The stinging wasps (Hymenoptera: Aculeata) are an extremely diverse lineage of hymenopteran
insects, encompassing over 70,000 described species and a diversity of life history
traits, including ectoparasitism, cleptoparasitism, predation, pollen feeding (bees
[Anthophila] and Masarinae), and eusociality (social vespid wasps, ants, and some
bees) [1]. The most well-studied lineages of Aculeata are the ants, which are ecologically
dominant in most terrestrial ecosystems [2], and the bees, the most important lineage
of angiosperm-pollinating insects [3]. Establishing the phylogenetic affinities of
ants and bees helps us understand and reconstruct patterns of social evolution as
well as fully appreciate the biological implications of the switch from carnivory
to pollen feeding (pollenivory). Despite recent advancements in aculeate phylogeny
[4-11], considerable uncertainty remains regarding higher-level relationships within
Aculeata, including the phylogenetic affinities of ants and bees [5-7]. We used ultraconserved
element (UCE) phylogenomics [7, 12] to resolve relationships among stinging-wasp families,
gathering sequence data from >800 UCE loci and 187 samples, including 30 out of 31
aculeate families. We analyzed the 187-taxon dataset using multiple analytical approaches,
and we evaluated several alternative taxon sets. We also tested alternative hypotheses
for the phylogenetic positions of ants and bees. Our results present a highly supported
phylogeny of the stinging wasps. Most importantly, we find unequivocal evidence that
ants are the sister group to bees+apoid wasps (Apoidea) and that bees are nested within
a paraphyletic Crabronidae. We also demonstrate that taxon choice can fundamentally
impact tree topology and clade support in phylogenomic inference.