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      Prevalencia de lactancia y factores sociodemográficos asociados en madres adolescentes Translated title: Breastfeeding prevalence and associated sociodemographic factors in teenagers


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          Introducción. Las adolescentes tienen menos probabilidad de iniciar y continuar la lactancia comparadas con madres adultas. Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de lactancia, relación entre lactancia-factores sociodemográficos y causas de abandono. Métodos. Estudio de cohortes, longitudinal, analítico, muestra a conveniencia, realizado en el período de abril 2004 a enero 2006; se incluyeron madres adolescentes y sus recién nacidos con seguimiento a 6 meses. Se aplicaron medidas de tendencia central: χ² y exacta de Fisher. Resultados. Se incluyeron a 70 adolescentes. Con media de edad de 15 años, límite de 13-17 años. Factores sociodemográficos: solteras 51.4%, dedicadas al hogar 87.1%, dependencia económica por los padres 55.7%, y nivel socioeconómico bajo 81.4%. Al primer mes, lactancia exclusiva 65.7%, y al final del seguimiento, 38.6%. Conclusiones. La prevalencia de lactancia materna exclusiva fue de 38.6%. Los factores sociodemográficos no influyeron en la lactancia. La causa principal de abandono fue la baja producción.

          Translated abstract

          Introduction. Teenagers have a lesser probability of initiating and continuing breastfeeding when compared with adult females. Objective: To determine the prevalence of breastfeeding, the relationship between breastfeeding and sociodemographic factors, and causes of abandonment of breastfeeding. Material. We conducted a longitudinal, analytic, cohort study of a convenience sample from April 2004 to January 2006 of teenager mothers and newborns who were followed up for 6 months, and performed central tendency measurement, and χ2, and Fisher’s exact tests. Results. Seventy teenagers were included; teenagers, with an average age of 15 years (range 13-27 years). Sociodemographic factors were as follows: single, 51.4% and homemakers, 87.1%; economic dependence on parents, 55.7%; low socioeconomic level, 81.4%; breastfeeding exclusively during the first month, 65.7%, and breastfeeding toward the end of follow-up, 38.6%. Conclusion. Prevalence of exclusive breastfeeding was 38.6%. Sociodemographic factors did not influence breastfeeding. Low milk production was the first breastfeeding abandonment cause.

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          Most cited references21

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          Breastfeeding continues to increase into the new millennium.

          To update reported rates of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding through 2001 and to compare rates in 2001 to those from 1996. The Ross Laboratories Mothers Survey (RLMS) is a large, national survey designed to determine patterns of milk feeding during infancy. Questionnaires were mailed each month to a representative sample of mothers when their infant was 1 month of age, 2 months of age, 3 months or age, and so forth. In 1996, approximately 744 000 questionnaires were mailed, and in 2001, 1.4 million questionnaires were mailed. Mothers were asked to recall the type of milk fed to their infant in the hospital, and during each month of age. Two categories of breastfeeding were considered: breastfeeding (human milk or a combination of human milk and formula or cow's milk) and exclusive breastfeeding (only human milk). Rates of breastfeeding and exclusive breastfeeding in the hospital and at 6 months of age were evaluated. In 2001, the prevalence of the initiation of breastfeeding and breastfeeding to 6 months of age in the United States reached their highest levels recorded to date, 69.5% and 32.5%, respectively. Comparing rates in 2001 and 1996, increases in the initiation of breastfeeding and continued breastfeeding to 6 months of age were observed across all sociodemographic groups but were greater among groups that have been historically less likely to breastfeed: women who were black, younger (<20 years of age), no more than high school-educated, primiparous, employed at the time they received the survey, and who participated in the Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). Breastfeeding in the hospital and at 6 months of age was most common in the Mountain and Pacific states and among women who were white or Hispanic, older, college-educated, and were not enrolled in WIC. Mothers most likely to practice exclusive breastfeeding in the hospital (46.2%) and at 6 months of age (17.2%) had a similar sociodemographic profile as mothers who breastfed their infants. If increases in breastfeeding continue at the current rate (approximately 2% per year), in-hospital breastfeeding in the United States should meet or exceed the Healthy People 2010 goal of 75% for the early postpartum period. However, the Healthy People 2010 goal for continued breastfeeding to 5 to 6 months of age (50%) may not be reached in every subgroup. To ensure that these goals are achieved, educational and promotional strategies for breastfeeding must be continued to support mothers who are young, less educated, and participating in WIC.
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            • Article: not found

            Adolescent mothers and breastfeeding: experiences and support needs--an exploratory study.

            The experiences and support needs of adolescent mothers who commenced breastfeeding were elicited using focus groups and in-depth semistructured interviews. The study took place in the North West of England, UK. The qualitative data were analyzed using thematic networks analysis. Five themes related to experiences emerged: feeling watched and judged, lacking confidence, tiredness, discomfort, and sharing accountability. A further 5 themes were developed to describe the adolescents' support needs: emotional support, esteem support, instrumental support, informational support, and network support. These forms of support were most effective when provided together in a synergistic way and within a trusting relationship. Key supporters identified were the mother's mother, the partner, and the midwife employed in a teenage pregnancy coordinator role. Health professionals need to further explore the ways in which relationships may be developed and sustained that provide the range of support required by adolescent mothers to enable them to continue breastfeeding.
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              Is Open Access

              Prevalencia y causas de abandono de lactancia materna en el alojamiento conjunto de una institución de tercer nivel de atención

              Introducción. La leche materna es la mejor alimentación para neonatos y lactantes. México tiene una tasa de lactancia exclusiva de 33.6%. Objetivo. Conocer la prevalencia de lactancia materna e identificar factores que favorecen su práctica y abandono. Material y métodos. Estudio prospectivo, de cohorte, analítico, en binomios madre-hijo con seguimiento de 6 meses. Se investigó: tipo de alimentación, motivos de abandono de lactancia materna exclusiva. Se aplicaron medidas de tendencia central: X², prueba exacta de Fisher y t de Student. Resultados. Completaron seguimiento 111; 75 (67.6%) con lactancia materna exclusiva, 32 (28.8%) con lactancia mixta, y 4 (3.6%) con sucedáneos. En el grupo con escolaridad de 0 a 6 años se encontró un riesgo relativo de 1.29, intervalo de confianza de 1.09, 1.84, P =0.11 (prueba exacta de Fisher). Conclusiones. Prevalencia de lactancia materna exclusiva: 67.6%. Causa de abandono: producción baja. Única variable significativa para lactar exclusivamente al seno materno y permanecer en el seguimiento: escolaridad 0 a 6 años.

                Author and article information

                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Role: ND
                Boletín médico del Hospital Infantil de México
                Bol. Med. Hosp. Infant. Mex.
                Instituto Nacional de Salud, Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez (México )
                February 2008
                : 65
                : 1
                : 19-25
                [1 ] Instituto Nacional de Perinatologia Isidro Espinosa de los Reyes Mexico



                Breastfeeding,teenagers,factores sociodemográficos,sociodemographic factors,Lactancia,adolescentes


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