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      Acoplamiento ventrículo-arterial a la cabecera del paciente. ¿Es posible? ¿Es útil? Translated title: Ventricular-arterial coupling at the patient’s bedside. Is it possible? Is it useful? Translated title: Acoplamento ventrículo-arterial à cabeceira do paciente. É possível? É útil?


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          Resumen: Introducción: La mejor forma de evaluar la eficiencia miocárdica es mediante el análisis del acoplamiento ventrículo-arterial. Este complejo análisis puede realizarse de manera no invasiva mediante ecocardiografía Doppler. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio longitudinal, prospectivo, analítico con los pacientes hospitalizados en la Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos del Hospital San Ángel Inn Universidad ingresados en estado de choque (definido como una frecuencia cardiaca > 120 latidos por minuto o un lactato venoso > 4 mmol/L o un lactato > 2 mmol/L más alguna de las siguientes: frecuencia cardiaca > presión sistólica, presión sistólica < 90 mmHg). Se registraron las siguientes variables: edad, género, diagnóstico de ingreso, tensión arterial sistólica y diastólica, tensión arterial media, frecuencia cardiaca y lactato sérico; un ecocardiografista experto realizó las mediciones ecocardiográficas necesarias para obtener el cálculo del acoplamiento ventrículo-arterial. Un residente de terapia intensiva de primer año obtuvo, tras un entrenamiento de cuatro horas, los siguientes valores mediante USCOM (monitor de gasto cardiaco por ultrasonido): SMII, FTC y PKR. Resultados: Se estudiaron n = 47 personas con diagnóstico de estado de choque, género masculino n = 23 (48.9%), edad n = 59 (41-73); de estos, hubo n = 22 individuos con choque séptico (53.7%), n = 11 con síndrome coronario (26.8%), n = 7 con cor pulmonale (17.1%), n =1 con tromboembolia pulmonar (2.4%). El acoplamiento ventrículo-arterial medido por ecocardiografía fue de 0.74 (0.63-1.1). El acoplamiento arterial medido por USCOM fue de 0.72 (0.63-0.9), con una correlación de r de 0.8, un porcentaje de error de 24% y una p < 0.002. El acoplamiento medido por ecocardiografía con un punto de corte de ≤ 0.7 predice mortalidad con una sensibilidad de 100% y una especificidad de 50%, con un área debajo de la curva de 0.75 (0.59-0.96), p = 0.46. El acoplamiento medido por USCOM con un punto de corte de 0.7 predice mortalidad con una sensibilidad de 80%, especificidad de 60% y un área debajo de la curva de 0.79 (0.64-0.95) p = 0.02. Conclusiones: Es posible que el acoplamiento ventrículo-arterial sea medido a la cabecera del enfermo por personal médico con un entrenamiento de cuatro horas de una manera comparable a como lo haría un ecocardiografista experto. Esto permite emplear estos complejos análisis hemodinámicos de una manera no invasiva en el día a día de la atención del enfermo grave.

          Translated abstract

          Abstract: Introduction: The best way to assess myocardial efficiency is by analyzing arterial-ventricular coupling. This complex analysis can be performed noninvasively by Doppler echocardiography. Material and methods: A longitudinal, prospective, analytical study was performed with patients hospitalized in the Intensive Care Unit of the Hospital San Ángel Inn Universidad admitted in shock (defined as a heart rate > 120 beats per minute or venous lactate > 4 mmol/L or lactate > 2 mmol/L plus one of the following: heart rate > systolic pressure, systolic pressure < 90 mmHg). The following variables were recorded: age, gender, admission diagnosis, systolic and diastolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure, heart rate and serum lactate; an expert cardiologist performed the echocardiographic measurements required for calculating the ventricular-arterial coupling. A resident of intensive therapy obtained after a four-hour training the following values by the ultrasonic cardiac output monitor USCOM: SMII, FTC and PKR. Results: We studied n = 47 patients diagnosed with shock; male n = 23 (48.9%), age n = 59 (41-73); n = 22 patients had septic shock (53.7%), n = 11 coronary syndromes (26.8%), n = 7 cor pulmonale (17.1%), n = 1 pulmonary embolism (2.4%). The arterial- ventricular coupling was measured by echocardiography: 0.74 (0.63-1.1). The arterial-ventricular coupling by USCOM was 0.72 (0.63 to 0.9), with a correlation of r of 0.8, an error rate of 24% and a p < 0.002. The arterial-ventricular coupling by echocardiography with a cutoff of ≤ 0.7 predicts mortality with a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 50%, with an area under the curve of 0.75 (from 0.59 to 0.96), p = 0.46. The arterial-ventricular coupling by USCOM with a cutoff of 0.7 predicts mortality with an 80% of sensitivity, specificity of 60%, with an area under the curve of 0.79 (0.64 to 0.95) p = 0.02. Conclusions: It is possible to have the arterial-ventricular coupling measured in critically ill patients at their bedside by medical personnel with a four-hour training in a manner comparable to that of an expert echocardiographer. This allows the use of these complex hemodynamic analysis in a non-invasive way in the day-to-day care of the seriously ill.

