The concept that cells die by a genetically regulated process has profound implications
for human diseases in which too little or too much cell death is the primary etiology
of the disease. In the context of the adult myocardium, which exhibits a limited capacity
for de novo myocyte regeneration after injury, the functional loss of cardiac cells
by de-regulated programmed apoptosis or necrosis is postulated as the central cause
of ventricular remodeling and heart failure following myocardial infarction.
1, 2
Although the mitochondrion has been identified as a central organelle for integrating
substrate utilization and ATP synthesis for normal cellular function, it has also
been identified as a critical signaling platform for initiating and executing cell
3, 4
Indeed, while the relationship between cell metabolism, substrate utilization and
death is profound, the metabolic sensors and regulators that couple mitochondrial
substrate utilization for ATP synthesis and cell survival in cardiac cells remain
cryptic. In contrast to other cells, cardiac myocytes rely on mitochondrial fatty
acid oxidation as the principle fuel source for ATP synthesis. The issue of mitochondrial
bioenergetics is of particular importance in the heart as there is a continual demand
for high ATP levels by cardiac myocytes for generating contractile force. This is
best exemplified by the increased ATP demand by cardiac myocytes during exercise,
which require additional cellular energy to sustain the increased cardiac workload.
Under normal basal conditions mitochondria produce sufficient ATP to fully meet the
energy demands of the cell, but retain the capacity to increase ATP synthesis upon
increased energy demand. This ability of mitochondria to increase ATP production commensurate
with demand is referred to as ‘spare or reserve' respiratory capacity (RRC). The inability
of the cell to sufficiently recruit RRC results in an energy deficit that culminates
in cell death.
Despite the vast literature on adaptive mitochondrial programming linking AMP-activated
protein kinase (AMPK) and pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) to mitochondrial oxidative
metabolism in cardiac myocytes, there is a paucity of available information regarding
how these metabolic sensors and regulators actually impact mitochondrial oxygen consumption
rates (OCR), oxygen-linked ATP production and RRC. Moreover, even less is known of
how substrate-metabolic associations link mitochondrial metabolism and respiratory
capacity to cell survival during hypoxia or ischemic stress. Under normal aerobic
conditions the heart generates ATP by mitochondrial oxidation of fatty acids as the
principle fuel source, however, during hypoxia cardiac metabolism shifts from fatty
acid to glucose metabolism where glycolysis is the principle source of ATP. Complete
glucose oxidation involves the conversion of glucose via glycolysis to pyruvate, which
is then fed into to the mitochondrial Krebs cycle (tricarboxylic acid, TCA) for generating
electron donors NADH and FADH2 for driving electron transport chain (ETC) flux and
mitochondrial ATP synthesis. The rate limiting step for this process is invariably
the conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA by mitochondrial PDH. Indeed, PDH is the
gate-keeping step that regulates conversion of pyruvate to acetyl-CoA. In the absence
of this critical conversion step pyruvate is metabolized in the cytoplasm to lactate.
Notably, PDH is inhibited by pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase (PDK). Hence, elevated
levels of PDK inhibit mitochondrial pyruvate flux and mitochondrial TCA-linked respiration
by phosphorylating and inhibiting PDH. Though four isoforms of PDK have been identified,
PDK2 and PDK4 isoforms are expressed in heart. How PDKs regulate PDH mitochondrial
coupled oxidative metabolism and RRC in the heart remain undefined.
Herein, the manuscript by Pfleger et al. address this point in a series of well-designed
and carefully executed studies. The authors demonstrate a connection between substrate
utilization and mitochondrial respiratory activity. In fact, the seminal finding of
the study is the demonstration that cellular substrate can directly influence RRC
in a cell- and context-specific manner. For example, neonatal myocytes required both
glucose and fatty acids for developing RRC, while human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived
myocytes required only fatty acids for developing RRC that was dampened by addition
of glucose. This finding is concordant with metabolic phenotype of the adult heart.
This metabolic dependence of RRC was further validated by the demonstration that the
metabolic sensor AMPK and metabolic regulators PDH, and the NADH-dependent class III
deacetylase Sirtuin-3, positively regulated RRC in cardiac myocytes. This finding
is concordant with recent reports demonstrating the ability of RRC to be regulated
by these metabolic sensors.
5, 6
The data are novel because it demonstrates that RRC can be regulated in substrate-dependent
manner in cardiac myocytes. Concordantly, the authors found that hypoxia compromised
oxidation of substrates and abolished RRC, with only having incremental effects on
basal OCR. Notably, activation of AMPK by AICAR or PDH via the inhibition of PDK4
with dichloroacetic acid (DCA), rescued RRC and OCR.
