According to the European Society for Translational Medicine (TM), this interdisciplinary
branch of biomedical field was established on three pillars: benchside, bedside and
community, and is devoted to promoting prevention, diagnosis and therapy of clinical
disorders affecting the global population [1]. Among these, neurological ones affect
up to one billion people worldwide, according to the World Health Organization, and
represent one of the major social and scientific challenges. Along with an increased
life expectancy and the growth of older population in all nations, the rate of some
Neurological Disorders (NDs), such as Alzheimer’s disease, will increase substantially
over time posing a burden not only to the patient but also to the entire society [2].
A global and multidisciplinary effort is needed to conduct research on brain disorders,
together with a Systems Biology (SB) strategy able to deal with complex neurological
phenotypes. The complexity to be deciphered by using a SB strategy was described by
the metaphor “A single protein is to a neuron as a neuron is to whole brain” by the
Nobel Prize in Medicine Rita Levi-Montalcini [3].
A growing scientific community is analyzing and integrating omics data by computational
and modeling approaches, comparing them with phenotypic observations and data shared
on public repositories, using a SB strategy applied to neurological field [4]. The
integration and comparison of this huge amount of data continuously produced and shared
by the community has contributed to expanding the spectrum of pathogenic variations
responsible for neurological diseases, highlighting the importance of susceptibility
factors and providing insights into overlapping pathogenic mechanisms. A large part
of the data produced belongs to genomic studies and represents a source of information
that is able to drive the discovery of disease progression, druggable and therapeutic
response biomarkers. However, additional efforts are needed to develop novel diagnostic
and therapeutic approaches based on biomarkers discovery and to translate them into
the clinical practice, in a society that is getting older without a cure for neurological
diseases and the perspective for a long-term reliance on health care system [5]. Indeed,
several therapeutic options are being explored for NDs, but very few have shown benefits
in clinical trials. Treatment failure is mainly due to the lack of robust targets
whose modulation results in a therapeutic benefit [6]. Instead, innovative therapeutic
approaches of precision medicine for genetic neuromuscular disorders, such as RNA
interference therapy, splicing modifier, exon skipping and gene therapy, seem to be
very promising and their achievements could stimulate the widening of their applications
[7, 8].
Here, we want to focus attention on the role of genomics in the TM process applied
to NDs, the reached progress and the future challenges.
The genomic field investigates genes, their functions and expression, their different
layers of regulation, their genetic variations and conservation across species. Genomics
can help to elucidate common pathogenic pathways underlying complex neurological traits
and, therefore, common drug targets. Moreover, it may also improve differential diagnosis
of complex phenotypes. For these reasons, a number of international consortia and
networks of research have been created to study complex neurological phenotypes from
a genomic perspective. An example is the PsychENCODE Consortium, which developed a
public resource of multi‐dimensional genomic data from human postmortem brains, additional
cell lines and tissues from disease and control cases. This integrated resource is
able to predict models and to study shared disease mechanisms underlying psychiatric
disorders including schizophrenia, bipolar and autism spectrum disorders. Using deep-learning
models, it is able to predict psychiatric phenotypes from genotype and expression
data, improving the detection accuracy of complex traits with a highly polygenic architecture
associated with brain disorders [9]. Progressively, as previously occurred in the
oncological field, a molecular taxonomy for NDs is emerging. Their genomic profiles
will help neurologist to classify these disorders into subtypes with personalized
diagnostic, prognostic and, hopefully, therapeutic strategies. An example is the molecular
taxonomy of Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis that is now able to distinguish two different
subtypes based on their transcriptional profiles, each associated with specific pathogenic
mechanisms and potential therapeutic targets [10].
The diagnostic power of high-throughput genomic technologies is taking full advantage
of technological progress. In fact, Comparative Genomic Hybridization array (aCGH)
and Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) platforms have increased the power of biomarker
discovery and are moving from research to diagnostics labs. The use of aCGH, as a
first-tier clinical diagnostic test, has been recommended since 2010 for developmental
delay/intellectual disability and autism spectrum disorders [11]. In 2014, the American
Food and Drug Administration agency cleared the first and only postnatal blood test
by aCGH to aid in the
diagnosis of developmental delay, intellectual disabilities, congenital anomalies,
or dysmorphic features [12], which has further received the European Conformity marking.
Several customized aCGHs have been developed and used for NDs research and diagnostic
validation, among which an exon-centric able to detect new potential genetic biomarkers
or shared mechanisms underlying the most common molecularly diagnosed neurological
diseases [13]. Meanwhile, NGS guidelines regarding the evaluation and validation of
variants for the diagnosis of genetic disorders have been published [14]. Comprehensive
whole-exome or genome sequencing approaches are more often used for neurological patients
without a focused genetic differential diagnosis, whereas custom-designed targeted-panels
allow disease-focused evaluations [15]. However, differences in the healthcare structure
of each country and within the same country, as the case of Italy, remain a major
obstacle and lead to heterogeneity in service delivery and inequity in access to NGS-based
NDs represent a highly heterogeneous group of pathological conditions, a part of which
characterized by complex traits resulting from variations within multiple genes and
their interaction with nongenetic factors. A supplementary grade of complexity arises
when more neurological pathological conditions affect the same patient. To deal with
this complexity, a SB strategy is needed to analyze, integrate and infer models providing
insights into the relationship between genotype, gene expression, and phenotype. Data
provided by genomics and its technologies represent an important part of these process
and are already translating their results into clinical practice. They have the power
to uncover pathogenic mechanisms, stratify patients into disease subtypes, enhance
the diagnostic power in order to extricate heterogeneity of complex NDs and overlapping
phenotypes, identify new drug targets to be tested, and drive Neurology through therapies
that are more effective. The future challenges involving genomics as a protagonist
of the translational process in Neurology concern the enhancement of diagnostic power
for differential diagnosis, the stratification of patients for clinical trials with
respect to their gene expression, and the identification of new drug targets to be
used in pathologies sharing pathogenic mechanisms.