Due to the proximity of crop and fish culture areas, some agrichemicals that could
be harmful for fish could enter into fishponds by different ways, such as by leaching
through rain. Rhamdia quelen (Teleostei) were exposed to sublethal concentrations
of methyl parathion (MP), a glyphosate based herbicide (Gly), and tebuconazole (Teb).
The liver of R. quelen exposed to MP and Teb showed enhanced levels of thiobarbituric
acid reactive substances (TBARS), higher than in the control fish (56% and 59%, respectively).
In contrast, Gly did not alter the TBARS generation. The protein carbonyl content
increased only in fish exposed to Teb. Fish exposed to the three agrichemicals showed
a significant decrease of catalase activity (52%, 48%, and 67%, respectively) and
increased glutathione-S-transferase (57%, 46%, and 160%, respectively) activity. Fish
exposed to MP, Gly, and Teb showed higher reduced glutathione (151%, 472%, and 130%,
respectively, when compared with the control levels) and ascorbic acid concentrations
(121%, 102%, and 184%, respectively),while the non-protein thiol content increased
only in R. quelen exposed to tebuconazole. Fish exposed to MP and Teb showed several
pathological changes in the liver, including hepatocyte degeneration and bile stagnation.
The present work reports for the first time the toxicity of the pesticide MP and the
fungicide Teb in R. quelen, and as in other works, suggests the relatively lower liver
toxicity of Gly for fish. The data presented herein demonstrate that sublethal concentrations
of MP and Teb cause changes in oxidative stress parameters as well as hepatic cell
injuries in R. quelen, and that these parameters have the potential to be developed
as bioindicators of exposure to these agrichemicals.