In this report milk-derived exosomes have been investigated for oral delivery of the chemotherapeutic drug paclitaxel (PAC) as an alternative to conventional i.v. therapy for improved efficacy and reduced toxicity. PAC-loaded exosomes (ExoPAC) were found to have a particle size of ~108 nm, a narrow particle size distribution (PDI ~0.190), zeta potential (~ -7 mV) and a practical loading efficiency of ~8%. Exosomes and ExoPAC exhibited excellent stability in the presence of simulated-gastrointestinal fluids, and during the storage at -80 °C. A sustained release of PAC was also observed up to 48 h in vitro using PBS (pH 6.8). Importantly, ExoPAC delivered orally showed significant tumor growth inhibition (60%; P<0.001) against human lung tumor xenografts in nude mice. Treatment with i.p. PAC at the same dose as ExoPAC, however, showed modest but statistically insignificant inhibition (31%). Moreover, ExoPAC demonstrated remarkably lower systemic and immunologic toxicities as compared to i.v. PAC.