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      The Caring Mission—Healthcare Personnel’s Inner Driving Force in End-of-Life Care Translated title: Vårdandets mission- vårdares inre drivkraft vid vård i livets slutskede


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          Constantly facing human suffering and impending death can generate anxiety and insecurity in nursing personnel in end-of-life care. The aim of the study is to reveal nursing personnel’s inner driving force in end-of-life care. A phenomenological hermeneutical method was used to search for meaning in the narrative data collected in this study. The structural analysis resulted in four themes: The appeal in the patient’s vulnerability, The appeal in the patient’s joy, Facing one’s own existence in vulnerability , and Being at home with colleagues. Both vulnerability and joy motivated nursing personnel in caring. The care was often emotionally engaging and oscillated between grief and joy, which required a great deal from the nursing personnel both as professionals and fellow human beings. At the same time the emotionally engaging constituted an inner driving force, which gave them courage to do the best for the patients at the end of life.

          Swedish Abstract

          Att ständigt möta mänskligt lidande och förestående död kan skapa ångest och osäkerhet hos vårdare som vårdar patienter i livets slutskede. Syftet med studien är att synliggöra vårdares inre drivkraft vid vård i livets slutskede. En fenomenologisk hermeneutisk metod användes för att söka efter mening i vårdarnas berättelser. Strukturanalysen resulterade i fyra teman: Appellen i patientens sårbarhet, Appellen i patientens glädje, Att möta sin egen existens i sårbarhet , och Att vara hemma med kollegor . Både sårbarhet och glädje motiverade vårdarna i vårdandet. Vårdandet var ofta känslomässigt engagerande och vårdarna pendlade mellan sorg och glädje, vilket krävde mycket av dem både som yrkesmänniskor och medmänniskor. Samtidigt utgjorde det känslomässiga engagemanget en inre drivkraft, som gav dem mod att göra det bästa för patienterna i livets slutskede.

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          Most cited references31

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          A phenomenological hermeneutical method for researching lived experience.

          This study describes a phenomenological hermeneutical method for interpreting interview texts inspired by the theory of interpretation presented by Paul Ricoeur. Narrative interviews are transcribed. A naïve understanding of the text is formulated from an initial reading. The text is then divided into meaning units that are condensed and abstracted to form sub-themes, themes and possibly main themes, which are compared with the naïve understanding for validation. Lastly the text is again read as a whole, the naïve understanding and the themes are reflected on in relation to the literature about the meaning of lived experience and a comprehensive understanding is formulated. The comprehensive understanding discloses new possibilities for being in the world. This world can be described as the prefigured life world of the interviewees as configured in the interview and refigured first in the researcher's interpretation and second in the interpretation of the readers of the research report. This may help the readers refigure their own life.
            • Record: found
            • Abstract: not found
            • Book: not found

            Interpretation theory: Discourse and the surplus of meaning

              • Record: found
              • Abstract: found
              • Article: not found

              Resilience and well-being in palliative care staff: a qualitative study of hospice nurses' experience of work.

              Although working with cancer patients is considered stressful, palliative care staff experience similar levels of psychological distress and lower levels of burnout than staff working in other specialties. There are few empirical studies in palliative care to explain this. Since working in a stressful job does not inevitably lead to psychological distress, the antecedent factors that promote resilience and maintain a sense of well-being are worthy of study. This qualitative study used interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) to describe hospice nurses' experiences of work. During the analysis, themes emerged relating to the underlying interpersonal factors that influenced the nurses' decisions to begin and continue working in palliative care, and their attitudes towards life and work. The emergent themes were compared with the theoretical personality constructs of hardiness and sense of coherence, and this comparison highlighted many similarities. The nurses showed high levels of commitment, and imputed a sense of meaning and purpose to their work. An area of divergence was their response to change, and this is discussed in relation to hardiness and sense of coherence. The implications for staff well-being, and for staff training and support, which, in turn, may impact on the quality of patient care, are discussed. Copyright (c) 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

                Author and article information

                Glob Qual Nurs Res
                Glob Qual Nurs Res
                Global Qualitative Nursing Research
                SAGE Publications (Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA )
                31 October 2022
                Jan-Dec 2022
                : 9
                : 23333936221128241
                [1 ]University West, Trollhättan, Sweden
                [2 ]Specialized University, Bergen, Norway
                Author notes
                [*]Margareta Karlsson, Department of Health Sciences, University West, Gustava Melins gata 2, Trollhättan, 461 86, Sweden. Email: margareta.karlsson@ 123456hv.se
                Author information
                © The Author(s) 2022

                This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License ( https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) which permits any use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages ( https://us.sagepub.com/en-us/nam/open-access-at-sage).

                : 21 March 2022
                : 26 August 2022
                : 7 September 2022
                Single-Method Research Article
                Custom metadata
                January-December 2022

                caring,driving force,end of life,nursing personnel,mission,sweden,drivkraft,livets slut,sverige,vårdandet,vårdare


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