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      Characterization of leader-related small RNAs in coronavirus-infected cells: Further evidence for leader-primed mechanism of transcription


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          Mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), a murine coronavirus, replicates in the cytoplasm and synthesizes 7 viral mRNAs containing an identical stretch of leader RNA sequences at the 5'-end of each RNA. The leader-coding sequences at the 5'-end of genomic RNA are at least 72 nucleotides in length and are joined to the viral mRNAs by a unique mechanism. Utilizing a leader-specific cDNA probe, we have detected several free leader RNA species ranging from 70 to 82 nucleotides in length. The predominant leader RNA was approximately 75 nucleotides. In addition, larger distinct leader-containing RNAs were also detected ranging from 130 to 250 nucleotides in length. The 70–82-nucleotide leader-related RNAs were present in both the cytosol and membrane fractions of infected cells. They were also detected only in the small RNA fractions but not associated with the replicative-intermediate RNA. These data suggest that the leader RNAs were associated with the membrane-bound transcription complex but at least part of them were dissociated from the RNA template. We have also identified a temperature-sensitive mutant, which synthesizes only leader RNA but not mRNAs at nonpermissive temperature, indicating that leader RNA synthesis is distinct from the transcription of mRNAs. These data support the leader-primed mechanism for coronavirus transcription and suggest that one or more free leader RNAs are used as primers of mRNA synthesis.

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          A unique cap(m7GpppXm)-dependent influenza virion endonuclease cleaves capped RNAs to generate the primers that initiate viral RNA transcription.

          We propose a mechanism for the priming of influenza viral RNA transcription by capped RNAs in which specific 5'-terminal fragments are cleaved from the capped RNAs by a virion-associated endonuclease. These fragments would serve as the actual primers for the initiation of transcription by the initial incorporation by the initial incorporation of a G residue at their 3' end. We show that virions and purified viral cores contain a unique endonuclease that cleaves RNAs containing a 5' methylated cap structure (m7GpppXm) preferentially at purine residues 10 to 14 nucleotides from the cap, generating fragments with 3'-terminal hydroxyl groups. RNAs containing the 5'-terminal structure GpppG could not be cleaved to produce these specific fragments. Consistent with our proposed mechanism, those capped fragments that function as primers could be linked to a G residue in transcriptase reactions containing alpha-32P-GTP as the only ribonucleoside triphosphate. The pattern of G and C incorporation onto these primer fragments suggests that this incorporation is directed by the second and third bases at the 3' end of the virion RNA template, which has the sequence 3' UCG. Primer fragments with a 3'-terminal A residue were used more efficiently than those with a 3'-terminal G residue, indicating a preference for generating an AGC sequence in the viral mRNA complementary to the 3' end of the virion RNA. Cleavage of the RNA primer and initiation of transcription are not necessarily coupled, because a 5' fragment isolated from one reaction could be used as a primer when added to a second reaction. Uncapped ribopolymer inhibitors of viral RNA transcription inhibited the cleavage of capped RNAs.
            • Record: found
            • Abstract: not found
            • Article: not found

            The biology and pathogenesis of coronaviruses.

              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: not found

              Sequence and topology of a model intracellular membrane protein, E1 glycoprotein, from a coronavirus

              In the eukaryotic cell, both secreted and plasma membrane proteins are synthesized at the endoplasmic reticulum, then transported, via the Golgi complex, to the cell surface1–4. Each of the compartments of this transport pathway carries out particular metabolic functions5–8, and therefore presumably contains a distinct complement of membrane proteins. Thus, mechanisms must exist for localizing such proteins to their respective destinations. However, a major obstacle to the study of such mechanisms is that the isolation and detailed analysis of such internal membrane proteins pose formidable technical problems. We have therefore used the E1 glycoprotein from coronavirus MHV-A59 as a viral model for this class of protein. Here we present the primary structure of the protein, determined by analysis of cDNA clones prepared from viral mRNA. In combination with a previous study of its assembly into the endoplasmic reticulum membrane9, the sequence reveals several unusual features of the protein which may be related to its intracellular localization.

                Author and article information

                Virus Res
                Virus Res
                Virus Research
                Published by Elsevier B.V.
                12 November 2002
                July 1985
                12 November 2002
                : 3
                : 1
                : 19-33
                Departments of Microbiology and Neurology, University of Southern California, School of Medicine, 2025 Zonal Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90033, U.S.A.
                Copyright © 1985 Published by Elsevier B.V.

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                : 18 December 1984
                : 1 March 1985

                Microbiology & Virology
                mouse hepatitis virus,transcription,small leader related rnas,coronavirus,temperature-sensitive mutant


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