Ralph W. Tyler was considered one of the most influential of US educators during the last century. The purpose of this paper is to present an interview granted by Tyler to the first author of this paper in 1990. Tyler's interview is preceded by a brief analysis of his work, in the hope of shedding light on some misconceptions that Tyler's work has suffered since early 70s. The present interview may have been the only one given to an Ibero-American academician, and one of the very few in which Tyler was spoke openly about what he thought of the fierce criticism launched by reconceptualists against his curriculum rationale.
Este trabajo presenta una entrevista que la primera autora realizó en 1990 a Ralph W. Tyler, uno de los educadores más importantes del siglo XX en Estados Unidos. Posteriormente se analiza la obra y el pensamiento de Tyler con la intención de clarificar algunos conceptos mal entendidos en su trabajo desde finales de los años setenta. Esta entrevista quizá sea la primera y única que este gran educador dio a un académico iberoamericano y una de las pocas en las que externó su perspectiva sobre el movimiento curricular de los reconceptualistas, quienes fueron los más fuertes críticos del modelo tyleriano.