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      Microbial enzymes catalyzing keratin degradation: Classification, structure, function


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          Keratin is an insoluble and protein-rich epidermal material found in e.g. feather, wool, hair. It is produced in substantial amounts as co-product from poultry processing plants and pig slaughterhouses. Keratin is packed by disulfide bonds and hydrogen bonds. Based on the secondary structure, keratin can be classified into α-keratin and β-keratin. Keratinases (EC 3.4.-.- peptide hydrolases) have major potential to degrade keratin for sustainable recycling of the protein and amino acids. Currently, the known keratinolytic enzymes belong to at least 14 different protease families: S1, S8, S9, S10, S16, M3, M4, M14, M16, M28, M32, M36, M38, M55 (MEROPS database). The various keratinolytic enzymes act via endo-attack (proteases in families S1, S8, S16, M4, M16, M36), exo-attack (proteases in families S9, S10, M14, M28, M38, M55) or by action only on oligopeptides (proteases in families M3, M32), respectively. Other enzymes, particularly disulfide reductases, also play a key role in keratin degradation as they catalyze the breakage of disulfide bonds for better keratinase catalysis. This review aims to contribute an overview of keratin biomass as an enzyme substrate and a systematic analysis of currently sequenced keratinolytic enzymes and their classification and reaction mechanisms. We also summarize and discuss keratinase assays, available keratinase structures and finally examine the available data on uses of keratinases in practical biorefinery protein upcycling applications.


          • Overview of keratin as an enzyme substrate for circular economy biorefining

          • Details of α-keratin and β-keratin

          • Examination of microbial keratinases: Protein family, origin, reaction optima

          • Critical assessment of keratinase enzyme assays

          • Structure-function analysis of all known endo-keratinolytic proteases

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          Structure and functions of keratin proteins in simple, stratified, keratinized and cornified epithelia.

          Historically, the term 'keratin' stood for all of the proteins extracted from skin modifications, such as horns, claws and hooves. Subsequently, it was realized that this keratin is actually a mixture of keratins, keratin filament-associated proteins and other proteins, such as enzymes. Keratins were then defined as certain filament-forming proteins with specific physicochemical properties and extracted from the cornified layer of the epidermis, whereas those filament-forming proteins that were extracted from the living layers of the epidermis were grouped as 'prekeratins' or 'cytokeratins'. Currently, the term 'keratin' covers all intermediate filament-forming proteins with specific physicochemical properties and produced in any vertebrate epithelia. Similarly, the nomenclature of epithelia as cornified, keratinized or non-keratinized is based historically on the notion that only the epidermis of skin modifications such as horns, claws and hooves is cornified, that the non-modified epidermis is a keratinized stratified epithelium, and that all other stratified and non-stratified epithelia are non-keratinized epithelia. At this point in time, the concepts of keratins and of keratinized or cornified epithelia need clarification and revision concerning the structure and function of keratin and keratin filaments in various epithelia of different species, as well as of keratin genes and their modifications, in view of recent research, such as the sequencing of keratin proteins and their genes, cell culture, transfection of epithelial cells, immunohistochemistry and immunoblotting. Recently, new functions of keratins and keratin filaments in cell signaling and intracellular vesicle transport have been discovered. It is currently understood that all stratified epithelia are keratinized and that some of these keratinized stratified epithelia cornify by forming a Stratum corneum. The processes of keratinization and cornification in skin modifications are different especially with respect to the keratins that are produced. Future research in keratins will provide a better understanding of the processes of keratinization and cornification of stratified epithelia, including those of skin modifications, of the adaptability of epithelia in general, of skin diseases, and of the changes in structure and function of epithelia in the course of evolution. This review focuses on keratins and keratin filaments in mammalian tissue but keratins in the tissues of some other vertebrates are also considered.
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            Keratin: Structure, mechanical properties, occurrence in biological organisms, and efforts at bioinspiration

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              Microbial keratinases and their prospective applications: an overview.

              Microbial keratinases have become biotechnologically important since they target the hydrolysis of highly rigid, strongly cross-linked structural polypeptide "keratin" recalcitrant to the commonly known proteolytic enzymes trypsin, pepsin and papain. These enzymes are largely produced in the presence of keratinous substrates in the form of hair, feather, wool, nail, horn etc. during their degradation. The complex mechanism of keratinolysis involves cooperative action of sulfitolytic and proteolytic systems. Keratinases are robust enzymes with a wide temperature and pH activity range and are largely serine or metallo proteases. Sequence homologies of keratinases indicate their relatedness to subtilisin family of serine proteases. They stand out among proteases since they attack the keratin residues and hence find application in developing cost-effective feather by-products for feed and fertilizers. Their application can also be extended to detergent and leather industries where they serve as specialty enzymes. Besides, they also find application in wool and silk cleaning; in the leather industry, better dehairing potential of these enzymes has led to the development of greener hair-saving dehairing technology and personal care products. Further, their prospective application in the challenging field of prion degradation would revolutionize the protease world in the near future.

                Author and article information

                Biotechnol Adv
                Biotechnol. Adv
                Biotechnology Advances
                Elsevier Inc.
                5 August 2020
                5 August 2020
                : 107607
                Section for Protein Chemistry and Enzyme Technology, Department of Biotechnology and Biomedicine, Technical University of Denmark, Building 221, DK-2800 Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
                Author notes
                [* ]Corresponding author. asme@ 123456dtu.dk
                S0734-9750(20)30109-9 107607
                © 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

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                : 1 March 2020
                : 29 July 2020
                : 30 July 2020

                α-keratin,β-keratin,keratinases,keratinase assay,keratinase classification,keratinolytic mechanisms,keratinase crystal structures,biocatalysis,protein recycling


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