Trezentas e dezesseis ocorrências de 20 táxons de Mastigomycotina (fungos zoospóricos) foram registradas em folhas de Alchornea triplinervia (Spreng.) Müll. Arg. colocadas em ambientes terrestre e aquático, em amostras de solo e de água de riacho coletadas mensalmente de julho de 1988 a maio de 1990. Entre os 13 táxons de Chytridiomycetes e sete de Oomycetes, as espécies com maior ocorrência foram: Karlingia rosea (De Bary & Woronin) Johanson (35 ocorrências), Polychytrium aggregatum Ajello (32 ocorrências), Rhizophydium elyensis Sparrow (34 ocorrências) e Nowakowskiella elegans (Nowak.) Schroeter (32 ocorrências). São citados pela primeira vez para a mata atlântica: Karlingiomyces sp., Phlyctochytrium sp. e Rhizophydium chitinophyllum Sparrow.
A total of 316 occurrences of 20 taxa of Mastigomycotina (zoosporic fungi) was isolated from leaves of Alchornea triplinervia (Spreng.) Müll. Arg. located in the terrestrial and aquatic environment, in samples of soil and stream water, collected monthly from July, 1988 to May, 1990. Among the 13 taxa of Chytridiomycetes and seven of Oomycetes, the most common species were: Karlingia rosea (De Bary & Woronin) Johanson (35 occurrences), Polychytrium aggregatum Ajello (32 occurrences), Rhizophydium elyensis Sparrow (34 occurrences), and Nowakowskiella elegans (Nowak.) Schroeter (32 occurrences). Karlingiomyces sp., Phlyctochytrium sp. and Rhizophydium chitinophyllum Sparrow are reported from the first time to the atlantic rainforest.