Alveolar collapse is a hallmark of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), with
multiple causative mechanisms (1). First, the initial inflammation triggers extravasation
of proteinaceous exudate and recruitment of inflammatory cells with occupation of
the alveolar airspace; second, inflammatory edema increases lung weight, which compresses
the alveoli in the gravitationally dependent regions; third, reabsorption atelectasis
due to high inspired oxygen fraction develops in hypo- or nonventilated lung regions
(e.g., in the presence of bronchial occlusion due to secretions or airway closure);
and fourth, reduced surfactant activity facilitates a loss of lung aeration (2).
From a clinical perspective, the extent of alveolar collapse has long been recognized
as a key feature of ARDS severity. Bilateral infiltrates on chest X-ray have been
included in the clinical definition of ARDS since its very first version (3). The
number of quadrants involved on chest X-ray was part of the 1988 lung injury score
(4), and its prognostic value has recently been confirmed (5). Later, quantitative
analysis of chest computed tomography scan confirmed that higher lung weight (and
higher recruitability) is associated with worse outcome (1).
Recently, high-quality experimental evidence shed clearer light on the detrimental
role played by alveolar collapse within mechanically ventilated lungs. In a study
reported in this issue of the Journal (6), Sousa and colleagues (pp. 1441–1452) compared
three positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) strategies, all clinically acceptable
but associated with different extent of collapse, in a large animal model of ARDS.
Using electrical impedance tomography (EIT) during a decremental PEEP trial, the authors
measured the percentage of lung units collapsed or overdistended at each degree of
PEEP and randomized animals to minimal collapse (⩽3% of lung units), minimal overdistension
(⩽3% of lung units), and the best compromise between the two (minimal difference between
percentage of collapse and overdistension: crossing-point PEEP). Animals were then
mechanically ventilated with the assigned PEEP and protective values of Vt for 12 hours,
and detailed physiological measures were obtained at fixed time points. Animals ventilated
with the lowest PEEP, obtaining minimal overdistension but also maximal collapse (about
25% of lung units) showed a surprisingly high mortality of 50%, probably because of
right heart failure and cardiovascular collapse, compared with 100% survival in the
other two groups. Additional differences at 12 hours, confirming worse lung protection
in the group with low overdistension and high collapse, were lower compliance of the
respiratory system, higher intrapulmonary shunt, lower PaO2
ratio, higher heterogeneity of histological injury, and more extravasation of proteins.
Physiological measures performed by the authors during the experiment revealed mechanisms
underlying worsening lung injury in the presence of larger alveolar collapse. Airway
and transpulmonary driving pressure and end-inspiratory transpulmonary pressure were
higher, suggesting more lung stress; end-expiratory transpulmonary pressure and compliance
of the dependent lung region were lower, increasing the risk for atelectrauma; pulmonary
shunt was higher, leading to higher risk of lung tissue hypoxia; and cardiac output,
pulmonary arterial pressure, right ventricular transmural pressure, and pulmonary
pressure gradient were higher, increasing right heart workload and risk of dysfunction.
The study by Sousa and colleagues surely has several limitations (e.g., lack of a
power analysis to compare mortality among groups, novel unvalidated methods to select
the different degrees of PEEP, lack of direct quantification of key physiological
mechanisms such as atelectrauma) and conflicting results (e.g., no difference in lung
histology scores and wet-to-dry ratios; similar concentrations of biomarkers despite
extensive assessment in lung tissue, BAL, and blood) but has the unique and fascinating
feature of classical experimental research of coupling solid midterm clinical outcomes
with longitudinal monitoring of relevant physiological mechanisms (7).
This work adds to other recent experimental research suggesting a detrimental role
for alveolar collapse in mechanically ventilated lungs (8, 9). Zeng and colleagues
(8) collapsed the entire left lung in healthy sheep using a bronchial blocker and
unilateral thoracotomy, while mechanically ventilating the right lung for 8 hours
with and without exposure to intravenous LPS, and assessed physiological changes during
the experiment and pulmonary transcriptomics at the end of it. The authors described
physiological changes induced by alveolar collapse like those described by Sousa and
colleagues (6): lower compliance, worse oxygenation, and higher pulmonary arterial
pressure. At the end of the experiment, collapse induced transcriptomic changes indicative
of dysregulated pulmonary immunity and alveolar–capillary barrier. Exposure to LPS
exacerbated lung injury in atelectatic tissue and enhanced the immune response, particularly
leukocyte-related processes, more in the collapsed lung regions (8). We also performed
a study in healthy pigs excluding the left lung from mechanical ventilation for 24 hours
to induce regional collapse, albeit without thoracotomy. The collapsed lung showed
worse lung histology score and higher concentrations of inflammatory cytokines and
biomarkers of endothelial injury in the regional BAL fluid. We also confirmed higher
lung stress and worse pulmonary hemodynamics as pathophysiological mechanisms, together
with novel data on the detrimental role of hypoperfusion of collapsed lung regions
(potentially inducing tissue ischemia and endothelial injury) measured using EIT (9).
Figure 1 schematizes all the relevant pathophysiological alterations induced by alveolar
collapse potentially worsening lung injury and right heart dysfunction.
Figure 1.
Physiological changes induced by alveolar collapse increase the risk of lung injury
and right heart dysfunction.
The key role of alveolar collapse for the progression of ARDS and worse clinical outcomes
has also been indirectly confirmed by lower mortality associated with the use of higher
PEEP (10) and prone positioning (11) in patients with more severe hypoxemia (who should
have more collapse). However, a more recent study of PEEP strategies aimed at maximizing
the reaeration of collapsed alveoli showed worse mortality compared with lower PEEP,
likely because of excessive risk of overdistension (12). Thus, a bedside method to
identify personalized PEEP balancing reversal of collapse with risk of overdistension
would be a welcome addition to treatment of patients with ARDS. The last merit of
the study of Sousa and colleagues (6) is to underline the potential of EIT as a bedside,
radiation-free, repeatable method to assess overdistension and collapse (13, 14),
allowing the selection of personalized PEEP settings even in more difficult conditions,
such as during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (difficult to transport) (15) and
in spontaneously breathing patients (difficult to use traditional methods based on
mechanics) (16).
Taken together, these data suggest that alveolar collapse is a fundamental component
of ARDS severity. In clinical practice, we could aim at measuring the extent of collapse,
monitoring its detrimental pathophysiological consequences on the lungs and the right
heart, and performing early personalized interventions to mitigate these consequences.
We should also remember that in caring for our patients, “better” does not always
coincide with “more” but, more frequently, with aiming at a thoughtful balance.