          Translated abstract

          Resumo: Introdução: A melhor maneira de avaliar a eficiência do miocárdio é através da análise do acoplamento ventrículo arterial. Esta análise complexa pode ser realizada de forma não invasiva por ecocardiografia Doppler. Material e métodos: Estudo longitudinal, prospectivo, analítico com pacientes internados na Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos do Hospital San Angel Inn Universidad, admitidos em estado de choque, definido como uma frequência cardíaca > 120 batimentos por minuto ou lactato venoso > 4 mmol/L ou lactato > 2 mmol/L, mais algum dos seguintes procedimentos: frequência cardíaca > pressão sistólica, pressão sistólica < 90 mmHg. Registrou-se as seguintes variáveis, idade, sexo, diagnóstico de admissão, pressão arterial sistólica, diastólica, pressão arterial média, freqüência cardíaca e lactato sérico, um ecocardiografista realizou medidas ecocardiográficas necessárias para obter o cálculo do acoplamento ventrículo arterial. Um residente de terapia intensiva, do primeiro ano, posterior a 4 horas de capacitação obteve os seguintes valores com USCOM: SMII, FTC e PKR. Resultados: Foram estudadas n: 47 pacientes com diagnóstico de choque, gênero masculino n: 23 (48.9%), idade n: 59 (41-73), de estes n: 22 pacientes com choque séptico (53.7%), n: 11 com síndromes coronárias (26.8%), n: 7 com Cor pulmonale (17.1%), n: 1 com tromboembolismo pulmonar (2.4%). O acoplamento ventrículo arterial foi medido por ecocardiografia foi de 0.74 (0.63-1.1). O acoplamento arterial medido por USCOM foi de 0.72 (0.63 a 0.9) com uma correlação de r de 0.8, uma taxa de erro de 24% e uma p < 0.002. O acoplamento medido por ecocardiografia com um limite de exclusão de ≤0.7 prediz a mortalidade com uma sensibilidade de 100% e especificidade de 50%, com uma área sob a curva de 0.75 (0.59-0.96) p: 0.46. O acoplamento medido por USCOM com um corte de 0.7 prediz a mortalidade com uma de sensibilidade 80% e uma especificidade de 60%, com uma área sob a curva de 0.79 (0.64-0.95) p: 0.02. Conclusões: É possível medir o acoplamento ventrículo arterial à cabeceira do paciente pelo médico, com uma capacitação de quatro horas, de uma forma comparável à realizada por um ecocardiografista. Permitindo usar esta complexa análise hemodinâmica, de uma forma não invasiva, no dia a dia do atendimento do paciente grave.

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          Most cited references19

          • Record: found
          • Abstract: found
          • Article: not found

          Noninvasive single-beat determination of left ventricular end-systolic elastance in humans.

          The goal of this study was to develop and validate a method to estimate left ventricular end-systolic elastance (E(es)) in humans from noninvasive single-beat parameters. Left ventricular end-systolic elastance is a major determinant of cardiac systolic function and ventricular-arterial interaction. However, its use in heart failure assessment and management is limited by lack of a simple means to measure it noninvasively. This study presents a new noninvasive method and validates it against invasively measured E(es). Left ventricular end-systolic elastance was calculated by a modified single-beat method employing systolic (P(s)) and diastolic (P(d)) arm-cuff pressures, echo-Doppler stroke volume (SV), echo-derived ejection fraction (EF) and an estimated normalized ventricular elastance at arterial end-diastole (E(Nd)): E(es(sb)) = [P(d) - (E(Nd(est)) x P(s) x 0.9)[/(E(Nd(est)) x SV). The E(Nd) was estimated from a group-averaged value adjusted for individual contractile/loading effects; E(es(sb)) estimates were compared with invasively measured values in 43 patients with varying cardiovascular disorders, with additional data recorded after inotropic stimulation (n = 18, dobutamine 5 to 10 microg/kg per min). Investigators performing noninvasive analysis were blinded to the invasive results. Combined baseline and dobutamine-stimulated E(es) ranged 0.4 to 8.4 mm Hg/ml and was well predicted by E(es(sb)) over the full range: E(es) = 0.86 x E(es(sb)) + 0.40 (r = 0.91, SEE = 0.64, p < 0.00001, n = 72). Absolute change in E(es(sb)) before and after dobutamine also correlated well with invasive measures: E(es(sb)): DeltaE(es) = 0.86 x DeltaE(es(sb)) + 0.67 (r = 0.88, p < 0.00001). Repeated measures of E(es(sb)) over two months in a separate group of patients (n = 7) yielded a coefficient of variation of 20.3 +/- 6%. The E(es) can be reliably estimated from simple noninvasive measurements. This approach should broaden the clinical applicability of this useful parameter for assessing systolic function, therapeutic response and ventricular-arterial interaction.
            • Record: found
            • Abstract: found
            • Article: not found

