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      De las semillas criollas a las semillas certificadas Maíz y agronomía en Antioquia (1920-1980) Translated title: De sementes nativas a sementes certificadas Milho e agronomia em Antioquia (1920-1980) Translated title: From Native Seeds to Certified Ceeds Corn and Agronomy in Antioquia (1920-1980)


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          Resumen Este artículo expone, a partir de una revisión de archivos regionales, el tránsito de la utilización de semillas criollas a las semillas certificadas de maíz en Antioquia durante el periodo 1920-1980. En este departamento, la tecnificación agrícola estuvo en manos de instituciones oficiales y misiones extranjeras que definieron “modernizar” el campo colombiano con la implementación de la investigación y experimentación agronómica. En este proceso, la renovación de las técnicas de cultivos, en especial el mejoramiento de las semillas de maíz para una mayor producción, ocuparon un espacio significativo. El análisis de documentos provenientes del mundo de la agronomía, combinado con información de fuentes históricas, muestra el desfase entre la experimentación agronómica y la producción de este cereal, alimento insigne de la cultura alimentaria de esta sociedad. El texto muestra los esfuerzos y avances del conocimiento agronómico, pero al mismo tiempo expone su escasa incidencia en el desarrollo rural antioqueño.

          Translated abstract

          Resumo Este artigo expõe, com base em uma revisão de arquivos regionais, a transição do uso de sementes crioulas para sementes de milho certificadas em Antioquia durante o período 1920-1980. Neste departamento, a tecnificação agrícola esteve a cargo de instituições oficiais e missões estrangeiras que definiram “a modernização” do campo colombiano com a implementação da pesquisa e experimentação agronômica. Nesse processo, a renovação das técnicas de cultivo, especialmente o beneficiamento de sementes de milho para maior produção, ocupou um espaço significativo. A análise de documentos do mundo da agronomia, misturado com informações de fontes históricas, mostra a falta de relação entre a experimentação agronômica e a produção desse cereal, alimento que representa a cultura alimentar desta sociedade. O texto apresenta os esforços e avanços do conhecimento agronômico, mas ao mesmo tempo expõe seu escasso impacto no desenvolvimento rural de Antioquia.

          Translated abstract

          Abstract This article exposes, based on a review of regional archives, the transition from the use of native seeds to certified corn seeds in Antioquia during the 1920-1980 period. In this department, agricultural technology was in charge of official institutions and foreign missions that defined “the modernization” to the Colombian countryside with the implementation of agronomic research and experimentation. In this process, the renewal of cultivation techniques, especially the improvement of corn seeds for greater production, occupied a significant space. The analysis of documents from the world of agronomy, combined with information from historical sources, shows the gap between agronomic experimentation and the production of this cereal, a flagship food of the food culture of this society. The text presents the efforts and advances of agronomic knowledge but at the same time exposes its scarce impact on rural development in Antioquia.

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          From working collections to the World Germplasm Project: agricultural modernization and genetic conservation at the Rockefeller Foundation

          This paper charts the history of the Rockefeller Foundation’s participation in the collection and long-term preservation of genetic diversity in crop plants from the 1940s through the 1970s. In the decades following the launch of its agricultural program in Mexico in 1943, the Rockefeller Foundation figured prominently in the creation of world collections of key economic crops. Through the efforts of its administrators and staff, the foundation subsequently parlayed this experience into a leadership role in international efforts to conserve so-called plant genetic resources. Previous accounts of the Rockefeller Foundation’s interventions in international agricultural development have focused on the outcomes prioritized by foundation staff and administrators as they launched assistance programs and especially their characterization of the peoples and “problems” they encountered abroad. This paper highlights instead how foundation administrators and staff responded to a newly emergent international agricultural concern—the loss of crop genetic diversity. Charting the foundation’s responses to this concern, which developed only after agricultural modernization had begun and was understood to be produced by the successes of the foundation’s own agricultural assistance programs, allows for greater interrogation of how the foundation understood and projected its central position in international agricultural research activities by the 1970s.
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            La invención del Tercer Mundo: construcción y deconstrucción del desarrollo

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              La modernización en Colombia. Los años de Laureano Gómez 1889-1965


                Author and article information

                Anuario de Historia Regional y de las Fronteras
                Universidad Industrial de Santander (Bucaramanga, Santander, Colombia )
                June 2021
                : 26
                : 1
                : 153-186
                [1] Antioquía orgnameUniversidad de Antioquia orgdiv1Grupo de Investigación en Historia Social Colombia fco.sibaha@ 123456gmail.com
                [2] Antioquía orgnameUniversidad de Antioquia orgdiv1Grupo de Investigación en Historia Social Colombia joseroberto.alvarez@ 123456upb.edu.co
                S0122-20662021000100153 S0122-2066(21)02600100153

                This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

                : 30 July 2020
                : 14 September 2020
                Page count
                Figures: 0, Tables: 0, Equations: 0, References: 82, Pages: 34

                SciELO Colombia


                maíz,modernización,Revolución Verde,agricultura en Antioquia,Historia rural,Modernization,Corn,Green Revolution,Agriculture in Antioquia,Rural History,modernização,milho,Revolução Verde,agricultura em Antioquia,História rural


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