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      Access to female contraceptives by Rohingya refugees, Bangladesh Translated title: Accès à la contraception féminine chez les réfugiés Rohingya au Bangladesh Translated title: Acceso a los anticonceptivos femeninos por parte de los refugiados rohingya, Bangladesh Translated title: حصول لاجئي الروهينجا في بنغلاديش على وسائل منع الحمل النسائية Translated title: 孟加拉国罗兴亚难民使用女性避孕药具的情况 Translated title: Доступ беженок рохинджа к женским противозачаточным средствам в Бангладеш


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          To determine the prevalence of the use of contraceptives among female Rohingya refugees in Bangladesh and its associated factors.


          We conducted our cross-sectional survey at the Kutupalong refugee facility located in Cox’s Bazar in November 2019. We used univariable and multivariable logistic regression models to determine the association between the use of contraceptives and our various predictor variables, including women’s age, age at first marriage, education level and employment status. We also considered factors such as whether previous pregnancies were planned or unplanned, and the occurrence of non-consensual sex with husbands.


          We found that 50.91% (251/493) of the survey participants used contraceptives, and that injection (169/251; 67.33%) and oral contraceptives (75/251; 29.88%) were the predominant modes. Of the women who did not use contraceptives, the main reasons were reported as disapproval by husbands (118/242; 48.76%), actively seeking a pregnancy (42/242; 17.36%) and religious beliefs (37/242; 15.29%). An increased likelihood of using contraceptives was found to be positively associated with women’s employment outside their households (odds ratio, OR: 3.11; 95% confidence interval, CI: 1.69–6.11) and the presence of a health-care centre in the camp (OR: 3.92; 95% CI: 2.01–7.67). Women who reported an unplanned pregnancy during the previous 2 years were less likely to use contraceptives (OR: 0.02; 95% CI: 0.01–0.05).


          To increase the acceptance and use of contraceptives, we recommend programmes targeted at women of reproductive age and their husbands, religious and community leaders, and providers of family planning and child and maternal health-care services.



          Déterminer la fréquence d'utilisation de contraceptifs chez les femmes Rohingya réfugiées au Bangladesh, ainsi que les facteurs qui y sont associés.


          Nous avons mené notre enquête transversale au sein du camp de réfugiés de Kutupalong, dans le district de Cox's Bazar, en novembre 2019. Nous avons employé des modèles de régression logistique univariée et multivariée pour identifier le lien entre le recours aux contraceptifs et nos différentes variables prédictives: âge des femmes, âge lors du premier mariage, niveau d'éducation et situation professionnelle. Enfin, nous avons tenu compte de divers facteurs, notamment le fait que les précédentes grossesses aient été planifiées ou pas, et l'existence de rapports sexuels non consentis avec le mari.


          Nous avons constaté que 50,91% (251/493) des participantes à l'enquête prenaient des contraceptifs, et que les contraceptifs injectables (169/251; 67,33%) et oraux (75/251; 29,88%) étaient les plus répandus. Chez les femmes qui ne prenaient aucun contraceptif, les principales raisons invoquées étaient la désapprobation du mari (118/242; 48,76%), la volonté de concevoir un enfant (42/242; 17,36%) et les croyances religieuses (37/242; 15,29%). La probabilité de recourir à des contraceptifs augmentait lorsque les femmes exerçaient un emploi hors de leur foyer (odds ratio, OR: 3,11; intervalle de confiance de 95%, IC: 1,69–6,11) et lorsqu'un centre médical était présent dans le camp (OR: 3,92; IC de 95%: 2,01-7,67). Les femmes ayant signalé une grossesse non planifiée au cours des deux dernières années étaient moins susceptibles d'utiliser des contraceptifs (OR: 0,02; IC de 95%: 0,01-0,05).


          Afin que les contraceptifs soient mieux acceptés et employés, nous recommandons d'opter pour des programmes ciblant les femmes en âge de procréer et leur mari, les autorités religieuses et responsables communautaires, ainsi que les prestataires de services de planification familiale, de santé infantile et de santé maternelle.



          Determinar la prevalencia del uso de anticonceptivos entre las refugiadas rohingya de Bangladesh y sus factores conexos.


