From Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital (A.B.K.) and Tufts
Medical Center (A.B.G.) - all in Boston; AbbVie, North Chicago, IL (M.M.O., D.A.W.,
E.A., N.M.M., B.P., M.S., Y.G., D.M.C.); Probity Medical Research and K Papp Clinical
Research, Waterloo, ON (K.A.P.), and the Lynde Centre for Dermatology and Probity
Medical Research, Markham, ON (C.L.) - both in Canada; the Departments of Dermatology,
Venereology, Allergology and Immunology, Dessau Medical Center, Dessau, Germany (C.C.Z.);
University of Southern California, Los Angeles (A.W.A.), and Bakersfield Dermatology,
Bakersfield (J.J.C.) - both in California; Florida Academic Dermatology Centers, Miami
(F.K.), and Forward Clinical Trials, Tampa (S.B.F.) - both in Florida; Tennessee Clinical
Research Center, Nashville (M.H.G.); University Hospitals Case Medical Center, Cleveland
(N.J.K.); 4th Department of Internal Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University
of Athens, Medical School, Athens (E.J.G.-B.); CHU de Reims, Hôpital Robert Debré,
Service de Dermatologie, Reims, France (Z.R.); Erasmus University Medical Center,
Rotterdam, the Netherlands (E.-P.P.); and the Department of Dermatology, Roskilde
Hospital, and Health Sciences Faculty, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen (G.B.E.J.).