Despite these interesting findings, the underlying source of the mitochondrial RRC
in cardiac myocytes remained elusive. In an attempt to address this point, the authors
reasoned that RRC may be coupled to a ‘factor' that increases substrate flux coincident
with increased metabolic demand on the cell through TCA and ETC flux. In a variety
of complementary studies, the authors systematically tested this notion and identified
the ‘x-factor' to be succinate dehydrogenase (Sdh). Notably, Sdh is synonymous with
complex II of the ETC. Indeed, the exciting feature of this finding is that Sdh is
the only enzyme commonly shared between the TCA cycle and ETC thereby providing the
‘missing link' that couples substrate utilization to mitochondrial ETC and respiration.
Perhaps most compelling evidence to support Sdh as the elusive factor ‘x' for regulating
RRC was the demonstration that RRC was completely abolished by inhibiting the Sdh
catalytic activity or by genetic knockdown of the Sdh assembly factor Sdhaf1, which
is required for complex II activity. Hence, these findings not only substantiate the
importance of complex II in TCA cycle but also importantly provide a functional link
between complex II and RRC,
Figure 1. Although it is generally believed that an increased energy demand will utilize
RRC to increase ATP synthesis, this point had not been proven. The authors show that,
indeed, this effect is accentuated by the activation of AMPK in cardiac myocytes,
in which the RRC is displaced with almost a twofold increase in basal ATP synthesis-linked
OCR under these conditions. Importantly, the observed increase was dependent on complex
II activity, which corresponded directly with cell survival. The data provide a novel
mechanism to explain on how cellular bioenergetics, in particular RRC, functionally
increase ATP synthesis after hypoxic stress. Ostensibly, the increased RRC provides
a survival mechanism by replenishing ATP lost during hypoxic stress. Hence, based
on the present study, one can infer that identifying the optimal substrates for a
given cell type, RRC, could be manipulated as a mechanism for enhancing ATP and cell
survival during stress. In this regard, it would be interesting to test whether altered
metabolic substrates would restore impaired RRC in human fibroblasts of valosin-containing
protein-associated multisystem proteinopathy patients,
in patients with perioperative lymphopenia
or influence the adaptability of human adipocytes to hypoglycemia.
Collectively, the current data together with earlier work in neuron and fibroblasts
demonstrate impaired RRC correlates with increased cell death
11, 12, 13
and support the notion that loss of RRC may underlie disease. Thus, optimizing metabolic
substrate availability, by enhancing glucose or fatty acid oxidation by either inhibiting
PDKs or activating AMPK, respectively, may prove beneficial in increasing RRC and
survival. Alternatively, increasing complex II stability during cellular stress may
provide a more direct approach for enhancing or preserving RRC.
Although the authors have demonstrated a role for complex II in RRC, the possibility
exists that defects in RRC during cellular stress such as hypoxia may directly or
indirectly influence RRC. Alternatively, limited availability of TCA reducing intermediates
entering the ETC could potentially impair RRC. For example, the depletion of one or
more TCA substrate during cellular stress or high metabolic demand during exercise
could compromise complex II activity and RRC. As complex II is comprised of multiple
subunits, mutations in one or more of these subunits could presumably impair RRC and
ATP synthesis. It would therefore be interesting to test whether complex II defects
underlie the impaired RRC and ATP deficit commonly seen in human hearts with pre-existing
mitochondrial disease. Another area of interest is the relationship between AMPK as
a metabolic sensor of cellular stress and complex II activity, and remains unexplored.
Notably, as mTOR that drives cellular processes associated with mitochondrial biogenesis
and cell growth is regulated by AMPK, it would be important to test whether mitochondrial
biogenesis during cardiac hypertrophy in response to systemic metabolic conditions
such as diabetes influence RRC and cell survival. Interestingly, Sirt-3 knockdown
inhibited AICAR- and DCA-induced RRC, it would be interesting to know whether Sirt-3
influences RRC by deacetylating one or more complex II proteins.
Further, given the observed differences in RRC and substrate utilization between neonatal
cardiac cells and human iPS cells, it remains untested whether the observed effects
on RRC by complex II is universally conserved or a restricted feature of cardiac myocytes.
For example, it would be interesting to test whether cancer cells that preferentially
generate ATP through aerobic glycolysis would exhibit similar regulation of RRC by
complex II during nutrient or hypoxic stress.
Nevertheless, under the conditions tested the authors provide new compelling evidence
that RRC and cell survival are regulated by mitochondrial complex II activity in a
substrate and cell type-dependent manner. The study fundamentally may explain how
mitochondrial metabolism linked through complex II activity influences RRC, ATP production
and cell survival of cardiac myocytes during hypoxic stress.