Neste trabalho descreve-se um novo amostrador tubular, de percussão, especialmente desenvolvido para a amostragem freqüente do solo, em terras roxas, para fins de determinação de umidade e controle de irrigação. Um desenho detalhado do novo amostrador é apresentado, com tôdas as indicações necessárias para que as pessoas ou organizações interessadas possam mandar construir novos modelos, em qualquer oficina mecânica bem aparelhada.
In this paper is described a new soil sampler, specially designed for use in sampling Brazilian purple-soil series, which is known to present very peculiar physical properties. The sampler was developed as a result of the need to sample the soil frequently, for the purpose of maintaining the soil water balance in irrigation experiments, carried on field plots. This basic method of controlling water application in such experiments is being extensively used by the Seção de Irrigação, of the Instituto Agronômico. Detailed drawings ond some pictures are shown to allow interested persons or organizations, facing similar problems, to have models of the new sampler built in any good machine shop. The new sampler is very similar in its general characteristics to Veihmeyer's soil sampling tube, and was developed after the failure of this last sampler to operate properly in Brazilian purple-soils