            Left ventricular interaction with arterial load studied in isolated canine ventricle.

            We developed a framework of analysis to predict the stroke volume (SV) resulting from the complex mechanical interaction between the ventricle and its arterial system. In this analysis, we characterized both the left ventricle and the arterial system by their end systolic pressure (Ps)-SV relationships and predicted SV from the intersection of the two relationship lines. The final output of the analysis was a formula that gives the SV for a given preload as a function of the ventricular properties (Ees, V0, and ejection time) and the arterial impedance properties (modeled in terms of a 3-element Windkessel). To test the validity of this framework for analyzing the ventriculoarterial interaction, we first determined the ventricular properties under a specific set of control arterial impedance conditions. With the ventricular properties thus obtained, we used the analytical formula to predict SVs under various combinations of noncontrol arterial impedance conditions and four preloads. The predicted SVs were compared with those measured while actually imposing the identical set of arterial impedance conditions and preload in eight isolated canine ventricles. The predicted SV was highly correlated (P less than 0.0001) with the measured one in all ventricles. The average correlation coefficient was 0.985 +/- 0.004 (SE), the slope 1.00 +/- 0.04, and the gamma-axis intercept 1.0 +/- 0.2 ml, indicating the accuracy of the prediction. We conclude that the representations of ventricle and arterial system by their Ps-SV relationships are useful in understanding how these two systems determine SV when they are coupled and interact.
              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: not found

              Single-beat estimation of end-systolic pressure-volume relation in humans. A new method with the potential for noninvasive application.

              The end-systolic pressure-volume relation (ESPVR) provides a useful measure of contractile function. However, the need to acquire multiple cardiac cycles at varying loads limits its applicability. We therefore developed and tested a novel single-beat estimation method that is based on normalized human time-varying elastance curves [EN(tN)]. Pressure-volume (PV) data were measured by conductance catheter in 87 patients with normal or myopathic hearts. Time-varying elastance curves were generated from 72 PV loops (52 patients) and normalized both by amplitude and time to peak amplitude. The resulting EN(tN) curves were remarkably consistent despite variations in underlying cardiac disease, contractility, loading, and heart rate, with minimal interloop variance during the first 25% to 35% of contraction. On the basis of this finding and assuming ESPVR linearity and constant volume-intercept, ESPVRs were estimated from one beat with the use of PV data measured at normalized time (tN) and end systole (tmax) to predict intercept: Vo(SB) = [EN(tN) x P(tmax) x V(tN)-P(tN)x V(tmax)]/[EN(tN) x P(tmax)-P(tN)] and slope Emax(SB) = Pes/[Ves-Vo(SB)]. Single-beat estimates were highly correlated with measured ESPVR values obtained by standard multiple-beat analysis (including data from 35 additional patients). Emax(SB) accurately reflected acute inotropic change and was influenced little by loading. The new estimation method also predicted measured ESPVRs better than prior techniques and was applicable to noninvasive analysis. ESPVRs can be reliably estimated in humans from single cardiac cycles by a new method that has a potential for noninvasive application.

                Author and article information

                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Medicina crítica (Colegio Mexicano de Medicina Crítica)
                Med. crít. (Col. Mex. Med. Crít.)
                Colegio Mexicano de Medicina Crítica, A.C. (Ciudad de México, Ciudad de México, Mexico )
                February 2017
                : 31
                : 1
                : 20-24
                [1] Ciudad de México orgnameHospital Juárez de México México
                [2] Ciudad de México orgnameHospital San Ángel Inn Universidad México

                This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.

                : 19 September 2016
                : 23 January 2017
                Page count
                Figures: 0, Tables: 0, Equations: 0, References: 19, Pages: 5

                SciELO Mexico

                ecografia doppler,ecocardiografia,Ventricular arterial coupling,shock,doppler ultrasound,echocardiography,Acoplamiento ventrículo arterial,choque,ecografía doppler,ecocardiografía,Acoplamento ventrículo arterial


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