It is estimated that pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) will become the second
leading cause of cancer-related deaths by 2030.[1] Currently, only 15%–20% of patients
have operable disease at the time of diagnosis. Operability and survival are better
in patients with smaller lesions, however, preoperative diagnosis of T1 carcinoma
(<20 mm) is rare (<5%), in an analysis of 13,131 PDAC cases, only 3.11% were staged
as stage T1a.[2] There is therefore great interest in prevention by identifying and
minimizing environmental risk factors and in earlier diagnosis which holds the promise
of improved outcomes.
PDAC presents in general at a median age of 70 years. Pancreatic cancer is recognised
as having a complex multistep etiology with the interaction between genetic susceptibility
and environmental toxins. Both acquired and germline genetic variants are implicated
in the failure to repair DNA. Exposure to toxic factors that cause DNA damage (e.g.,
smoking) and inflammation accelerate this process. The most consistently mutated genes
are KRAS, CDKN2A, TP53, and SMAD4/DPC4.[3]
The majority of PDAC cases are sporadic with no known genetic predisposition. Tobacco
smoking, alcohol, and obesity are known modifiable risk factors. A recent study estimated
that approximately 36% of pancreatic cancers in men and 39% in women are linked to
lifestyle factors, including tobacco smoking and being overweight which increases
the risk by 20%.[4] New onset of diabetes (NoD) in subjects >50 years has also been
documented as a high-risk factor in sporadic PDAC.[1] Compared with the age-matched
general population, subjects older than 50 years with NoD have a 6–8 fold higher probability
of being diagnosed with PDAC within 3 years of meeting criteria for diabetes.[5] This
group is estimated to be approximately 1 million people/year in the USA and accounts
for approximately 25% of those diagnosed with PDAC.[1] In addition, chronic pancreatitis
(CP) has long been recognised as a risk for PDAC. A recent Danish epidemiological
study showed a hazard ratio of 6.9 to develop PDAC in patients with CP compared to
controls.[6] Finally, recent genome-wide association studies have identified blood
type A and B as associated with increased risk, but a dozen of other loci was also
identified. However, the risk of any one of these alleles is relatively small, with
odds ratios ranging from 0.88 (slightly protective) to 1.26 (slight risk) and hence
none of these sites have yet provided the critical insights into pancreatic cancer
It is estimated that up to 10% of PDAC has an inherited basis. Familial pancreatic
cancer is defined as kindreds with at least two first-degree relatives with pancreatic
cancer with an as yet unidentified genetic abnormality.[8
9] In contrast, hereditary pancreatic cancer implies patients with inherited cancer
syndromes with a known germline mutation associated with an increased risk of pancreatic
cancer. These gene mutations include syndromes such as Lynch syndrome (MLH1, MLH2,
MLH6, PMS2), familial breast and ovarian cancer (BRCA1 and BRCA2), familial adenomatous
polyposis (FAP), familial atypical multiple mole melanoma (CDKN2A), Peutz–Jeghers
(STK11/LKB1) but also hereditary pancreatitis (HPs) (PRSS1, SPINK1, ATM). In HPs,
patients have an autosomal dominant disorder with estimated 80% phenotypic penetrance
which typically results in recurrent pancreatitis with subsequent CP.[10] Overall,
mutations in the cationic trypsinogen gene (R122H, N291), which cause the disease
in 60%–70% of kindreds, are suggested to enhance trypsin activity within vesicular
compartments of the pancreatic acinar cells.[10] However, a definite cause-and-effect
relationship is yet to be established. More importantly, this group has an age-accumulated
risk, which starts to rise between 40 and 50 years of age with an ethnic deviation
(Ashkenazi Jews and African American > Caucasians). At the age of 70 years, the accumulated
risk is 40%–70%.
There are known environmental/lifestyle factors that could be avoided. High-risk patients,
in particular, should be recommended to avoid smoking and alcohol given its risk to
increase PDAC. Other life style factors such as obesity (and subsequent diabetes),
nickel exposure, lack of physical activity, and calorie intake are also known factors
that increase the incidence of PDAC.[10] Public health measures to reduce smoking
and achieve a healthy body mass index would contribute to a reduction in the incidence
of PDAC.
Carbohydrate antigen 19-9 (CA19-9) is the most widely known and used biomarker. However,
diagnostic performance in isolation is modest.
