogenize populations
adapted to different environmental contributions. Suppression of recombination may
facilitate local adaptation and speciation despite gene flow because it inhibits the
disruption of adaptive haplotype blocks [i.e., what Dobzhansky and Wright (41) referred
to as “coadapted gene complexes”]. Inversions are a prime mechanism causing suppression
of recombination, and there is currently an increasing number of examples of supergenes
in which multiple adaptive mutations are inherited together by an inversion, thereby
contributing to adaptation and phenotypic diversity (28).
The Historic and Conceptual Development of Modern Evolutionary Biology from Darwin
and Mendel until Today
The New Synthesis (5) brought Darwin’s theory of evolution through natural selection
together with Mendelian genetics. A key element in Darwin’s thinking is competition
for resources (in a wide meaning of the term), a key concept of ecology. In this section,
we summarize the historic and conceptual developments of the fields of genetics, ecology,
and evolutionary biology: three fields that have partly developed independent of,
and partly in combination with, each other (Fig. 4).
Fig. 4.
Bringing genetics, ecology and the process of natural selection together into the
field of evolutionary biology. The development of the field of genetics (the genetic
strand) starting with Mendel (8), the field of ecology (the ecology strand) starting
with Elton (61), and the combination of genetics and ecology in the field of evolutionary
biology (the evolution strand) starting with Fisher’s (9) and others’ pioneering work.
Dobzhansky (42) stated that “[n]othing in biology makes sense, except in the light
of evolution.” It is also well known that the ecological interactions both between
individuals and between individuals and their abiotic environment cause selective
pressures, thus we should also acknowledge that “very little in evolution makes sense,
except in the light of population ecology” (43). Whenever evolutionary change occurs,
the ecological interactions change, implying a feedback process whereby selective
pressures may in turn change (Fig. 5). The molecularization of genetics that followed
discovery of the double helix structure of DNA by Watson and Crick in 1953 (44), based
on key insights made by Franklin (45), provided mechanistic detail into Darwin’s “missing”
mechanism of inheritance. The technologies spawned by these advances continue to have
a huge impact on studies of evolution and ecology. But, in the midst of all the technological
enthusiasm, we must remember that an understanding of ecological and evolutionary
processes is critical to our understanding of all life on this planet. Shortly after
the discovery of DNA’s three-dimensional structure, one of the pioneers of the New
Synthesis, Fisher, recommended that, even in the frenzy of molecular excitement, we
should not lose sight of “a little-known book of nearly one hundred years ago called
The Origin of Species” (46). Williams’ Adaptation and Natural Selection (47) reemphasized
the importance of ecological thinking in evolutionary biology. We should heed that
warning: The basics still matter.
Fig. 5.
Modern evolutionary biology. (A) The interaction between ecology (green) and evolution
(blue arrows); the red box represents the genotype–phenotype mapping (corresponding
to the genetic strand in Fig. 4). Evolution, typically inferred from phenotypic changes,
represents the changes of allele frequencies in population across generations. The
selective pressure is determined by the internal biotic interactions between individuals
within and among species (green box and arrows) in combinations with external abiotic
forces (yellow arrows) within the ecosystem (including both biotic [all living individuals
within an area] and abiotic [including air, soil, water and climate] components).
This ecologically determined selective pressure acts through the demographic rates
of the genetically determined demographic rates (survival and reproduction). The ecological
interactions refer to within population interaction, within community (the assembly
of all coexisting species) interactions and the ecosystem level interactions (the
combined biotic and abiotic interactions). [For similar, although more detailed figures,
see Coulson et al. (96, 97)]. (B) The interaction between biotic and abiotic ecological
interactions defining the evolutionary selective pressure (arrow #1) leading to evolutionary
changes (arrow #2) in populations, which in turn feeds back to the ecological interactions
(arrow #3).
The Genetic Strand.
For thousands of years, humans have been aware that many traits are to some extent
inherited, as revealed by the patterns of phenotypic variation (height, skin, hair,
and eye color) within and between families across generations. Based on the observation
that like begets like, our ancestors were able to successfully develop crops and domestic
animals and thus make the transition from hunter/gathering to agriculture.
Sutton (48, 49) and Boveri (50) established chromosomes as the carriers of genetic
information. Avery et al. (51) then established DNA as the critical carrier of genetic
information. Modern genetics starts with the description of the structure of the DNA
helix (44), which led to the understanding of DNA replication and the genetic code.
This in turn led to the development of methods to survey genetic variation: from protein
electrophoresis, to DNA-based polymorphisms, to DNA sequencing methods. Gel-based
sequencing methods have now largely been replaced by “next-generation” methods for
highly parallelized sequencing. Our knowledge of the genetic underpinnings of biological
diversity has undergone a revolution.
Molecular approaches to measure genetic variation were first applied to populations
in the 1960s (38), demonstrating extensive genetic variation in natural populations
(see above). To explain this variation, the neutral theory of molecular evolution
argued that a considerable portion of the molecular variation present in genomes has
no effect on fitness and are therefore selectively neutral (52). This theory provided
a null hypothesis for studies of molecular evolution, which has been critical for
the detection of the sequence variants that are subject to selection.
In addition to exploring intraspecific variation, genomic data also provide opportunities
to compare sequences among species. In a landmark study prior to the genome era, comparisons
between humans and chimpanzees showed that their proteins were remarkably similar,
raising the hypothesis that much of the phenotypic differences between these species
are due to changes in the regulation of genes (53). More recent comparisons of whole
genomes between humans and other mammals identified genomic regions that are ultraconserved
in humans (54), deleted in humans (55), or show accelerated sequence evolution in
humans (56). These few examples serve to highlight the power of comparative-genomic
approaches in making connections between genes (both coding and noncoding regions)
and phenotypes.