          Realizamos nuestra encuesta transversal en el centro de refugiados de Kutupalong en Cox's Bazar en noviembre de 2019. Utilizamos modelos de regresión logística univariables y multivariables para determinar la asociación entre el uso de anticonceptivos y nuestras diversas variables de predicción, incluyendo la edad de las mujeres, la edad del primer matrimonio, el nivel de educación y la situación laboral. También consideramos factores tales como si los embarazos anteriores fueron planificados o no, y la existencia del acto sexual no consensuado entre el matrimonio.


          Comprobamos que el 50,91% (251/493) de los participantes en la encuesta utilizaban anticonceptivos, y que la modalidad predominante era los anticonceptivos inyectados (169/251; 67,33%) y orales (75/251; 29,88%). De las mujeres que no utilizaron anticonceptivos, las principales razones fueron la desaprobación de los maridos (118/242; 48,76%), la búsqueda activa de un embarazo (42/242; 17,36%) y las creencias religiosas (37/242; 15,29%). Descubrimos que la mayor probabilidad de utilizar anticonceptivos estaba positivamente asociada con el empleo de las mujeres fuera de sus hogares (proporción de probabilidades, RM: 3,11; intervalo de confianza del 95%, IC: 1,69-6,11) y con la presencia de un centro de salud en el campamento (RM: 3,92; IC del 95%: 2,01-7,67). Las mujeres que informaron de un embarazo no planificado durante los dos años anteriores tenían menos probabilidades de utilizar anticonceptivos (RM: 0,02; IC del 95%: 0,01-0,05).


          Para aumentar la aceptación y el uso de los anticonceptivos, recomendamos programas dirigidos a las mujeres en edad de procrear y a sus maridos, a los dirigentes religiosos y comunitarios, así como a los proveedores de servicios de planificación familiar y de atención sanitaria maternoinfantil.


          الغرض تحديد مدى انتشار استخدام موانع الحمل بين لاجئات الروهينجا في بنغلاديش، والعوامل المرتبطة بذلك.

          الطريقة أجرينا مسحًا متعدد القطاعات في مرفق كوتوبالونغ للاجئين الواقع في كوكس بازار في نوفمبر/تشرين ثان 2019. استخدمنا نماذج التحوف اللوجيستي أحادية المتغير ومتعددة المتغيرات لتحديد الارتباط بين استخدام موانع الحمل ومتغيراتنا التنبؤية المتنوعة، بما في ذلك عمر المرأة، والعمر عند أول زواج، والمستوى التعليمي، والوضع الوظيفي. كما أخذنا في الاعتبار أيضًا عوامل مثل ما إذا كانت حالات الحمل السابقة مخطط لها أم غير مخطط لها، وممارسة الجنس مع الأزواج من غير موافقة.

          النتائج وجدنا أن 50.91% (251/493) من المشاركين في المسح استخدموا موانع الحمل، وأن الحقن (169/251؛ 67.33%)، ووسائل منع الحمل عن طريق الفم (75/251؛ 29.88%) كانت هي السائدة. وفقًا للنساء اللاتي لم يستخدمن وسائل منع الحمل، كانت الأسباب الرئيسية المبلغ عنها رفض الأزواج (118/242؛ 48.76%)، والسعي بنشاط للحمل (42/242؛ 17.36%)، والمعتقدات الدينية (37/242 ؛ 15.29٪). تم اكتشاف أن الاحتمالية المتزايدة لاستخدام وسائل موانع الحمل مرتبطة بشكل إيجابي بتوظيف النساء خارج أسرهن (نسبة الاحتمالات: 3.11؛ فاصل الثقة 95%: 1.69 إلى 6.11) ووجود مركز للرعاية الصحية في المخيم (نسبة الاحتمالات: 3.92؛ ‏بفاصل ثقة 95%: 2.01–7.67). كانت النساء اللاتي أبلغن عن حمل غير مخطط له خلال العامين الماضيين أقل احتمالية لاستخدام وسائل مانع الحمل (نسبة الاحتمالات: 0.02؛ ‏بفاصل ثقة 95%: 0.01–0.05).

          الاستنتاج لزيادة قبول واستخدام وسائل موانع الحمل، نحن نوصي بالبرامج التي تستهدف النساء في سن الإنجاب وأزواجهن، والزعماء الدينيين والمجتمعيين، ومقدمي خدمات تنظيم الأسرة وخدمات رعاية صحة الطفل والأم.





