A laboratory colony of the mosquito Anopheles quadriannulatus was established from a wild population occurring sympatrically with An.arabiensis in Zimbabwe. These sibling species are members of the An.gambiae Giles complex and were distinguished primarily by means of their specific polytene chromosome banding patterns. By using an ox-baited trap, we sampled selectively for the more zoophilic An.quadriannulatus. It was confirmed that An.quadriannulatus has the diagnostic slow allozyme of aspartate aminotransferase (AAT95/95). In a mixed population under laboratory conditions, An.arabiensis displaced An.quadriannulatus within eight generations, without introgression. Colonization of An.quadriannulatus was facilitated by pooling the progeny from wild-caught mothers of confirmed identity and by using a specially adapted cage to promote mating.