Another important innovation has been the development of methods to alter genomes,
which allowed for experimental tests of the effects of particular mutations on phenotype.
First approaches focused on transgenic animals and plants generated by random integration
of gene constructs (57). This was followed by more precise methods to inactivate or
make specific changes in genes, in particular using embryonic stem cells and homologous
recombination in mice (58, 59). Most recently, the development of the CRISPR/Cas9
technology provides a very precise gene scissor for gene editing in essentially any
organism (60). These methods are of paramount importance for basic research and for
future practical applications, such as gene therapy in humans and development of improved
crops in agriculture.
The Ecology Strand.
A key feature of the New Synthesis is population-ecological thinking that emerged
from both empirical (61) and theoretical (62) studies during the 1920s (1, 2; see
also, refs. 5 and 63). A fundamental insight in ecology (and evolutionary biology)
extending back to Darwin is that the major part of any organism’s environment is other
coexisting organisms and implies that rate of evolutionary change will depend in their
competition for resources on the biotic component of the environment (1, 9, 64
–67), albeit in combination with the prevailing abiotic conditions (such as climate;
see below and Fig. 5). Both ecologists and evolutionary biologists emphasize the importance
of competition for resources. Thus, the concept of the niche, as presented by Hutchinson
(68), was a very important development within the fields of both ecology and evolution,
and emphasizing how ecology links to evolutionary biology through the selective pressure.
The development of mathematical modeling within the field of ecology, during the latter
part of the 1960s and 1970s, was critical in making ecology a more predictive branch
of biology as well as linking it more closely to the field of evolutionary biology.
The Theory of Island Biogeography by MacArthur and Wilson (69) is, in this respect,
a, milestone within the field of ecology, a development in which May (70, 71) together
with several other theorists (72
–76) played instrumental roles by further bringing mathematics into ecology. These
contributions focused on understanding ecological dynamics in time and space, including
both within-biotic forces (such as competition) and external abiotic forces, which
together determine selective pressure.
The Evolutionary Biology Strand.
The main determinant of evolutionary change within a population is its demography,
specifically, the relative rates of birth and death (Fig. 5A
). These rates are determined by the individuals’ phenotypes, which in turn are determined
by their genetic composition and their environment: in short, by the genotype–phenotype
relationship (see ref. 77). Populations that split may eventually diverge genetically
enough to develop reproductive isolation (and thus undergo speciation). Several populations
of different species in one location constitute a biological community, and including
the abiotic environmental setting, an ecosystem (78
–80). As summarized in Fig. 5B
, the selective pressures potentially leading to evolutionary changes generally lead
to changed ecological interactions within the ecosystem, which again changes the selective
pressure. There is thus a tight feedback between ecological and evolutionary processes.
With his 1930 book (9), Fisher played a key role, not the least with what is now called
Fisher's Fundamental Theorem (see also ref. 81). This states that the rate of increase
in the mean fitness of any organism, at any time, due to changes in gene frequencies
caused by natural selection, is exactly equal to its additive genetic variance in
fitness at that time (for an exposition of this theorem, see ref. 82). Since absolute
fitness must remain close to constant, this increase due to selection must be offset
by deleterious mutations, and more importantly, by changes in the physical and biological
environment, including adaptation by competing species. Fisher’s theorem is thus fundamental
in evolutionary biology (Fig. 5), emphasizing that the rate of evolution is the product
of the (additive) genetic variance and the strength of selection, and thereby highlighting
the coupling of genetics with ecology.
A major advance within evolutionary biology following the New Synthesis was the introduction
of the concept of inclusive fitness (83, 84; see also ref. 85). This asserts that
an individual might promote the representation of its own gene variants in future
generations through increasing reproductive success of relatives. Another conceptually
important contribution to evolutionary biology was the concept of the extended phenotype
(86), whereby an individual can increase its own fitness by manipulating other individuals
to promote the representation of its own genes to future generations.
Major advances in our understanding of evolutionary dynamics and the characterization
of the evolutionary trajectories were the introduction of evolutionarily stable strategies
–89) and later adaptive dynamics (90, 91), both of which emphasized the coupling of
ecology and evolution (see, e.g., ref. 92). Furthermore, long-term studies of natural
populations have provided additional insight into the population dynamics and genetics
of adaptation (93, 94).
Evolutionary Biology Today: Concluding Remarks
Evolutionary biology today is an active field of biology, generating insights not
only into ourselves but also the biodiversity around us. Importantly, however, both
the insights derived from evolutionary biology as well as the approaches used in evolutionary
biology are also highly applicable in practical ways. Evolutionary principles underlie
plant and animal breeding programs, which have made it possible to feed 8 billion
people currently and possibly 10 billion people in the future. Evolutionary perspectives
help us manage the planet’s threatened biodiversity, providing insight into how to
achieve sustainable use of biological resources. Evolutionary thinking helps us predict
where zoonotic diseases are most likely to emerge and predict their spread in time
and space. Understanding the evolution of our own species also helps us better understand
human nature and health.
Thus, this century has the potential to become the century of biology with two main
nineteenth-century pillars: Darwin’s theory of evolution through natural selection
and Mendelian genetics. Mendel provided the insight about inheritance, which Darwin
needed to make his evolutionary theory complete.