          2019 年 11 月,我们在考克斯巴扎尔的库图帕朗难民机构开展了横向调查。我们使用单变量和多变量逻辑回归模型,来确定避孕药具的使用与各种预测变量之间的关联,包括妇女的年龄、初婚年龄、受教育程度和就业状况。我们还考虑了一些因素,譬如,之前怀孕是有计划的还是无计划的,以及是否与丈夫发生了非自愿的性行为。


          我们发现,有 50.91% (251/493) 的调查参与者使用了避孕药具,其中避孕针剂 (169/251; 67.33%) 和口服避孕药 (75/251; 29.88%) 是主要避孕方式。据报告,有些妇女没有使用避孕药具的主要原因是丈夫不赞成 (118/242; 48.76%)、积极寻求怀孕 (42/242; 17.36%) 和受宗教信仰影响 (37/242; 15.29%)。我们发现,使用避孕药具的可能性与妇女在家庭之外的就业情况(优势比,OR: 3.11; 95% 置信区间,CI: 1.69–6.11)以及营地是否设有保健中心 (OR: 3.92; 95% CI: 2.01-7.67) 呈正相关。在过去两年中,报告计划外怀孕的妇女使用避孕药具的可能性较小 (OR: 0.02; 95% CI: 0.01–0.05)。





          Определить распространенность применения противозачаточных средств среди беженок рохинджа в Бангладеш и связанные с этим факторы.


          В ноябре 2019 года авторы провели перекрестно-групповое исследование в центре для беженцев Кутупалонг, расположенном в Кокс-Базаре. Авторы использовали однофакторные и многофакторные модели логистической регрессии, чтобы определить связь между применением противозачаточных средств и различными прогностическими переменными, включая возраст женщин, возраст вступления в первый брак, уровень образования и статус занятости. Мы также рассмотрели такие факторы, как запланированные или незапланированные предыдущие беременности, а также наличие секса с мужьями без обоюдного согласия.


          Мы установили, что 50,91% (251/493) участников опроса применяли противозачаточные средства и что преобладающим методом были инъекции (169/251; 67,33%) и оральные контрацептивы (75/251; 29,88%). Среди женщин, которые не пользовались противозачаточными средствами, основными причинами были неодобрение со стороны мужей (118/242; 48,76%), активное стремление забеременеть (42/242; 17,36%) и религиозные убеждения (37/242; 15,29%). Было обнаружено, что повышенная вероятность применения противозачаточных средств положительно связана с занятостью женщин за пределами своей семьи (отношение шансов, ОШ: 3,11; 95%-й ДИ: 1,69–6,11) и наличием медицинского учреждения в лагере (ОШ: 3,92; 95%-й ДИ: 2,01–7,67). Женщины, сообщившие о незапланированной беременности в течение предыдущих 2 лет, реже применяли противозачаточные средства (ОШ: 0,02; 95%-й ДИ: 0,01–0,05).


          С целью повышения уровня принятия и применения противозачаточных средств рекомендуется проведение программ, ориентированных на женщин репродуктивного возраста и их мужей, религиозных и местных общественных деятелей, а также поставщиков услуг по планированию семьи и охране здоровья матери и ребенка.

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          Most cited references16

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          Reproductive health: a right for refugees and internally displaced persons.

          Continued political and civil unrest in low-resource countries underscores the ongoing need for specialised reproductive health services for displaced people. Displaced women particularly face high maternal mortality, unmet need for family planning, complications following unsafe abortion, and gender-based violence, as well as sexually transmitted diseases, including HIV. Relief and development agencies and UN bodies have developed technical materials, made positive policy changes specific to crisis settings and are working to provide better reproductive health care. Substantial gaps remain, however. The collaboration within the field of reproductive health in crises is notable, with many agencies working in one or more networks. The five-year RAISE Initiative brings together major UN and NGO agencies from the fields of relief and development, and builds on their experience to support reproductive health service delivery, advocacy, clinical training and research. The readiness to use common guidance documents, develop priorities jointly and share resources has led to smoother operations and less overlap than if each agency worked independently. Trends in the field, including greater focus on internally displaced persons and those living in non-camp settings, as well as refugees in camps, the protracted nature of emergencies, and an increasing need for empirical evidence, will influence future progress.
            • Record: found
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            Is Open Access