Recently, as a result of advancements in genomics, large numbers of genetic alterations
have been identified. Therefore, several gene mutations of PDAC, including genetic,
epigenetic, noncoding RNA, metabolomics, and microbiome signatures have been identified.
A recent metabolomic study identified a metabolic signature of 9 metabolites plus
CA19-9 with an accuracy over 90% and a negative predictive value of 99% in differentiating
CP from PDAC.[11] In an exploratory study Schultz et al.[12] reported a micro-RNA
panel with sensitivity and specificity of 85% and 99% respectively in differentiating
PDAC from CP. Circulating tumor cells, cell-free circulating tumor DNA and exomes
can be detected in body fluids and could potentially be used as an early diagnostic
tool for PDAC. Prospective studies are required to delineate the role of these biomarkers
in early diagnosis.
The need for early detection is evident but remains challenging. Population level
screening is not feasible at this time due to several factors including the overall
low incidence of PDAC (lifetime risk of 1.3% in the general population), the lack
of simple, safe, inexpensive, sensitive, and noninvasive tests and unlike other gastrointestinal
malignancies such as colorectal cancer the lack of a well-defined readily dealt with
premalignant lesion. To date, screening has predominantly been performed in study
settings on high-risk individuals (HRIs) with genetic predisposition. Criteria were
recently formulated by the international cancer of the pancreas-screening consortium
which overall includes patients with first degree affected family members with or
without gene mutations.[13]
Yearly screening is recommended from 50 years of age apart from in HPs where screening
is recommended from the age of 40. Screening is not currently recommended for CP.[14]
Genetic high-risk groups, however, account for a minority of PDAC. There is great
interest in developing screening methodologies of use in sporadic PDAC. Patients with
NoD are of interest for screening as approximately 50% of patients with PDAC develop
diabetes before the diagnosis of their PDAC. Identification of the HRIs in this cohort
would provide an enriched pool for definitive testing. A recent study developed a
risk model for NoD. In this model using a 1% predicted risk of PDAC as the threshold
for definitive testing, would result in 6.19% of the entire NoD population undergoing
the definitive test but would identify almost 50% of PDAC in the cohort with a number
needed to screen of 38.[15] Combining this risk model with novel biomarkers could
potentially further reduce the numbers undergoing definitive testing and increase
the diagnostic yield.
For screening, several studies were performed comparing different imaging modalities,
endoscopic ultrasound (EUS), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were found to be
the best modalities.[16] EUS was especially more accurate in finding solid lesions
which is relevant in PDAC as smaller lesions, especially <1 cm, have the best survival
up to 78%. As EUS and MRI are complementary, many units alternate screening/investigations
using EUS and MRI.[17] In addition, EUS enables biopsy acquisition (fine needle aspiration/biopsy)
in cases where lesions are found. Ancillary EUS techniques such as contrast and elastography
may be useful in this setting as well these techniques are discussed in more detail
elsewhere in this issue.
The goal of screening using imaging such as EUS is to find small lesions as smaller
lesions are associated with better survival.[18] It is suggested that early detection
of PDAC in high-risk patients is likely to increase long-term survival by as much
as 30%–40%.[1] However, studies have yet to show survival improvement in PDAC screening
with imaging. Therefore, the development of specific biomarkers long before the development
of PDAC and the establishment of consortia such as the “Pancreatic Cancer Detection
Consortium,” are expected to be the way forward for adequate screening.
A more holistic approach in the form of screening programs is needed to unravel PDAC,
as it is a complex condition, involving multifaceted genetics as well as environmental
(and hence potentially modifiable) risk factors. Such programs should not only appreciate
this complexity of the disease but also need to assess the effect of targeted preventive
treatment, usage of (better) biomarkers and imaging for monitoring the disease and
the aim to create better predictive models of the natural history of PDAC.
Due to its presentation at late stage with locally advanced or metastatic disease,
earlier identification through screening is an attractive proposition for PDAC. Although
concerns remain as to whether earlier detection would confer any survival benefit,
evidence is accruing in favour of the utility of screening in HRIs. More work needs
to be done to enable screening in large moderate risk groups such as NoD through the
use of risk modeling and biomarkers. Such enriched groups could then be the subject
of definitive testing such as with EUS. The ultimate goal of such development is to
devise a screening methodology applicable on a population level.