            Reproductive health services for Syrian refugees in Zaatri Camp and Irbid City, Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan: an evaluation of the Minimum Initial Services Package

            Background The Minimum Initial Services Package (MISP) for reproductive health, a standard of care in humanitarian emergencies, is a coordinated set of priority activities developed to prevent excess morbidity and mortality, particularly among women and girls, which should be implemented at the onset of an emergency. The purpose of the evaluation was to determine the status of MISP implementation for Syrian refugees in Jordan as part of a global evaluation of reproductive health in crises. Methods In March 2013, applying a formative evaluation approach 11 key informant interviews, 13 health facility assessments, and focus group discussions (14 groups; 159 participants) were conducted in two Syrian refugee sites in Jordan, Zaatri Camp, and Irbid City, respectively. Information was coded, themes were identified, and relationships between data explored. Results Lead health agencies addressed the MISP by securing funding and supplies and establishing reproductive health focal points, services and coordination mechanisms. However, Irbid City was less likely to be included in coordination activities and health facilities reported challenges in human resource capacity. Access to clinical management of rape survivors was limited, and both women and service provider’s knowledge about availability of these services was low. Activities to reduce the transmission of HIV and to prevent excess maternal and newborn morbidity and mortality were available, although some interventions needed strengthening. Some planning for comprehensive reproductive health services, including health indicator collection, was delayed. Contraceptives were available to meet demand. Syndromic treatment of sexually transmitted infections and antiretrovirals for continuing users were not available. In general refugee women and adolescent girls perceived clinical services negatively and complained about the lack of basic necessities. Conclusions MISP services and key elements to support implementation were largely in place. Pre-existing Jordanian health infrastructure, prior MISP trainings, dedicated leadership and available funding and supplies facilitated MISP implementation. The lack of a national protocol on clinical management of rape survivors hindered provision of these services, while communities’ lack of information about the health benefits of the services as well as perceived cultural repercussions likely contributed to no recent service uptake from survivors. This information can inform MISP programming in this setting.
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              Women's attitude towards wife-beating and its relationship with reproductive healthcare seeking behavior: A countrywide population survey in Bangladesh

              Background Intimate partner violence (IPV) is a global public health problem that has substantial consequences on the physical, mental, sexual and reproductive health of women. This study examined the association between women’s attitudes towards wife-beating and their utilization of reproductive healthcare services. Method Two waves of Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey data were analyzed using multivariate regression. Outcome variables were a set of reproductive healthcare services, namely contraception use, modern contraception use, antenatal visit by skilled health professionals (SHP), delivery in healthcare facilities, delivery by SHP and postnatal check up by SHP. Attitudes towards abuse were assessed by a set of five questions that asked the situation under which ‘hitting or beating’ one’s wife is justifiable. Results Around 32% of the participants reported that hitting or beating wife by husband was justified in certain situations. There is a gradient in the relationship between number of healthcare services accessed and number of situations justified for beating wife. Women who strongly reject the justification of wife beating were more likely than those who reject that weakly to report contraception use, antenatal care by SHP, delivery in healthcare facilities, delivery care by SHP, and postnatal care by SHP. Conclusions Women’s attitudes towards ‘wife beating’ have a significant association with reproductive healthcare seeking behavior. The impact of this malpractice on women’s health and consequences thereafter need to be brought in the forefront of public health campaign.

                Author and article information

                Bull World Health Organ
                Bull World Health Organ
                Bulletin of the World Health Organization
                World Health Organization
                01 March 2021
                07 January 2021
                : 99
                : 3
                : 201-208
                [a ]Department of Population Sciences, Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University, Trishal, Mymensingh-2220, Bangladesh.
                [b ]Department of Public Health, La Trobe University , Melbourne, Australia.
                [c ]Department of Sociology, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
                [d ]Department of Population Science and Human Resource Development, University of Rajshahi, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
                Author notes
                Correspondence to Md Nuruzzaman Khan (email: sumonrupop@ 123456gmail.com ).
                (c) 2021 The authors; licensee World Health Organization.

                This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution IGO License ( http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/igo/legalcode), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. In any reproduction of this article there should not be any suggestion that WHO or this article endorse any specific organization or products. The use of the WHO logo is not permitted. This notice should be preserved along with the article's original URL.

                : 09 June 2020
                : 25 October 2020
                : 18 November 2020


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